Why so different

Okay. I tried several other online calulators to see how many calories I should be eating tolose weight. MFP says 1500 cals a day. All the others say 2150 a day. What should i do. not really losing!


  • xXAlana21Xx
    xXAlana21Xx Posts: 183 Member
    well it depends on many things age weight... activity level
  • time2runnn
    time2runnn Posts: 252 Member
    Are those 8lbs from the last month? If so that IS absolutely fantastic! And in which case I would keep on doing whatever you are doing!
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    If you are using a BMR calculator, sometimes they can get thrown off if you are above a certain weight, as the calculator assumes you are a larger percentage of muscle.

    Really it depends how much muscle you have as to how many calories you burn a day. You have to set MFP to your true activity level to have it give you accurate calculations and not have it go under your BMR.
  • xelle2
    xelle2 Posts: 3
    Hi lovely,

    Well, I would do the middle way, like 1800kcal for a month and see what's happen.
    or give you 1700 as a goal and if it's a difficult day, than 1900kcal, 2100 maximum.
    Do you have any idea of how many kcal you are eating at the moment without diet?

    What is quite important is which kcal you are eating, which food more than just the number.
    I have notice with this website, I have change my routine as I use to eat too much fat, (too much olive oil not even bad fat) and since I've use less of it, I feel that I'm eating more in quantity and start loosing weight.
    I'm doing it really slowly but all my routine has changed.

    Try to exercise as much as you can like long quick walk...it did help me a lot at the beginning.

    I'm sure we can all do it,
    sometimes it's awful...difficult, sometimes we failed but what's important is to always stand up and start again.

    If you feel you are not loosing, check at the end of the day your report to see if you have to much sugar, fat or carb...

    good luck.
  • helthymom6
    That is the most discouraging part except for one day I have been right around my 1500 cal. Alwys under on the fat and under on the carbs. Sometimes over on the protien, But I know from the past taht I do much better with higher protien and lower carbs. That 8 lbs lost is from the beggining of febuaary and just discovers I have gained back 3 lbs this week. WTHeck! No of this makes any sense any more and I am ready to quit!
  • helthymom6
    sorry about the spelling I am just so upset.
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    Those 3 pounds may be water weight - have you had a day with a lot of salt recently? *hugs* You're on the right track, don't worry!!
  • helthymom6
    no salt :( I don't even salt my veg anymore!
  • mblanch
    mblanch Posts: 81 Member
    2100 seems quite high considering the average woman needs 2000 and in order to loose weight you need a calorie deficit. How many calories have you been eating since the start of February? It's a bit difficult to give advice without seeing your diary.
  • helthymom6
    between 1300 and 1500. I had a few bad days and a few days where I was way under calories. When I exercised I would try to eat back some of the calories. Nothing seems to be working!
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    Still might be a regular water retention fluctuation (happens to us with the hormones), but if you *are* undereating, your body will struggle to hold on to your weight.

    Keep at it and keep exercising!
  • BoxingChick
    BoxingChick Posts: 124 Member
    Before I was on MFP I use to determine by daily calorie needs by taking my current weight and multiply it by 10. Say I weigh 180 lbs then I need about 1800 calories a day to stay at 180 lbs. If I want to loose a pound a week I subtract 500 cal per day, since 3500 cal is one pound. So for me to loose a pound a week I should take in about 1300 cal per day. Now that is without exercise....if I exercise and burn 300....then I can eat 1600 a day and still lose the pound a week.

    When I joined MFP and put all my calculations in the system tells me to eat 1380 a day to lose a pound a week......so I guess the above method was correct!

    I would use this method and see how close MFP is to your own calculations...it should be close!

    Good Luck!
  • MobiusMan
    MobiusMan Posts: 385 Member
    if you lost 8 pounds since starting here, you are killing it. It takes time for the human body to acclimate to changes and it will in a sense resist somewhat. Relax, stick to the MFP plan and you will win. Put it in perspective, for most of us it took YEARS to get in to shape we are in (FAT) it'll take some time to reverse the trend and then lose. You'll need to embrace this as a lifestyle change. I NEVER use the word or refer to my eating habits as a diet. it is not. It is the way I eat. change your mindset, accept that it'll take time, realized diligence is requiredand do the following EVERY DAY:
    Fuel it....Eat good quality foods at the prescribed calorie values
    Flex it....Exercise a min of 30 min aerobic 4 times a week
    Fill it....Water, water, water. Not pop, pop, pop or juice, juice, juice just water.
    Fuel it, Flex it, Fill it. repeat as required kinda like shampooing.