Felling like i'm totally losing my motivation, help =(

Hi everyone, i started this weightloss with my friends on January 11th and have lost only 11 pounds. I started out working really hard and now i feel like im totally not even with it anymore. Its really hard for me because i dont like fruit OR veggies .. So i don't have much of a selection when it comes to a quick snack. I go to the gym ALMOST 3 days a week, and i try and work really hard. But i don't feel very motivated anymore. Anyone else know what to do ?


  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    11 lbs is not bad but you will have to change your eating habits over time to make sure you lose more weight and that it stays off

    I'm sure you could find more veggies and fruits that you do like

    Also, "almost 3 days" at the gym is not that much if you are trying to move past a plateau - I would bump it up to 5-6 days of working out, where you may take 1-2 or days easier at let's say 30 min workouts. Don't forget strength training!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I have found the best motivator is looking at a before pic from when you started along with before measurements to current ones. You say you do not like fruit or veggies but to me it sounds more like a mental block to healhier foods, with that said though there are still better choices like whole grain breads, turkey, lean ground beef, chicken etc. I do not think it is possible to hate all veggies and fruits, its more you taking the time to try them to decide which you do and do not like for real. Nourishing the body with good food is 80% of the fat loss equation.
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    My best motivator is remebering why I started in the first place. Then I remeber that I don't have a choice, I have to lose weight if I want to live to see my grandchildren!!
  • benicia_25
    benicia_25 Posts: 1 Member
    Maybe try fresh smoothies or veggie packets that you can add to a smoothie.
  • denitraross
    denitraross Posts: 325 Member
    omg - 11 lbs is fantastic...on only 3 days a week working out...i work out 6 (sometimes 7) days a week...an hour and half each day...and if I calculate correctly - it took me since the middle of Dec to lose that.....

    try switching your workouts up - take some classes - I luv them they always get me motivated...get my butt there and I get fantastic workout in 60 mins

    As for fruits and veggies..i was lucky if I got one serving a day before (does french fries count as a veggie??)....but after a few weeks of seeing how little food I got out of my 1200 calories eating bad....didn't take long for me to figure out I could eat one bagel with cream cheese....or 5 bananas!!!!...slowly start introduing one fruit and one veggie a day - you get way more bang for your buck....and the best thing is no sodium!!! I have discovered too much sodium is what slowed down my weight loss...besides calories and excercise...it is the most important number to watch in my opinion :)
  • mamichulany
    Dont give up on yourself! You can do it. Its a journey. You have to look at it as long term, a lifestyle. It didn't take you overnight to feel this way. Theres no way it will take you a few weeks to reach your goals but its not impossible. Be realistic and give yourself time. I have felt like this before. I dont know about you but I gave in many times to food. Eating whatever I wanted and when I wanted only to feel worse. Take care of yourself, you look young so enjoy your youth and read. Theres good suggestions on here from others too.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    None of us are professionals so I will offer you my opinion that I found worked with me. I do agree with the others, 3 days a week really isn't that much. I get better results walking "fast" for 30 minutes 5-6 days a week. Right now I mall walk because the weather sucks, but I hope to get outdoors soon. Make sure you are eating at least 1200 calories a day, any less and your metabolism shuts down and no amount of exercise or cutting out any further calories will help you lose. Don't eat any later than 8 pm. According to a report I read you have more success if you exercise first thing in the morning so your body uses your stored fat for energy and not food you already ate that day. Also you should eat/drink fruit and protein within 15 min of exercising. I eat an orange and 1/4 cup raw almonds. I never liked oranges, but it seems my tastes have changed since I started eating differently. Also, your body needs fat for memory, energy, mood, etc.. so don't cut it all out or you will lapse in your goals. Good Luck!
  • jen051279
    jen051279 Posts: 44
    I find that snacking on things like beef jerky (I know it has sodium) and trail mix are good for me. I don't always have the option to have fruit with me so I use this as snacks. They give a lot of protein that keeps me full.
  • LazyMogg
    LazyMogg Posts: 162
    Hi everyone, i started this weightloss with my friends on January 11th and have lost only 11 pounds. I started out working really hard and now i feel like im totally not even with it anymore. Its really hard for me because i dont like fruit OR veggies .. So i don't have much of a selection when it comes to a quick snack. I go to the gym ALMOST 3 days a week, and i try and work really hard. But i don't feel very motivated anymore. Anyone else know what to do ?

    For starters, I would turn "lost only 11 pounds" into " wow, I lost 11 pounds and that's nearly a stone." That's a great achievement!

    As for the exercise maybe you need to vary things a bit to keep the interest alive. Are you actually doing something you enjoy? If not, may you should check out other activities that might suit you more.

    Regarding the fruit and veg: well, it's surely time to get a bit firmer with yourself? Fruit and veg are essential for good health and to help you learn healthier eating habits for life. But you don't have to suddenly change. You could challenge yourself to try one new fruit and one new vegetable either daily or weekly. Cook them in different ways if that helps and you will soon see how enjoyable they are. I must admit there's few fruit or veg I won't eat. I love the colours and flavours they bring to my diet. Check out the recipes on here for some inspiration on how to incorporate these essential foods into your plan.

    Good luck and well done for the great start - can't wait until I've lost 11 pounds. :smile:
  • heathernolan
    Thank you all so much, and i would go to the gym 5+ days a week but my mom has the membership and im her "guest", so i can only go when she goes. Whenever i eat fruit, it just completely disgust's me .. Idk why :/ i mean i'll try to eat it more but im going to hate it. Thanks again all :)
  • CWRose
    CWRose Posts: 62
    Don't focus to much on the scale it can be very depressing, take measurements of yourself every month or so and go by that. Your body has to build the muscle and give you the needed strength. Therefore you have to gain a little in the beginning but at the same time you are still burning fat. So it's all good, and 11lbs is great! Don't give up your just getting started. Every journey has some rough patches, you CAN do this. As far as fruits and veggies, the only thing I can is adding cottage cheese with fruit or low fat sour cream for veggies maybe could help them go down. Keep your head up!!!