For those who've lost weight using MFP ...



  • Bonnie1974
    I have been on this site for only 5 days, and just reading topics, and chatting with other MFP friends :) I have found this alot easier than anything before. And the fun part is at the begining of this journey my bf was not supportative now he checks and asks how was my calorie intake today, how was my work out.. I got him intrested YEAH!!!

    ALl I can say is be honest to yourself, like many say log everything you eat.. Even the bad.. trust me the first few days, weeks, are the hardest to transistion after that I heard gets easier.. Trust me I know becus this past week has been horribale eating for me.. But i looked back and saw and told myself" Come on girl what are you doing." and promised to do better starting today..

    Do your research, alot fo people have differnt things to say, but do what is best for you..

    You can do it, patince and true to yourself.

    Good luck.. and feel free to add me as a friend..
  • babalee
    babalee Posts: 20 Member
    I would say...Log everything, even if you have a bad day :) I used to skip that part if I was bad, and then look back and be like "why am I not losing?" Yeah....that's why:) Being honest with yourself is the best thing for you :)

    Excellent! This is my favorite.

    Also, don't get into "starvation" mode. (Don't believe that being way below your calorie goal is always good)
    And, make sure you exercise every day. Even if it you can only manage a 30 minutes walk... do it! (An hour would be better but, just try and make sure you get your heart rate up every day.)
    Don't be afraid to sweat.
    And then hydrate with a nice glass of water.

    Have fun!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    What is the best tip you can give? I'm a newbie (just started yesterday) I work out 5 days a week, and my calorie goal intake is 1200 a day.. I'm just looking for some tips from people who've had success using the program.. Thanks!

    I've lost 33 lbs on MFP alone along with exercising 6-7 days a week. The biggest tip i can give is to be patient and stick to it EVERY day even on the weekends. Log everything! Make friends on here they are very supportive and motivating!

    You will be successful! You can add me as a friend if you'd like! :flowerforyou:
  • kryptobobo
    I eat a lot of vegetable and soup, white meat only and fish, reduce my intake of carb and replacing all the simple carbs to complex one.
    I eat some fruit but as normal, I do not try to offset the decrease in carbs by fruit as it contains some sugars.

    For snake, I go for carrot, broccoli.
    Then after a certain weight, it s getting more difficult if your bmi is low.
  • kryptobobo
    btw, I lost 13 pounds since I joined MFP (3months), and I followed my diet pretty strictly.
    I just want to feel good, when it will be the case, I will stop slowly my diet.
  • LareishaH
    LareishaH Posts: 205 Member
    When you hit a plateau….DON’T GIVE UP!!! Eventually you will start back losing!
  • esherwood2
    I have to agree with eating most of your calories. I have gone both ways on that but I have noticed that when I don't eat most or all of my calories I don't lose any weight. I try to definitely get most of them in.