So flippin frustrated !!!! help please!

I've been at this since the new year and have only lost 15 lbs! All of it was in the first month. I have been at the same weight for the 6th week in a row. I see a dietitian once a month to help me but so far there has been no results. She wants me to eat 1500 cal a day and I think I should be closer to 1200 to loose weight. I hover between those numbers. Please look at my food diary and exercise log. Any suggestions are welcome. I have a low sodium goal of 1500mg to help with my kidney's. Most days I stick to that goal but its hard. I also have PCOS that makes it hard to loose weight. I drink tons tons tons of water so I know that's not the issue.

I work out 3-4 times a week for about an average oh 1.5 hrs. I lift weights, run, row, bike and elliptical. Help!!!


  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    A few tips for your diet.....

    You eat a lot of processed foods (notice how your sodium is usually over? That's because of processed foods). These foods (the cheerios, the cereal bars, etc etc) have very little protein and fiber and are essentially empty calories.

    You are pretty short on protein and fiber, especially in the morning. It is SO important to fuel your body properly first thing in the morning.

    Instead of coffee, an apple, and cheerios, try Plain non fat greek yogurt with blueberries, cinnamon, and some Kashi Go Lean.

    At lunch, add at least a cup or two of vegetables, like steamed broccoli, sauteed peppers and onions, etc.

    Add at least 2-3 cups of vegetables at dinner as well.

    For both dinner and lunch, you need a quality lean protein; chicken breast, fish, egg whites, etc.
  • JillJennings
    Have you had your thyroid levels checked? Also, maybe try increasing aerobic activity by an hour a day to boost your metabolism! Hang in there! I just bought a food scale to help with measuring portion sizes. I am doing the 1200 a day plan and I can't believe how much less I am eating now. :( Best of luck. Jill
  • cast59
    cast59 Posts: 77 Member
    Another thing you might do is take your measurements and track your body fat %.
    You might not be losing weight but possibly your body is transforming from fatter to fitter.
    Muscle weighs more then fat. So sometimes keeping measurements and looking in the mirror can be a better measuring stick then just weight alone. Good Luck.
  • FullOfSpice
    FullOfSpice Posts: 176 Member
    I'm not sure how much this may affect you, but I recently learned (yesterday) maltodextrin which is found in a lot of drinks/sugar free products such as coffee creamer, which i see you have been consuming. Either way maltodextrin is a main ingredient for weight gaining products. Now in the past I've been able to lose weight just by exercising and eating well. I gained 30 lbs and now I'm trying to lose weight, and in fact running more than I have in the past. I usually consume about 3 or 4 Wyler Light packs a day. I learned Maltodextrin is an ingredient in that product. Also, I noticed, i haven't lost more than 5 lbs since Jan 1....

    I'm thinking there is a correlation, b/c that's the only thing thats really different from my training in the past, consumption of these drinks. You can try taking it out of your diet and see if that helps...
  • mandy_marie
    mandy_marie Posts: 36 Member
    A few tips for your diet.....

    You eat a lot of processed foods (notice how your sodium is usually over? That's because of processed foods). These foods (the cheerios, the cereal bars, etc etc) have very little protein and fiber and are essentially empty calories.

    You are pretty short on protein and fiber, especially in the morning. It is SO important to fuel your body properly first thing in the morning.

    Instead of coffee, an apple, and cheerios, try Plain non fat greek yogurt with blueberries, cinnamon, and some Kashi Go Lean.

    At lunch, add at least a cup or two of vegetables, like steamed broccoli, sauteed peppers and onions, etc.

    Add at least 2-3 cups of vegetables at dinner as well.

    For both dinner and lunch, you need a quality lean protein; chicken breast, fish, egg whites, etc.

    Also to add to Ral263 suggestions.....maybe try burst training when you exercise I have heard nothing but great things about it and it keeps your body burning calories (so I have been told) burning through out the day...I have recently started it this past week along with cycling my calories to help try to break my plateau I come upon....I dont have the results of it but just a suggestion that might help you as well!!
  • jasonroeser
    jasonroeser Posts: 15 Member
    Ok the only thing I can think of is maybe you have been adding muscle from the exercise, which weighs more than fat. In addition to weighing yourself you should measure your arms, legs, waist etc. to get a better idea of physical changes. Its simple math, if you burn 1000 more calories than you are taking in per day, that's 2 lbs a week (3500 cal is a lb.). Plus, protein and fiber are your friends, eat more foods with that. Fiber One Honey clusters cereal is great and low sugar, I eat that all the time. Looks like you are drinking too much water also. Good luck, most importantly don't give up!!!!:wink:
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Heya, just took a quick peek at your diary. I noticed the sodium as well - and that is most likely a culprit. I also noticed your meals tend to go from small in the morning to larger as the day goes on. Maybe try front loading your cals a bit more, to give you more energy in the day.
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    I'm sorry. I can say I know how you feel. I started in January and the first 15 pounds came off quickly and pretty easily. I stuck to my plan and the pounds came off like clockwork. Then I got stuck. I was still doing everything right, but the scale didn't budge for a month.
    I just started Calorie Cycling (also called zig zag or something) and the pounds are now coming off just as quickly as they did in the beginning. Three pounds down this week!
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Its been six weeks and you have not seen a loss.....cut calories! I could get scientific or elaborate but no need to. Eat less and lose.
  • michelegbowman
    I don't have any advice for you but I have lots of soft shoulders. Keep posting. We're listening and sympathizing.
  • aam_84
    aam_84 Posts: 46
    I might suggest watching your carb intake as well!
  • schobert101
    schobert101 Posts: 218 Member
    This is going to sound unsupportive............but come lost 15 pounds since the first of the year and you are complaining? What exactuly did you expect? That is over 1.5 pounds per week. The plan is working fine and you need to just stay with it. It comes off fast at first due to water loss. Often as body composition changes you may stall and then see more drop.
  • 5grn9
    5grn9 Posts: 36
    May I ask what calorie cycling is???
  • Jennyzfit
    Jennyzfit Posts: 175 Member
    Good for you for being on MFP and logging your food. Might want to start your day with protein and fibre. Slowly eliminate the processed foods as they are high in salt. Remember slow and steady wins the race for weight loss. I know this myself and am struggling to lose 3 more lbs. I've been on here for almost 10 months and noticed that since i'm logging i'm measuring my foods more. This helps with the logging as well.
    When the scale doesn't budge I usually up my cardio a bit and do some more interval intense cardio. Take a break from the scale as inches and your sense of well being is important. Also yoga/tai chai classes helps awakend the muscles so you can burn better and feel more energized. A bit of weight training is also helpfull. Please don't be to discouraged as we all come across this frustration at one point. Hang in there and you'll do fine.
  • kimiel
    kimiel Posts: 108
    I have the same issue, but I started working out at the same time that the diet started and I can definitely see a change in my body. I have only lost 3 pounds since joining, but I am almost a size down in jeans. I think if you have a lot of weight to lose to begin with, it comes off faster than for someone who doesn't have as much to lose. I agree with the less carbs comment. That is one of my weak points too! I have added a protein shake to my diet for after workouts, if you want to consider that!
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Calorie cyclying is creating high days and low days with the average the same as you are eating now. Instead of eating 1900 calories a day, I could eat 1500 for four days and 2433 the other three days. Or, in my case I eat 1800-1900 for six days and 5,000 for one day.
  • maggieschuck
    Thanks every one for the advice. I now know that I'm a slow eater in the morning but I have gotten better. I take kids to daycare at 7:30 and go to school at 8. I try to eat in some thing with my coffee and I eat more at my 10 am break. My dinner is at 4:30 or 5 pm and I don't eat late at night. I stay up late so I should have plenty of time to digest the food. I do eat plenty of protien. Meat, beans, oatmeal and greek yogurt. I could eat those all day long and even more on work out days.

    I have see the inches come off and I do feel more toned. Its the scale that hasn't budged. 6 weeks with no weight loss is upsetting me. Its a mental thing. I weight myself once a week (friday). I usually have 2-3 workouts in already. Im going to switch it to Sat just so I can get one more work out in before weight ins. I mixed up my work outs and have been eating better.

    What is calorie cycling?
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    Its been six weeks and you have not seen a loss.....cut calories! I could get scientific or elaborate but no need to. Eat less and lose.
    I'm eating about a 1000-1100 a day, exercise about 2- 3 hours (about 1000 cal or more) and I do not eat back my exercise calories. Havent lost more than 0.1kg in the last week while doing it. You can see that your rule doesnt apply to everyone :cry:
  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
    there has been some good advice posted about diet and exercise. just one thing I need to clear up. A pound is a pound be it fat or muscle. ok? nuff said. measuring is a great idea and monitoring bodyfat is also better than scales
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Its been six weeks and you have not seen a loss.....cut calories! I could get scientific or elaborate but no need to. Eat less and lose.
    I'm eating about a 1000-1100 a day, exercise about 2- 3 hours (about 1000 cal or more) and I do not eat back my exercise calories. Havent lost more than 0.1kg in the last week while doing it. You can see that your rule doesnt apply to everyone :cry:

    If you've just been doing it for one week.....that may not be enough time to see your loss. There is a process of water entering the fat cell when the fat is emptied that can mask your actual loss. That is why sometimes we can lose very little one week and much more another. Also, the extra cortisol that your body may be producing from your exercise can cause water retention.