Greetings from a Noob

Hey guys. I just joined today.

Age: 18
CW: 205
GW: 120
Medical issues: Hypothyroidism

Just wondering if there are others on this site suffering from the same disease as me; it's gonna make losing weight brutal. Do you guys think losing 85 pounds is unrealistic?



  • SNSabatel87
    nothing is ever unrealistic unless you choose it to be. it will take a lot of determination and hard work but week by week you will slowly see changes. you just have to keep up with it, some weeks are better then others but YOU CAN DO IT! :)
  • ccadartist
    ccadartist Posts: 35 Member
    Nothing is impossible. I have severe Asthma. It's a huge hindrance in my workouts a lot of the time. But, I workout harder on good days and pay close attention to my body and what it's telling me. Don't push yourself to a point of danger, but learn some of the body's limitations and you will do fine. You can definitely do it. :happy: