HCG DIET : Medical Perspective

I recently saw in the news about people starting the HCG Diet. It is quite funny to me that people start on anything that the media publicizes and are willing to possibly damage their body without knowing the consequences. I am a medical student and I have researched diets to quite an extent.

Possibly the reason that the HCG diet is working is because they have to starve themselves to the point where they are only consuming 500 calories a day. HCG on the other hand has a placebo effect on this whole process. I mean we should all just become pregnant if pregnant women have more muscle and less fat on their body. The negative consequence however will be when they start eating normal again, there will be more than normal gain of weight because their metabolism has slowed down to quite an extent.

The reason women have more body fat percentage is because they can use for pregnancy. How is it possible that they will all of a sudden burn all the fat off and build muscle when they are pregnant? Men take HCG for medical fertility purposes.

People should try to lose weight the normal and natural way. It takes a while and requires a lot of commitment but it is possible and the results are more permanent.


  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    I hear you loud and clear. I have a family member doing the HCG diet and I am really worried about her. I'm so glad to see her lose the weight, but I know her. Just as soon as she's done, she has terrible eating habits that I just feel she hasn't learn to let go of for the long haul.
  • kendallan
    kendallan Posts: 79 Member
    i think it is funny that the 'medical world' that your apart in have very little study in nutrition. and instead of helping people and looking at the food they eat you just give a pill to cure every ill. how is that possible? just like the medical world says to eat meat even though it is a well known fact that meat eaters have more chronic diseases. the hcg is extreme but its a stepping stone to resetting your thryoaid and metabloism. dieting is a way of life not just for a few months. WE ARE WHAT WE EAT. Why doesn't the medical field address this? Why doesn't medical field believe that by certain foods the body can heal itself? the medical world is hand in hand with the govt and fda if they cared about us at all why are they making the toxin filled food and giving it to groceries all around the world? but they want us to stay away from hcg diet but its ok tobe on the atkins diet. i am not SORRY but its not any healthier eating on the atkins diet vs the hcg diet. its the person and what they do within their lifestyle.

    i am on the hcg diet and i am not starving at all. i do agree with you that hcg does have a placebo effect in a sense but also does provide some results. for the hcg diet we are on the hcg for 26 days then for 6 weeks we are on the maintaince phase so that we reset bodies. the diet does NOT make you gain weight after its completed...its the foods you eat after the diet. women also have more weight because of estrogen dominenace.
  • DPruneda17
    DPruneda17 Posts: 124 Member
    The HCG diet is really big here in my area. 2 years ago I was on the Nutrisystem diet, and my friend was on HCG. I lost 37lbs. She also lost a LOT of weight. Here we are 2 years later. I've gain maybe 10lbs back. She's gained ALOT more. I was a little jealous of her at the time, cause the weight was just falling off her so quickly, and she was looking so good. But I just couldn't wrap my head around how unhealthy her diet sounded. So I stuck with mine. And I'm glad I did!! Because she is not happy that almost all her weight is back. Slow and Steady...!
  • kendallan
    kendallan Posts: 79 Member
    yes i agree w you coco puff . if she thinks she can lose the weight then go back to eating pizza and chicken wings like its no one business then the diet is not for her. i think you have to have a sense that you diet is a lifetime goal and not just to get to our desire weight then forget about it.
  • lawdhelpme2
    lawdhelpme2 Posts: 149
    My friend started this diet and she was supposed to lose anywhere from 40-60 pounds in 40 days. She only less than 30 so she is on it for 6 more weeks. We went to IHOP one day and she sat and ate and ate, she was so full and got sick after eating all that food. I kept telling her to slow down. I divided my food in half and just ate the half, she binges so I believe you when you say they will gain it all back.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Ive know 7 people in real life who have done this,every single one of them has kept the weight of to this day years later.I have known many many people who have lost weight counting calories some have kept it off some gained it all back.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Some here are really fanatics about that diet. They say that we do not know what we are talking about when we say it is not healthy. Be ready to for the attacked on this tread.

    what I want to do is see those on the HCG diet in 2 years. I will still be slim and they will be fatter.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    My friend started this diet and she was supposed to lose anywhere from 40-60 pounds in 40 days. She only less than 30 so she is on it for 6 more weeks. We went to IHOP one day and she sat and ate and ate, she was so full and got sick after eating all that food. I kept telling her to slow down. I divided my food in half and just ate the half, she binges so I believe you when you say they will gain it all back.

    Then she would gain it all back if all she did was use mfp to count calories,she would have to adress her issues with binging before anything would work for her.
  • DPruneda17
    DPruneda17 Posts: 124 Member
    yes i agree w you coco puff . if she thinks she can lose the weight then go back to eating pizza and chicken wings like its no one business then the diet is not for her. i think you have to have a sense that you diet is a lifetime goal and not just to get to our desire weight then forget about it.

    Yea, that is probably the problem. They don't learn to eat healthy and then go back to eating what got them overweight in the first place. I do know a lady who was / is on the HCG and she was very big. She has lost SO much weight and looks fantastic. And she still looks great today, so I think it can work for some people...
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I dont use hcg ive never even thought of using it,but the people that do it is there choice,and I dont think anything you say is really going to change their minds.
  • pfitness0103
    pfitness0103 Posts: 4 Member
    If your body is in a state of malnutrition I do not understand how it is possible to be healthy. A starvation diet cannot possibly help anyone. We should all instead work towards a greater goal of eating fresh vegetable and fruits, incorporate nuts, eat healthier lean meat. Not only that regular consistent exercise is equally important. We should not call it a diet but a way of living. Health comes before looking good for a temporary basis.
    The medical field is not here to harm anyone. Physicians on a regular basis consult patients to start a healthier lifestyle and incorporate exercise. It is equally frustrating for us when we see the non-compliance of patients.
    We all have to work towards fighting obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular problems and certainly crash diets are not the way to go.