Glam Slam: Don't Bail On Your Workout Now

bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Glam Slam: Don't Bail On Your Workout Now
By Ryan Patterson

LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- It's estimated that 75 percent of people who made New Year's resolutions break them by March. Ouch!

If your resolution was to workout more, don't give up! Here are a few tips from California's famous Golden Door Spa to help keep you motivated.

1. Exercising in the morning tends to provide greater success and stimulates your metabolism throughout the day; however, the bottom line is it is important to exercise when it is most convenient for you.

2. "Accumulated steps" may be another mantra for success. Strap on a pedometer, a device used to track the number of steps you take per day. Begin adding 1,000 steps per day until you achieve a minimum of 10,000 steps daily - research has shown that you need at least 10,000 steps per day to achieve health benefits. If your goal is weight loss, gradually increase your steps to 12,000 - 15,000 steps per day.

3. Engage in activities you enjoy. If what you are doing feels like a chore, chances are you will not stick with it. Find something you truly love - maybe it's joining a dance class or simply dancing by yourself to your favorite CD. Maybe you love nature and walking or hiking in the outdoors is both peaceful & exhilarating. If there are multiple activities you enjoy, mixing it up provides lots of variety for your mind and your muscles!

4. Use the "buddy system" and workout with a friend to stay motivated.

5. Hire a personal trainer - making an appointment with a knowledgeable fitness specialist is money well spent. A personal trainer will provide education, motivate you and provide coaching to keep you on track.

6. Keep your workout clothes and shoes handy at all times. Set them out the night before or pack them in your car so you can workout at lunch or after work on your way home.

7. Specific steps should be taken to "generalize" the exercise habit from the gym or home setting to other environments i.e., walk breaks at work using stairs, gardening, parking car in furthest space from store (habits of daily living).


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