What rewards did you give yourself?

I think I am going to break my total that I need to lose into 7lb (ish - the first one will 'only' be 6 lbs), so I will have 5 to get through :noway:

I NEED to have something to focus on when I get down about how much I have to lose/ when I want to eat something I know full well I shouldn't!!


  • annastasia76
    annastasia76 Posts: 123 Member
    well when it comes to rewarding myself with eating a treat, after every 15-20lbs lost I like to go to hagendaus (I know it's not spelled right) and get myself one of their huge supreme butterscotch sundays, they are well over my day's allowance of calories but ever once in a long while it's ok.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    At 20lbs lost I bought myself a new Wii Game. I <3 Wii. Chicken Riot. LOL! :laugh:

    When I reach my goal of 32 lbs lost my Husband is going to buy me a whole new wardrobe. My "special" item I am really looking forward to is a Bikini! I haven't been able to wear one in 7 years, but I will this summer!!! :)) :happy:

    I don't reward with food, because I find that to be counter-productive. But that's just me.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    My reward is new training kit in a smaller size!! Yay!! :drinker:
  • Kelly2251
    Kelly2251 Posts: 14
    You're really not supposed to reward yourself with food, but I am... if I work out everyday this week (on top of being good all month) I am going to eat at Maria's my favorite place :D
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    I dont reward myself with food, I see eating poorly as a set back ( although i do it more often than i should ) my reward is usually a new shirt or purse or jewelry, maybe dyeing my hair... just something to make myself feel good about losing weight and looking great :D
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    I dont do that, I break goals into weekly goals... but I have a secret middle goal that is true.
    Every time I buy something in smaller size or I feel good when going to a party, its sort of a reward:)
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308
    First 10 - pedicure
    second 10 - boots
    third 10 - will be a winter coat on clearance
    fourth 10 - not sure yet
    last 4 - A trip to visit my sister (I can drive there and stay with her - so cost is minimal)
    For the rewards above, I had a spa gift card from someone, and then I am using my credit card rewards so I am not forking out a lot of money. It is fun to get a reward.
  • PrincessLacey
    smaller pants i can not remember the last time i was a 16! :D
    my friends are jealous ^_^
    that's always fun! xD
  • perfectcyn
    I made a list on amazon.com of things that I want. Theres all kinds of different things on my list from books, fitness magazines, new bikini, make up, shoes... Anything that will help make me feel good about myself and my progress. Whatever it is that I want, I put it on my list! Then when i reach whatever goal it is I'm trying to get to, my hubby and I go over my list and pick a prize! small goals get a small prize, big mile stones get bigger (more expensive) prizes! My big prize is $$$$ from the hubby to go shopping!!

    I was rewarding myself with food and was getting NO where with my results.... (same thing, if i work out X amount of times I can eat Y.) Not good!! It's ok every now and then to give yourself a little something that you wouldnt normally eat otherwise it could drive you nutz and discourage you from trying to eat healthy! But I had to stop making food as my prize because I was rewarding myself far too often! LoL =)
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    I definitely feel its too early to reward myself with food, I've only just started changing my eating habits and if I eat somehting 'naughty' I think it would be way too easy to just revert. I'm sure later you can do it when you have a more established pattern of eating well.

    I'm liking the Amazon idea, maybe a DVD box set for the first 6 lbs or something?

    Sadly I have a very small baby and am breastfeeding so anything like manicures etc is out as I have to look after her myself (she has no routine yet - she's only 4 weeks - so can demand a feed at any time!!)

    ETA - perfectcyn - your back body shots show an absolutely amazing difference - well done!!!:bigsmile:
  • perfectcyn
    Thanx!! =]
  • laurakrowe
    as much as i'd want to do new haircut/manicure - i can't for the same reason: i have 3 small kids and there is no way i'd ever get out on my own long enough to enjoy something like that!
    so ... i made a wishlist on amazon.com and for every 10lbs lost i have been buying a new cookbook (my passion is cooking) so it's been great to add to my collection! my latest one was "Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World" - and last night i made my first batch of cupcakes: they were 159 calories and 2 grams of fat each! woo hoo!