Hi everyone!

Hi there,

I'm Ami, 22 currently at university.

Since being here I have seen my weight shoot up from a fairly steady 7.5 stone to a now 9.3 stone.
I haven't even weighed more than 8 stone in my life and at 4'11" the extra pounds look really noticeable on me,

Someone reccomended this site so I joined just under 2 weeks ago, i'm really enjoying it however I feel rather demotivated after such a short time. I have been eating under my calorie intake each day which I have deffo been finding difficult, especially as lots of the low cal recipes I look at all contain lots of vegetables and I really can't stand them, or salad, or most healthy foods really.

I figured I could eat extra through doing exercise so I bought myself a davina mcall cross trainer. However I only seem to burn 100 calories in half an hour and that feels very depressing when I realise that its only the same as a slice of bread. Hardly seems worth the effort. Then yesterday to break it up a little I tried doing a davina workout dvd which was completely knackering and very painful. I have no idea how many calories I burnt I just know that today I actually can't walk my thighs hurt so much which means I haven't been able to work out at all today.

So I guess really I want to introduce myself as I think if I'm feeling this demotivated so early on I need some support from others of you who have been there and done it. Some recipe advice not containing vegetables, or tuna or salad would be nice aswell. And any suggestions on why i'm hardly burning any calories on the cross trainer would be terrific too.

So yeah hi :)

(sorry about all the moaning)


  • charyssee
    charyssee Posts: 2 Member
    :sad: Hello Every one I am new to this site and like everybody else I'm struggling with my weight. The sad thing is I just love to eat... Of course it's not the right stuff. This site has truly made me aware of what i'm eating and it has made me want to eat healthier. However my drive to be healthy is not what it use to be. I have recently quite drinking and it is said that with quiting this alone you can lose up to 8lbs in the month. Well I guess I will keep trying and see where it get's me. I go to the gym as often as possible but even then I feel like i'm just not doing enough to over come these extra lbs. Well lets see how I feel come April 5, 2011........