People who lose 5+ pounds a week

Pandabug93 Posts: 130 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
How do you do this without being unhealthy? I'm just wondering, because eating my calories and working out, the most I've ever lost in a week was three pounds.


  • randi50
    randi50 Posts: 112
    I have been losing about that much lately, but I am pretty heavy. I have changed my diet a lot. I my net cals close to 1200 and I work out everyday. I am sure it will level out here soon though, just a drastic change on my body. I can't imagine losing this much over a long period of time, but it would be nice! lol I stay within what I am suppose to eat etc so I am eating healthy.
  • To me 3 pounds is good your taking it off slow. Your sure not to put it back on. Thats about what I lose in a given week as well. I make sure I eat healthy food and exercise. Keep up the good work
  • i think it depends alot on ur size. larger people loose more and quicker than people smaller than them. im large and lost 8lb last week not sure on ur size but it could play a part in it. i just make sure i eat my callorie allouance and then exersize as much as i can. most people exersize and then make up the callories they burn..seems pointless lol just try and burn as many as u can. just remember 3,500 callories lost is 1lb!!
  • mursey
    mursey Posts: 191 Member
    You have to keep in mind that comparing pounds to pounds for different people doesn't make sense. It should be thought about as what percentage of your body weight are you losing.

    Also, the closer you are to your ideal weight, the more stubborn those last few pounds will be to lose. Keep that in mind as well and don't get discouraged. I am only losing zero to one pound a week, but I was already casually watching what I ate and exercising, so I'm not going to set an unrealistic goal for myself like 5 pounds a week. . honestly I didn't think I could even lose 1 a week.

    3 pounds a week sounds like success to me. I would be proud of yourself.
  • I just started fitness pal and absolutely love it. However I seem to loose motivation quite often, I dont cheat I just loose the urge to go and work out and will just sit at home instead. I would love to know what keeps all of you motivated everyday!!
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    I agree with you mursey.

    Keep in mind that the more someone has to loose, when they begin to exercise and eat healthy it's possible to loose that much. If you're solely focused on cardio and don't incorporate weight training, I can see that as possible.
  • lucy1508
    lucy1508 Posts: 10
    how do i do it? Iv cut out all junk and im breastfeeding my 8 months old (so not an option for most people haha) Other than that nothing! (Iv lost 11lbs in 16 days.)

    Seriously though as everyone else has said, If one is bigger and has more weight to loose, one is going to loose more in the beginning weeks.

    Id be looking to loose approx 3lbs a week, it isnt a race, Its about eating healthy and LIVING healthy :)
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