Gaining weight...not sure why?

jc2488 Posts: 12
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
In the past 2 weeks i have gained 2.5 pounds. I know it doesnt sound like alot but i have been steady at 120 for months now. I dont know what im doing wrong, my eating habits haven't really changed. Could it be possible that im exercising too much? I do an insanity video in the morning and 3-4 times during the week i will go to the gym on my lunch which usually consists of running and doing some of the weight machines. I would appreciate any thoughts/feedback on my situation.


  • randi50
    randi50 Posts: 112
    Do you eat your net cals back up to 1200? That could be a reason if you don't.
  • randi50
    randi50 Posts: 112
    Or sodium? Not sure about gain...may be some water weight and a plateau???
  • Its probably muscle...As we know, muscle weighs more than fat... Doesn't the insanity build muscle??:wink:
  • afteil
    afteil Posts: 162 Member
    Remember that muscle weighs more than fat- working out that much you have probably just gained some muscle mass :) not a bad thing- have you been noticing any different muscle tone then you had before?
  • OUKoala23
    OUKoala23 Posts: 17
    I know it's possible it could be water weight gain. A lot of things can factor into that such as too much sodium intake, that time of the month .. etc. I'm actually struggling with that right now too actually. I weighed myself on Monday and again yesterday and there was a 4 lb difference! I mean.. no way I ate that much calories to gain 4lbs in 3 days. It's super frustrating though to me because of that reason but now I'm going to try harder to watch the sodium intake because that is a contributing factor for sure.
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    This would be my guess too. It is not whether you are exercising to much or not eating enough, you just need to make sure you are eating about 1100 calories PLUS the exercise calories. If you are willing to eat lots of calories to compensate for lots of exercise, you should be fine. BTW, istis my dietitian that said 1000-1100 plus calories burned but if you do not exercise that day, you need at least 1200. I like using 1000 for my body allotment and then eating just a tiny bit more than the calories I burned. It is easy to track on MFP that way. This means, eat 1000 + 600 for exercise = eating 1600 and a bit more per day.
  • typically the smaller you are the more your weight will fluctuate due to water retention. I know because I am exactly the same size, have been working out with a trainer for months and my weight will fluctuate 2-4lbs a week especially during PMS. I doubt that it is muscle gain because that much muscle growth doesn't happen in 2 weeks. It is probably hormone related..dont be discouraged:) I try to limit how often I weigh to once a week and try to judge your progress by how your clothes feel. Hope this helps!!
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