Good morning,

I know this is a sensitive subject for alot of people, but I am wondering how many times is considered normal, for having a bowel movement? I have heard different for different people, some once a day, some 3 times a week. I used to think once a day was pretty good, but now I'm hearing that if you don't go twice a day, then toxins are collecting in your colon and you may require a cleanse...............


  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    It's kind of person specific.. Some people just have bad constipation, some go forever, but if you are getting all your fiber, and your water, and you're going, I'd say you're safe.
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    You should be going three times a day at least! Think of it like this: What goes in, must come out! Three times a week is NOT good. Usually a high protein low carb diet leads to constipation; you just don't get enough fiber in that kind of diet. I used to be pretty shy about this topic, but learned as I have gotten older that it's a normal thing and can be a serious problem if cronic constipation occurs.
  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    OMG no I work for a GI Dr. Everyone is diferent , some people 3 times a day, some every 3 days. As long as you go at least every 3-4 days you are fine. There is a saying you either poop or die, and its true.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    twice a day??? your joking aren't you?

    It's all down to the person. Everyone has a different pattern to how often they go. Some people go twice a week, some go daily. It really is down to the individual. Only be concerned if you have trouble going, or it's uncomfortable, or you get ill with it such as tummy ache etc.
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    If you are not having pain, bloating ,etc. Stop worring about it! Take your fiber, drink your water and let nature take its course.
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    Must agree with Jen... It's a person to person situation. Fiber will help increase the times you go, but if you have any underlying medical conditions it could cause changes also. If your not going then you definetly need to increase your fiber intake...Good Luck..
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    You should be going three times a day at least! Think of it like this: What goes in, must come out! Three times a week is NOT good. Usually a high protein low carb diet leads to constipation; you just don't get enough fiber in that kind of diet. I used to be pretty shy about this topic, but learned as I have gotten older that it's a normal thing and can be a serious problem if cronic constipation occurs.

    The is nonsense.
  • Leekc926
    Leekc926 Posts: 9
    I've had weightloss surgery, which for this post means little intake means little "output". That being said, when I talked to my Dr about the change in schedule, he flat out said, as long as I have at least 1 BM every 3 days that there was no cause for concern. If I went beyond that, to contact them and they'd tell me what to do. That was a year ago and I've never gone more than 3 days but I've certainly put it right up to the limit and I've never had any issues.
  • MissMe2morrow
    I spoke with a registered dietitian who said that once a day is fine, less is not.

    TMI after this point--read at your own risk: :huh:

    My body is strange and I have a whole morning routine built around going-- when I wake up, I drink a HUGE glass of water, make coffee and do my lunch prep. Then I have to sit still with NO stress for at least a half hour before I feel the urge to go. If I have too much stress around me, if I've traveled and am not in my normal routine, don't have enough time to sit, etc, I've lost my chance for the day. I've talked with others and found that I'm not all that strange after all-- I know several people who have noticed patterns around when/how they get the urge to go.

    If you're eating enough fiber but not going daily, try drinking more water, especially in the morning. HTH!
  • meshellmybell76
    meshellmybell76 Posts: 139 Member
    twice a day is ideal. Try adding psyllium husks (metamucil) to your diet. I personally find the powder form that mixes to a thick drink realllllly hard to choke down. But they make capsules!!! Take these with plenty of water and you will be pooping like a champ. It is not a laxative, just insoluble fiber so it is perfectly healthy. Many doctors even recommend it as a way to help lower cholesterol since it helps absorb it in the intestines before it is absorbed. Once you start taking it you will never want to stop because you will feel so cleaned out.
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    More than once a day sounds like way too much. If I go once a day, that is about right for my body. My husband goes like clockwork every morning after his coffee. I'm not that regular, but if I don't go by the second day, I will up my fiber with nuts, oatmeal or raw veggies.
  • bullmastifflover
    bullmastifflover Posts: 128 Member
    When I ate unhealthy and didn't drink enough water, only once a that I'm drinking at least 8 cups of water/day and eating better I'm going 2-3 times/day.
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Ok - I'll admit it - I'm a poo expert. I've been suffering from various gastro problems for the last 3 years and one thing I know about it poo.

    1 poo a day is normal/average. If you are going more than 3 times a day there is probably something up! Also, if you are only going once or twice a week, there is probably something up.

    Consistency is important. You shouldn't ever have to rush to the loo for a #2, but also, you shouldn't have to sit there for 10 mins pushing.

    If you feel like you have been pooing too frequently, or not enough for more than a few weeks, go see your doc.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I go normally a minimum of twice a day. I go within 30 minutes of drinking Shakeology (because it is filled with fiber and digestive enzymes in addition to all the other goodies) and normally at least one more time during the day.

    When I don't go at least once a day, and sorry if it's TMI, but my lower abs are not only bloated but feel "tight" or "hard" and I get, um, gassy. It's another reason why I love my Shakeology because I haven't been, well, constipated since I started drinking it daily.
  • EbonyGemstoneHealth
    EbonyGemstoneHealth Posts: 249 Member
    4-5 times a day. >_>
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    You should be going three times a day at least! Think of it like this: What goes in, must come out! Three times a week is NOT good. Usually a high protein low carb diet leads to constipation; you just don't get enough fiber in that kind of diet. I used to be pretty shy about this topic, but learned as I have gotten older that it's a normal thing and can be a serious problem if cronic constipation occurs.

    Three times a day is not good!!!! Especially for everyone. It takes about 24hours for what you eat to come back out for the higher bulk things and less for the less bulky things. When everything gets broken down you absorb lots and then you excrete the waist. You will pee some of it and poop some of it. Everybody's body is different and goes through this process just a little differently. Ask any Dr. and they will tell you anywhere from twice a day to once every two to three days is normal. It is just that the ones that are going less often tend to have a little bit bigger job to do. As long as your schedule is normal for you then you should be good.
  • Amarylis13
    Amarylis13 Posts: 41 Member
    Good morning,

    I know this is a sensitive subject for alot of people, but I am wondering how many times is considered normal, for having a bowel movement? I have heard different for different people, some once a day, some 3 times a week. I used to think once a day was pretty good, but now I'm hearing that if you don't go twice a day, then toxins are collecting in your colon and you may require a cleanse...............

    Being told that if you don't go twice (or three times) a day 'or you may require a cleanse' is just a way to sell a colon cleanse product. As most everyone said, it varies from person to person, and as long as you go and it's not uncomfortable, you're ok.
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    I have issues in this department and lord knows I eat enough fiber and drink enough water.
    Spoke to my Dr. and he didn't seem worried. Funny thing that the BM's have definitely gotten less with this 'lifestyle change'.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    If you are not having pain, bloating ,etc. Stop worring about it! Take your fiber, drink your water and let nature take its course.

    Ah white jacket in the profile pic.... medical expertise perhaps?

    I agree with the above, no pain and eating 25-40g fiber a day, you're good.