JessDanielle Posts: 18
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Hi guys, I'm struggling with my emotional eating. I've been reading Bob Harper's book. he talks about finding your inner compass, and stuff like that, basically talking yourself out of eating stuff out of anger or stress. I just wanted to know what other people are doing to stop themselves from eating when they are feeling down or discouraged..

thanks for any help :)



  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308 Member
    What's his book called?
  • HolsDoinIt
    HolsDoinIt Posts: 327 Member
    there is also a website called that has alot of articles about emotional and night eating
  • skitchlu
    skitchlu Posts: 56 Member
    I don't know, but this is a problem I desperately need to solve for myself. I'd be really grateful for advice or suggestions on how people have overcome this. I know a lot of people suggest journalling, but it's not something I've been able to incorporate into my life.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    I had to start working on the things in my life that caused me to be emotional. Then make a concious decision to not eat. i have to remind myself of my upcoming goals. Good Luck, there is no magic trick.
  • gimedatnow
    gimedatnow Posts: 173 Member
    Whenever I'm feeling down, I turn to what I call my "ME box." It's basically a box I a collection of trinkets, photos, cards, or other things that would brighten my day, all in one handy, decorated box. I started it when I was in middle school, so there's a huge spectrum of things in there, like pressed flowers from past camping trips and photos of my dog. I also like to put inspirational quotes and short journal entries inside. It's a lot of fun to make, and it's helped me reflect on all the good times and things to look forward to. Maybe you could try it as well?
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    I don't kow the answer to that, but I have a couple of suggestions that may make it more difficult to emotional eat. You could turn all the lights on...seems to help because it draws attention to the food you're eating (my therapist told me this awhile back when I had problems).
    Also, never eat in front of the TV, and try to drink a big glass of water before you start eating. I know the eating is based on emotions that eventually you do need overcome and learn to be in control of, but these are just maybe some ideas to help until then.

    Good luck!
  • gooberr4
    gooberr4 Posts: 253 Member
    it all starts in your mind. what's bothering you? can you control it?

    other then that, try taking up a hobby. Sometimes I play tetris just to keep myself busy so im not worrying about other stuff and wanting to eat.
  • Instead of snacking/eating when you're not truly hungry, distract yourself. EXERCISE! Take a walk, play with your cat, dance to music, read a book outdoors, surf the Internet or call a friend. Get out of the enviornment wherein you're feeling that tempation to eat.... When the feeling for emotional eating attacks, I usually take a bottle of water and get out of the house, and I walk the dogs, give them a bath or go talk to a neighbor and/or friend.... If the weather doesn't allow me to leave, I've also consciously forced my self to go take a shower (you can't eat in the shower), paint my nails and/or test a new hair style (my hands are busy, I can't hold food), rather than opening the fridge and eat... Its all in your head (as it was in mine).... you have to convince yourself you don't need to eat... and eventually it will be a thing of the past. And if you do need to eat, have a piece of fruit, protein like a boiled egg or veggies. Good Luck!
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    The first step for me was being able to admit I was an emotional eater. It's been hard and it took me awhile to be able to identify it. I didn't connect the dots until a few weeks ago. Now that I'm aware of it, I've been working on being able to identify my "triggers". It's not always easy! Sometimes it's so subtle that it's hard to know it's there...

    I usually allow myself to have certain bad foods in moderation. Usually I know I've been triggered if I'm craving a certain food and don't have my usual restraint. Like I *feel* like I'm going to binge if I let myself have it. Instead of eating 3 oz of chips, I eat the whole bag - for example. I'm usually pretty good at staying within my net calories. When I see a pattern of going over too much and I really didn't care when I went over, I've usually been triggered. Also, when I'm not sleeping well - that's usually a sign as well.

    Now that I know what to look for and know how I feel when I've been triggered, I'm trying to combat it. Blogging has helped me, since I can see patterns in how I feel. I also reach out to friends/family a lot to talk it out instead of indulging... They are the ones that can usually point out what my trigger was :) They have been key in helping me get through my weight loss. MFP has been a great motivator as well.

    It's a learning process for me. I'm taking one step at a time. Hoping to one day conquer it!
  • jmahone1
    jmahone1 Posts: 1
    I struggle with this too. Lately, I've been trying to identify my triggers that lead to the emotional eating so I can then consciously fight the urge to eat. For me, talking to a certain negative-minded person in my life on the phone always leads me to the kitchen, so I've been trying to consciously stay away from the kitchen while on the phone with that person, as well as when I get off the phone.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    One of the bloggers on mentioned that before she binges or anything like that, she stops and thinks of ten things (like a smaller waist, new clothes, lower blood pressure) she wants more than that piece of cake (or whatever). If she can't come up with 10, she'll eat the cake. She never has an issue comin up with the ten.
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    what helped me: therapy and resources / books on food addiction (not just emotional eating)

    but everyone is different and their triggers and stress points are different too. I hope you find something that works for you!
  • hellen72
    hellen72 Posts: 144 Member
    A book I am reading says that if you want to eat something have a big bowl of lettuce, if u really don't want it then it is a craving not true hunger

    I have given up dairy snacks for lent. It means that when I fancy something I am very limited as to what I can have. Earlier today I wanted food so stood there eating lettuce til I was sick of it. Despite it not having many cal I was quite full.

    What about having some things like lettuce cucumber celery at the ready and only allow yourself to eat those when you are eating emotionally.
  • sinks
    sinks Posts: 14 Member
    One thing that has helped me, is to pay attention to healthy foods that I really love. Turns out, I love blueberries, to me, they are the best food in the planet. So, if I feel like eating because I'm stressed, I can have those and still feel good about it, instead of eating french fries or something bad for me.

    Another thing that has helped me is thinking of treats as something that I earn. If I REALLY need a chocolate fix, which I simply do sometimes, I make sure that I hit the gym and earn those calories before I eat them. That way there is no guilt, no, I wish I hadn't done that. I earned it, so I'm free to eat it.

    Those are 2 things that have worked for me. Hope that helps.
  • sylvia1970
    sylvia1970 Posts: 134
    You're so young and married with a child. give yourself a break.

    Although you mention you hubby and child, you don't mention your family and friends. Do you have good relations with them or are they the cause?. Or maybe you feel you've settled down too soon? Only you can answer these questions and probably many more thats in your own head.

    I can imagine as well you take it out on your hubby even though he supports you because he's slim, you feel denied of not being able to have what you want and enjoy it. Instead you've constantly took it out on yourself in a negative way rather than a positive way. You need to face facts everone's different and not perfect.

    You need to question everything in your life including your hubby and whether something in either conversation or situation is triggering it off
  • I love to eat when ever Im upset , mad, sad or bored. The only thing I found that helps, is to either only eat low carb high protien items and drink lots of water to fill my self up,or get out and do something . Dont just sit and try to conquer your bad eating habits with your thoughts and justifications. Find something to replace it that has a more positive outcome.. I mean anything!!. Exercise is great. Listen to your music, walk your dog, ride a bike, read a book. DO NOT watch TV. Way to many food ads and shows. Just get out of your own head. Trust me when its just you and your thoughts your in bad company.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Whenever I'm feeling down, I turn to what I call my "ME box." It's basically a box I a collection of trinkets, photos, cards, or other things that would brighten my day, all in one handy, decorated box. I started it when I was in middle school, so there's a huge spectrum of things in there, like pressed flowers from past camping trips and photos of my dog. I also like to put inspirational quotes and short journal entries inside. It's a lot of fun to make, and it's helped me reflect on all the good times and things to look forward to. Maybe you could try it as well?

    I LOVE this idea...this will be my new project over spring break...thank you!
  • What's his book called?

    Its called "Are You Ready?"
  • Thank you guys so much! I was so thrilled to log back in and see so many responses. I'd love to respond to you all individually but that make take a while! lol. So as for all your ideas, there wasnt one i didnt like! I need all the ideas i can get. I am just going to try everything until i get one that works. I just want to get where i can eat because i am hungry not because i had a bad day. Thanks again so much, I am loving this site!!
  • I am an emotional eater too. I have had a lot of extreme stress in my life lately along with a lot of major changes. I wish I had the will power that I had pre baby. Now anytime I have a bad day I eat horrible and unhealthy foods. It only makes me feel better while eating, than after i get more depressed b/c I gave in and fell behind again.... It's a never ending nasty circle ugh.
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