Hello I'm new!

mom2pne Posts: 215 Member
My name is Simone. I'm 37 and very overweight. I'm at about 300 pounds now and my ultimate goal is to get down to 140. But if I can get down to 250 by the end of Summer I'll be thrilled! I'm a mom of 5 boys.


  • deandt
    deandt Posts: 20
    Welcome to MFP and good luck on your journey!
  • catysthename
    catysthename Posts: 278 Member
    Welcomee!! This website is soo supportive and helpful with whatever you need. Even if you just wanna chat or find recipes! Hope you like it! Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • Jaessa
    Jaessa Posts: 122 Member
    Welcome, Simone!! You're a mom to FIVE boys!! Lucky you! I have two grown sons and always wished I'd had a couple more children. Enjoy every minute with them as it goes by in a heartbeat. Good luck with your weight loss. You'll find lost of support and encouragement here.
  • ClaireT8979
    Hi Simone

    Well we are new together how are you finding it so far? Been a lot of sucess stories on here Im positive we will do it.....

    Im Claire x
  • ucrgirl06
    ucrgirl06 Posts: 13
    Welcome!! If you need support, send me a friend request! We can do this together :)
  • Savannah18Mcclure
    Hey everybody I'm new to this too! You can add me if you'd like :)
  • teraay
    teraay Posts: 1
    Hey, I'm also new. I;m 112 and 5'2, trying to slim down to 85lbs. :)
  • tamiller93
    tamiller93 Posts: 195
    Hello there! Welcome. I have only been here a week, so I'm new too. Best of luck to you!
  • slyder432
    slyder432 Posts: 475 Member
    Welcome aboard!! You can do this, all u have to do is keep logging on to MFP. We are here! You can add us as friends.
  • punkin_793
    Welcome!! Glad you decided to join! Good luck on your journey!
  • steffilily
    steffilily Posts: 149
    Welcome! I have the similiar weight loss goal as you do and am excited about getting to the end result! Friend me if you'd like.
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    hi welcome and gd luck
  • Jon_Rod
    Jon_Rod Posts: 158
    Welcome to MFP,

    You will find this site very supportive......best wishes on your journey ; ):happy:
  • mom2pne
    mom2pne Posts: 215 Member
    Thank you all very much for your warm welcomes!