Shoulder Surgery Tips?

I just got shoulder surgery on Friday for a labrum and rotator cuff repair. I won't be able to do any jogging for a while, which has been my main form of exercise. I know it's a pretty common surgery. Any tips for still getting a good work out without jostling the shoulder too much?


  • Chiquita_Banana
    hmm what about stationary bike? without using the arm?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Oh, ouch! My husband had that done about 2 years ago.

    I'd give yourself time to get over the worst of the pain, but then maybe the elliptical or the exercise bike with a chair-type seat?
  • fasttrack27
    fasttrack27 Posts: 324
    Oh boy! If yours was anything like mine was a couple years ago I have no idea how you just typed that message! I was in a contraption for over a month and not allowed to leave a chair (no driving, walking around etc.) so I guess I cant offer you any suggestions. Just please listen to your doc's instructions and obey. At one point I tried taking a short walk on the trails behind my house, slipped on a small patch of ice and fell. Was stuck laying there for 10-15 minutes in so much pain I physically couldnt get up (help! I've fallen and cant get up! LOL). Best wishes in your recovery!!!
  • JPRobocker
    JPRobocker Posts: 74 Member
    One handed. haha, I'm getting pretty good at it. The surgery wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, which is why I would like to get back on track with some sort of exercise soon. I'm not a big fan of working out, but rutine helps me stay on track.
  • fasttrack27
    fasttrack27 Posts: 324
    Glad to hear you're doing well! Yeah, I tried doing a little work on a laptop but one handed - and left handed no less - typing was for the birds. I recently talked to another guy at the gym who had a similar 'success' story like you and was already getting active after just a few weeks. I guess the extra stuff they did in mine (tighted the whole joint by stitching the ligements together, etc) made for longer recovery or something. After 2 months of no movement, then I started 3 months of phys therapy 3X a week. Even then I was barely able to raise my hand over my head. Anyways, long winded today, but the good news is after 2 1/2 yrs of constant work I'd say its 85-90% and probably as good as it will ever be. Like I said, please do EVERYTHING the doc and/or therapist says and you should be fine. I have a couple pages of the rehab excercises I did, but since it may not be right for you and i'm not the doctor I shouldnt pass those along to you. They will probably tell you that to keep scar tissue from tightening or whatever you will want to do some basic excercises forever just to maintain. I used to be like you and dislike the gym, but now I've developed friendships, have gotten in much better shape, and love it.! Best wishes on your journey - you can do it!!!
  • StefBeeney
    I had shoulder reconstructive surgery in October... for the first 3 weeks i was doing good to be able to get up off the couch or out of bed... after that I could walk... after that I could have done some walking, but the pain killer that I was on killed any appitie that I might have had, so I decided that I should just allow my body to heal for a few more weeks... at about 6 weeks I wanted to start doing things, but I was still in a sling... at 8 weeks I started PT so i decided that I should start other stuff too... I started doing the eliptical without my repaired shoulder arm... then I gradually started to integrate it a little at a time

    I would caution you that PT wasn't too happy with me for pushing it a bit without their guidance and supervision, so you might want to check with them before you do anything that could cause irritation and/or inflamation

    Good luck with your recovery