Drinking beer in place of eating food

I usually drink about 400 (of my 1850) calories of light beer (natural light to be exact) and generally stay under my calorie count without being hungry; if I do go over it is usually not by more than 100 or so. I know that beer is an empty calorie source but will it really hinder my goals or make me go into ''survival mode?''

Additionally, beer is the only beverage that I drink that has calories except for my first cup of coffee with 1.5 tbsp of international delight, then Splenda for the rest of the day. I am almost always under for daily fat grams, close on carbs and a little over on protein and try not to go over 90 minutes without eating.

I also go way over on sodium.....that is the hardest one for me to control because its in everything. How high is too high since there aren't any calories?


  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    In general, I find that alcohol slows me down. Good luck.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    12 oz of Natural Light is around 95 calories. So that's four beers to get roughly 400 cals. Are you drinking four beers a DAY? seems excessive to me. Even if you stay under your calorie goal, it's not that healthy to drink that much on a daily basis.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Peeked at your diary. Most days from what I could see, you're consuming anywhere from 48-120 oz of beer per day. Even if you're staying under your calorie goal, that's a bit excessive.
  • sgtrobinson
    sgtrobinson Posts: 4 Member
    Guilty......like I said, typically about 4, but on cheat days (1/week) i get a little more in with a satisfying dinner and a few drinks. Then there are those bad days that I just go over on accident (like tues or wed). When that happens, I make that day my cheat day :(
  • sgtrobinson
    sgtrobinson Posts: 4 Member
    Guilty......like I said, typically about 4, but on cheat days (1/week) i get a little more in with a satisfying dinner and a few drinks. Then there are those bad days that I just go over on accident (like tues or wed). When that happens, I make that day my cheat day :(
  • iamthepreston
    iamthepreston Posts: 195 Member
    Light beer is about 100 calroies a piece so you are drinking 4-5 a day.

    I don't have a problem with drinking. I will be having some rum and coke tonight, but I think 4 beers a day would hurt your progress.

    Try a little more moderation with the alcohol.

    Alcohol slows recovery time between workouts.
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    I drink as well, however, not that much. Personally, I dont track my alcohol because I dont drink frequently enough (or in high enough volumes) that it had affected my weight loss. With a careful diet and proper exercise, I have been losing weight almost exactly where I should be.

    In your case, I would really recommend cutting down the daily amount you drink by half (if not by a third, honestly). Also, thats great you can still stay within your calories, however, I dont see how it is earthly possible for you to be getting your vitamins with such a small amount of foot. In order for you to lose weight, your body needs real vitamins and food, otherwise, you will not show results.

    Your body needs nutrients, not alcohol. I had half a bottle of wine last night with dinner, which probably wasnt the greatest, but it was probably the first alcohol that I've had in a week or two.
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Light beer is about 100 calroies a piece so you are drinking 4-5 a day.

    I don't have a problem with drinking. I will be having some rum and coke tonight, but I think 4 beers a day would hurt your progress.

    Try a little more moderation with the alcohol.

    Alcohol slows recovery time between workouts.

    I agree on the rum and coke, as a previous bartender.

    However, make sure you use diet coke or soda water. Coke on its own it nearly 100 (give or take I cant remember) a can and a heck of a lot of unnecessary sugar.
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    Even if you are under/at your calories, you're having 400 cal. of nutrionally empty, gut building beer. Not a good idea. If you're serious about weight loss/toning/health, you'd be MUCH better off replacing those 400 cal. of beer with 400 cal. of lean protein, some good carbs, and fruits and veggies. If you HAVE to have a beer, have one, and replace the other calories with REAL food. Your body will thank you!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    There was a lot of hoopla lately about the man who lost a ton of weight eating snack cakes (Twinkies, Ho-Hos, etc.) He took vitamin supplements and had a sensible meal each day, in addition to the snack cakes. Fundamentally, if you burn more calories than you consume, you'll lose weight. Whether you'll be healthier is between you and your bloodwork?

    I'm a huge fan of Newcastle, though, so have one when I have the calories for it (and the money)..... I'm finding that, as I lose weight, it takes less alcohol to get a buzz, though.... Bonus.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Dude, 4-5 beers a day is a problem. Don't know you, but you need to think about why you're drinking so much.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I also drink some of my allotted calories but usually only on weekends. It wouldn't hurt to cut down your beer consumption and try drinking only on weekends or 2 days a week. That will free up 2000 calories a week (400 beer calories x 5 days) for healthy food while still allowing yourself to indulge in beer.
  • DowntimeDesigns
    DowntimeDesigns Posts: 134 Member
    Worked out with some Insanity this morning and going to the gym after work....

    That being said, I'm going to use up some Calories tonight on some Captain and Coke Zero!!
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    What ever is working for you. Its not the empty calories I'd worry about but the overall effect of the alcohol on your body. Stress on your kidneys and liver which can hinder recovery from work outs. If you feel good and enjoy your beer keep on keeping on. I love beer and mixed drinks as well but I want to fuel my body with better nutrients and vitamins and minerals.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    here's the thing, I know people don't want to hear this. and there'll be all kinds of people posting "I drink every day and I lose weight' anecdotal stories, but generally speaking, drinking every day will severely curb weight loss efforts. Besides all the other horrid things that alcohol does to your liver and brain, it is an irritant to your stomach, which means you don't digest micronutrients as efficiently, alcohol replaces glucose as a primary fuel source, which means that the glucose already digested has to go somewhere, so it's converted to fat. I won't get into what alcohol does to brain cells but I'm sure you've heard it all before. It's just plain bad for a healthy lifestyle.

    Now, I know there are some studies that link drinking 5 oz of red wine per day to increased cardiac health, and that's fine, but that doesn't eliminate the other things I've mentioned, and there's a big difference between 5 oz of red wine and 400 calories (or essentially four 12 oz beers) a day.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Worked out with some Insanity this morning and going to the gym after work....

    That being said, I'm going to use up some Calories tonight on some Captain and Coke Zero!!

    *shudders* too many bad mornings from this

    ... back on track... alcohol is like everything, it's all moderation. Granted 4-5/day isn't the healthiest, but that's your call. Fundamentally, if you're within you calories, you're fine. That being said, if you dropped it down to one/day and then had more on your cheat day 1. you'll consumer fewer calories overall and 2. you'll feel it more so might drink less.

    Regarding sodium... I didn't look at your food log at all, but I find that if you eat processed anything you're going to fly over it. During the week, when I make fresh everything and consume tons of fresh fruits and veggies, I'm usually 1,500mg under every day... on the weekends, when I have more frozen lunches or granola bars, I'm flying way over. Keep it natural and you'll stay away from the sodium.
  • mblanch
    mblanch Posts: 81 Member
    When I started on here I decided to cut down on alcohol. I was drinking quite a bit of cider and wine every other night. I now only drink twice a week maximum. I have found it so much easier and enjoy that glass of wine so much more. For example I haven't drunk since monday (when I met with a friend) and now having a glass after a week at a new job - I'm just relaxing and I really enjoy it :)

    When you drink alcohol, your body concentrates on getting it out of your system. (and if its trying to get it out of your system it can't be good for you).

    It is your decision ultimately, but it provides nothing but calories, maybe your body would benefit from something else?
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Just topic title reminds me of college. While it was fun at the time...I'm glad I grew out of that.

    I cut my beer consumption back to special occasions. The next is Opening Day.
  • pressed12
    pressed12 Posts: 6 Member
    I usually drink about 400 (of my 1850) calories of light beer (natural light to be exact) and generally stay under my calorie count without being hungry; if I do go over it is usually not by more than 100 or so. I know that beer is an empty calorie source but will it really hinder my goals or make me go into ''survival mode?''

    Additionally, beer is the only beverage that I drink that has calories except for my first cup of coffee with 1.5 tbsp of international delight, then Splenda for the rest of the day. I am almost always under for daily fat grams, close on carbs and a little over on protein and try not to go over 90 minutes without eating.

    I also go way over on sodium.....that is the hardest one for me to control because its in everything. How high is too high since there aren't any calories?

    I can solve your sodium issue... i am a 1000 under daily... do not eat anyhing from the can... stay away from condiments such as ketchup etc.... cook everything fresh!! Easy money youll see a huge decrease in your sodium
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    edited September 2020
    pressed12 wrote: »
    I usually drink about 400 (of my 1850) calories of light beer (natural light to be exact) and generally stay under my calorie count without being hungry; if I do go over it is usually not by more than 100 or so. I know that beer is an empty calorie source but will it really hinder my goals or make me go into ''survival mode?''

    Additionally, beer is the only beverage that I drink that has calories except for my first cup of coffee with 1.5 tbsp of international delight, then Splenda for the rest of the day. I am almost always under for daily fat grams, close on carbs and a little over on protein and try not to go over 90 minutes without eating.

    I also go way over on sodium.....that is the hardest one for me to control because its in everything. How high is too high since there aren't any calories?

    I can solve your sodium issue... i am a 1000 under daily... do not eat anyhing from the can... stay away from condiments such as ketchup etc.... cook everything fresh!! Easy money youll see a huge decrease in your sodium

    You resurrected an old thread from 2011. The OP may not be around. He was on a year ago.