what's your excuse?

I recently switched to morning workouts and as much as I hate getting up in the morning I find I have less time to argue with myself and make up excuses for why I can't go to the gym than I do when I went in the evening and had all day to come up with arguments. There are two main things that get me up and moving...

1. I would never be late or skip work just because I wanted to sleep in. Why should my workout be any different? They payoff is even more important than my paycheck.

2. No Regrets.....I have never gone to the gym and said "I wish I hadn't done that" but I have NOT gone and said, "I wish I had".

What gets you moving???


  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I had to engrain it in my mind: On Tues, Weds, and Saturday mornings, I run and that's that. It's a simple truth about my life. If I don't run then I'm not who I am.

    Edit: and I don't care how late to work I am, the run has to happen, AND so does breakfast. :smile:
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    The fear that im doing all the stuff I need to do in dieting, and im worried if I dont work out im going to be all flabby still because I have no tone, and all that work I did with watching my diet was for nothing. I also know that I can eat healthy and all, but I wont lose the weight I want and look the way I want without getting my butt into gear and working out, or doing SOME sort of exercise. Once the summer comes it will be much easier for me!!!!
  • ChelDM
    ChelDM Posts: 145
    My motivation...I made a New Years resolution to put my health first...I mean literally put my health before everything else and just see what happened...So every time I think I will have some excuse for not working out..I ask myself if my health came first in the decision...So far putting my health before everything else..has been one of the best decisions I have made.
  • katacha999
    I like working out in the AM too, however I am very fortunate to work from home, so I roll out of bed check emails and then workout. My motivator? I cannot workout with a full stomach - I need at least 4hrs to digest before I work out or else I feel nauseous - so I'm quite eager for breaky! Just get er done!

    Oh and I also really enjoy my workout - that definitely helps. I do TurboFire. There's a couple workouts I like more than others - when it's a workout that I'm not uber stoked for; like yoga - blach, I really focus on the "meh it's only x mins - just do it as I know it gives me results!
  • Lexie71
    Lexie71 Posts: 144 Member
    Good for you!! Unhealthy habits to healthy ones! It has taken quite a bit of time for me but it has become more "habit" and I feel "off" when I don't go now.
  • phitme
    phitme Posts: 124
    When I had to switch to afternoon workouts because of my work schedule, I had to change my mindset. Now I really enjoy the time. I go at about 4:30 each day. We have a fantastic gym in our building.

    1. I have to pass the thing to leave, might as well go in.
    2. The mornings are nuts in there, way to many people. It is quiet when I go, many times the gym is all mine.
    3. I use my sessions as a way to "work off my day". Whether its lifting heavy or running hard, it releases the stress.
  • adriperez
    adriperez Posts: 20
    Same here! Good for you. I also wake up at 5am, tues, thur, fri. I find it easier to get it out of the way. And its also easier for me to work out with an empty stomach. If I try to fit in a workout after dinner, I feel weighed down.
    Keep up the good work!
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    Yeah...all that sounds great but I am by no means a morning person and even if I tried to get myself up I still wouldn't. I can barely make it to work on time in the mornings! So I get it in at lunch with my coworkers :tongue:
  • Lexie71
    Lexie71 Posts: 144 Member
    When I had to switch to afternoon workouts because of my work schedule, I had to change my mindset. Now I really enjoy the time. I go at about 4:30 each day. We have a fantastic gym in our building.

    1. I have to pass the thing to leave, might as well go in.
    2. The mornings are nuts in there, way to many people. It is quiet when I go, many times the gym is all mine.
    3. I use my sessions as a way to "work off my day". Whether its lifting heavy or running hard, it releases the stress.

    That is what i like about switching to mornings...I usually have the pool to myself!! ME time!
  • Lexie71
    Lexie71 Posts: 144 Member
    LOL I am soooo not a morning person and never thought I'd switch. In general I don't think one time is better than another as far as health goes....I'm just glad I was able to give morning a chance because I NEVER thought I'd prefer it!
  • LazyMogg
    LazyMogg Posts: 162
    I'd love to be able to run (and used to do it years ago) but have bad knees that quickly pain me if I try and the weight doesn't help either. But the freedom of the open road always looks so tempting.

    So I walk instead and hope that one day I will be able to run again. I get out for a brisk 20 min walk at lunchtime and much longer if I'm not working. I love being out in the fresh air - it makes me feel so good.
  • BrandNewMia
    BrandNewMia Posts: 461
    What gets me moving is the hard work and dedication I have already put in - I am NOT about to back track and waste all of that time and hardwork! Time away from my family, time spent sweating, time spent encouraging my friends (not to mention the time THEY took to lift me up), time spent plannng my meals, time spent working up my endurance... I wasted YEARS already on an unhealthy lifestyle, I can't get those back, but I can make up for it with a fabulous future :bigsmile:
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I had to engrain it in my mind: On Tues, Weds, and Saturday mornings, I run and that's that. It's a simple truth about my life. If I don't run then I'm not who I am.

    Edit: and I don't care how late to work I am, the run has to happen, AND so does breakfast. :smile:

    mmmm breakfast. Cannot live without it!!
  • sophiajackson99
    I read recently that a good way to ensure exercise at a particular time each day is to have an "If-Then" mantra. It goes like this: "If it's 6:30am on a Monday, then I'm on the elliptical." That's what I've been doing and it works surprisingly well. Dunno why. Takes the emotion out of it I guess. As someone in this thread said earlier, it's just who I am.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    I go to the gym everyday for my lunch hour. I'm very much not a morning person and it's all I can do to get to work by 8:30 each day. But I find if I try to work out after work there's always some excuse or something I'd rather do. But at lunch time it's a very nice break to have some "me time". Also, the gym is moderately busy at lunch, but never crowded. And the people there in the middle of the day are an interesting mix who all seem focused on doing their own thing and getting fit. When I tried going after work it was a completely different atmosphere that I don't like nearly as much, as well as being more crowded.
  • ScatteredWriter
    My BF knew I was having trouble getting moving, so he bought us both 6 month memberships at a really nice gym. I really like going - it's a great place to be - plus I feel really guilty if I don't use the gift!! We go together, so that helps too.