
megancx3 Posts: 17
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
This is getting so frustrating; I've been at 130 for about two weeks now. I'm eating good foods, and exercising at least every other day. I just don't know what to do :\


  • MissyBC
    MissyBC Posts: 10
    time to up the workout time+intensity
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    lol a platau is not for 2 weeks i have lost nothing since 1 week before xmas now :( but hey not to worry gotta be getting fitter and still looseing inches :)
    yours maybe muscle gain..
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I just got off the 155-157 lb plateau that I've been on since January this morning! I was eating 1200 cal + exercise calories a day and working out 6 times a week. But since that wasn't working and I was hungry, I upped my calories to 1370 on Sunday (my MFP settings were for 1 lb per week loss rather than 2) and BAM... today the scale reads 154, a number I haven't seen since Junior High. I'm still working out 6x a week (5 this week due to mid terms) and am eating healthy, as always.

    Bottom line, make sure your goals (how many pounds lost per week) are reasonable for how close you are to your final weight and make sure you are eating enough.

    Good luck.
  • crystaldougherty
    crystaldougherty Posts: 59 Member
    I know the feeling Trud, I've been in the 220's since new years. It sucks stepping on the scale and seeing maybe a 1lb loss after all your hard work and effort. all you gotta do is step it up. and when you feel the burn DON'T stop.
  • megancx3
    megancx3 Posts: 17
    You started eating more ... and lost weight? That’s crazy, I've been upset lately as well and when I'm upset I just don't eat that much. So for the past few days I've been eating less then 500 calories a day...
    However on a normal day I eat like 800-900 calories ... I just don't see how increasing that number will help me loose anything. But I don't know.
  • Jaymikk
    Jaymikk Posts: 4

    If your body is not getting enough calories from your food intake every day, it will kick into "starvation mode," which essentially means that it will start breaking down lean muscle tissue instead of fat. In turn, this leads to even less weight loss because your body will burn fewer calories in everyday functions (lower BMR and/or metabolism). I know it feels counter-intuitive, but you may actually need to eat more to get that weight loss (or fat loss) started again.

    Here are a few links that may help you out or help convince you :)

    Hope this helps!
  • CWRose
    CWRose Posts: 62
    Have you tried to do some excercises you've never done before, sometimes the confusion can kickstart your body again. Sometimes continuing to eat right and taking a week off then starting a hardcore workout again can do it to. And he is absolutely right, if your body doesn't get the healthy amount of calories your body will store EVERYTHING you eat as fat basically, plus you will also lose muscle. That was great advice.

    I am having the same problem and someone referred me to this it makes alot of sense...I hope that it helps.Good luck and keep up the good work!!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Personally, I don't consider two weeks a potato. The or four weeks maybe. But anyway, when I hit a tight spot like that I take it as a sign to change my diet; more calories, or workout schedule; more rest. Not a permanent change, just long enough to re-evaluate my method and needs. I like trying new things too, and times like that are best for trying out a new routine or style.

    I also really benefit from a one week deload about every six weeks or so.
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