Meal replacement bars/shakes???help

ashleyk_xox Posts: 158 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I am looking for a good meal replacement for work since I work at a restaurant and everything there is FRIED! If anyone knows of anything that is not high in sugar and calories that I can replace a meal with please suggest! I do not want to drink my whey protein because I have it after my workout and don't want to over do it on the whey. thanks!


  • cfolkens
    cfolkens Posts: 27 Member
    I have some info for you, please just message me and I can help you out.
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 686 Member
    I used to swear by the slimfast MRBs but since I'm watching my sugars, I've switched to the South Beach ones (cuts the sugars from like 15 to 5 depending on which ones you get). I haven't had them for a while but I know Luna is geared more towards women and tasted pretty good as well.
  • mamaj2
    mamaj2 Posts: 5 Member
    Take a look at the Premier Protein bars at Costco...we use them on occasion when we are on the run.
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    I happen to love these: ... the Caramel Nut Crunch is awesome! But they truly are MEAL REPLACEMENT bars... the larger bars are 400 calories, but have 30g of protein. They have a smaller bar too. (this will take you right to the bar and you can view the nutrition label).
  • Shellndub
    Shellndub Posts: 72
    I used to use Medifast. Was very successful. Until I found I was allergic. It works great though.
    Now I've been using Pure Protein pre made shakes about 130 cal.
    Or, EAS 100% whey protein vanilla shakes about the same cal.
    Both taste really good and filing.
    I've been eating Think Thin bites. 100 cal bars too
    Good luck hope that helps
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I like think thin bars, and met rx.. just not the mud pie fusion. that one's a fail.
  • ashleyk_xox
    ashleyk_xox Posts: 158 Member
    What about the ones you can get at walmart or rite aid? I am from a SMALL town and I need something fast that I dont have to wait to come in the mail. Thanks/
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    I love using Herbalife shakes and protein bars.....
  • cfolkens
    cfolkens Posts: 27 Member
    I use Isagenix
  • jasonroeser
    jasonroeser Posts: 15 Member
    I buy the Pure Protein chocolate peanut butter bars at Target 200 calories 20g protein, only 2gs sugar, and 100% awesome. They have other flavors too
  • Shawna1080
    Shawna1080 Posts: 18 Member
    I also live in a small town and the only major place to shop is Walmart. I have been buying the special K protein meal replacement bars. They taste good and I generally add an 8 oz glass of fat free milk with it. I stay full until lunch typically when they are taken together. Hope that is helpful. Good Luck with your Journey!!
  • mamma321
    mamma321 Posts: 25 Member
    I just started with Herbalife....and the Vanilla shakes are great and very versitile! you add anything to them! good luck hope that helps!!!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Whey is fine to do multiple times a day if you're really looking to add protein to your diet. Shakes are so much better than bars due to adding protein, with no extra fat or carbs. Bars typically have sugar, and as many carbs as they have protein, thus it won't help your macro's. If you're just looking for snacks to keep your metabolism burning - fruit or veggies are easy to throw in a bag or cooler.

    When I was going low fat - fat free yogurt was a nice easy, quick snack as well.

  • lowpost42
    lowpost42 Posts: 49
    I'm another IsaGenix user. It ships fast (3 days to most places).
  • bizybee316
    bizybee316 Posts: 7 Member
    I also buy the Special K meal replacement bars. They are reallllllly good and only 90 calories. They usually fill me up for 2 1/2-3 hours.
  • wanda1956
    wanda1956 Posts: 110
    The Adkins bars are very low in sugar...they are the ones I use because I am diabetic.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Whey is fine to do multiple times a day if you're really looking to add protein to your diet. Shakes are so much better than bars due to adding protein, with no extra fat or carbs. Bars typically have sugar, and as many carbs as they have protein, thus it won't help your macro's.

    Unless you need the fat and carbs, if it's meal replacement, you probably want it. I end up with too much left and need the extra carbs and fat :)
  • picturesing
    picturesing Posts: 228
    The Adkins bars are very low in sugar...they are the ones I use because I am diabetic.

    I agree!! The Adkins products are great for high protein and LOW sugar - us diabetics are very concerned about sugars. I use the Adkins pre-made shakes - Strawberry is my fav! Carry one with me all the time as I have episodes of hypoglycemia and can ward it off if I can slam this quick-easy drink. :drinker:
  • Able0104
    Able0104 Posts: 23 Member
    Why not make something? If i know i have to be out and about I make a sandwich. like with chicken or ham or whatever and thin bread and lots of veggies. and ill either pack some carrots or fruit. its better than having slim fast or whatever.
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