How to get rid of belly fat?!

I need to get rid of my stomach. It's gross and I hate it. I do a lot of cardio. About 60 minutes a day. I love zumba & yoga. I have this ugly disgusting belly roll below my belly button & i hate it ! what can i do to get rid of it?


  • sweetbri07
    sweetbri07 Posts: 150 Member
    what about pilates?? Pilates is a big core stabilizer.
  • Tarra31
    Tarra31 Posts: 9
    when you find an answer let me know. I have the same problem!
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I would love to know the answer to this as well. I have been counting calories and working out for a while now. I am down 20.8 pounds & I am slimming down, but I'm having a hard time losing it in the belly region. I've tried many excercises that target the abs, but most involve laying on the floor and my lower back begins to hurt.
  • jrlenig
    jrlenig Posts: 364 Member
    I am slowly but surely getting rid of mine cardio and abs, it will happen just not pace we want it to!
  • TwilaG
    TwilaG Posts: 134
    I do not have the answer. I know my daughter, who is a teenager, lost 60 pounds. She looks great - including her abs. All she did was cut back on what she ate and she walks all the time. It made a believer out of me. Just keep it up. You will see your abs change. I am still waiting on mone to change to.
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    Unfortunately, you cannot spot reduce fat. :/
    I'd stick with cardio/strength training and eventually it'll go away.
    I've lost 45 lbs and not as much as I'd like has come from my stomach (down just one pant size), but it's noticeable!
    Keep it up!
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    There is so much hype out about losing belly fat- don't believe any of it. The only way to lose it is the same way you lose all the rest, slow and with hard work. You can't spot lose. Your body will pull the fat from wherever it wants to, and there's nothing you can do to change that. Just stay the course and keep eating right, exercising, and eventually it will go away.
  • wstidolph
    wstidolph Posts: 20
    I'm no expert, but the reading I've done lately tells me that the key to trunk/leg fat reduction is in the intensity peaks - make sure you're doing lots of ultra-hi-intensity peaks, rather than the moderate-intensity cardiovascular training. If you like the academic supporting material, see the study done at Univ of NSW ($file/Jan08.pdf) where they show that High Intensity Interval Exercise took off trunk fat in young women, while twice as much of Steady State Exercise did not result in trunk fat reduction.

    Their HIIE is a stationary cycle, with 8 second sprints as hard as possible and 12 second recovery ... *sixty* of them for a 20 minutes sequence! ... with 5 minute warm up and cool down, it's a half hour 3x a week.
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    The deal is, and I'll admit, it's not the greatest deal... but the deal is fat comes off in a genetically predetermined pattern. You can't pick and choose where you lose fat from anymore than you can pick and choose the lengths of your bones and muscles. There's some "fancy" stuff you can do to preferentially tap into what we'll call stubborn body fat but you've to be damn lean to even think about worrying about it.

    My advice is to stick with the basics and practice patience. If you're doing things sensibly, given enough time, the fat will come off.
  • ChristieisReady
    ChristieisReady Posts: 708 Member
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    i noticed a decrease in my upper belly after i bought a stability ball and started doing crunches on it. there is also an exercise on it that targets lower belly.. im not sure what its called.
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    i noticed a decrease in my upper belly after i bought a stability ball and started doing crunches on it. there is also an exercise on it that targets lower belly.. im not sure what its called.

    Correlation does not equal causation. As has been noted above, you can't pick and choose where fat comes off your body. Dang how I wish we could... it'd be great. But we've to work within our genetic confines.
  • dwallace27
    Spanx? lipo? I can be so skinny and still have a belly..its genetic:(
  • kbloodworth
    kbloodworth Posts: 107 Member
    Ballet or jazz dancing or Pilates will do wonders. They require that you good posture/form, so you get in the habit of tucking your pelvis under, opening your chest and engaging your stomach muscles. I don't think any spot treatment really works to reduce fat, but for some reason dance training seemed to help (at least for me) because it creates the habit of engaging the abs 100% of the time. I'm working on my belly too. I used to have a very flat stomach (even when I was heavy), but over the last couple of years of being lazy and sitting in front of a computer with bad posture, my stomach has gotten a bit flabby.

    With your belly, sometimes what you think is fat is bloating. I know when I stopped drinking carbonated beverages and processed foods, my stomach seemed to magically flatten out. It was really just an improvement in digestion.

    Although, overall I still agree with stroutman81- genetics has a lot to do with it, as do hormones. When I put on weight I get it in my legs, hips, butt and boobs. It wasn't until I got REALLY fat that I actually gained any weight in my stomach. When I lose weight, I lose it from my stomach, arms, chest and back. It isn't until those areas are 'normal' that I start tapping into my fat reserves in my lower body. The way you feel about your belly is the way I feel about my saddlebags and cankles. Eventually it will go away if you keep at it. :-)
  • imsleepy
    imsleepy Posts: 1 Member
    Personally, I got rid of my belly fat doing Zumba. I go hard for the whole class. The instructor I go to is very intense. It's called Zumba but it really is just high intensity interval training (HIIT) in disguise. I used to do cardio and watch my heart rate and back off if it got too high and kept my belly roll. Now, I know I'm exceeding what the charts would recommend and my body fat is much less. Belly and everywhere else.
  • jmhunter84
    jmhunter84 Posts: 206 Member
    That's my problem area too. They say your body gets rid of the fat it wants too. I would just increase cardio, its okay to do situps, crunches, etc every day because the stomach has no memory. Pilates and yoga does help to train the core. Good luck.
  • carocurl135
    Awesome answer. LMAO!

    in reply to "Spanx"
  • allymorin
    There is so much hype out about losing belly fat- don't believe any of it. The only way to lose it is the same way you lose all the rest, slow and with hard work. You can't spot lose. Your body will pull the fat from wherever it wants to, and there's nothing you can do to change that. Just stay the course and keep eating right, exercising, and eventually it will go away.

    so true.