hoping to lose weight but discouraged

Hello all.
My name is Jorie. I am 19, and I am about 25 pounds overweight, but I am looking to lose about 35. I am 157 pounds right now, and I jsut feel rally discouraged. It seems like losing weight takes forever, so I am having a hard time getting motivated to start. What kinds of things does everyone eat? What motivates you to exercise? I need some tips. I feel like I'll never get this weight off, and I want at least 25 off by swimsuit season. Anyone else feel like it's a little discouraging? Especially as an emotional eater...what are things emotional eaters do in exchange for food?


  • alex063287
    alex063287 Posts: 61 Member
    One thing about exercise is that I LOVE Zumba! It's a Latin-American Dance workout, it's so fun that you don't even know you are doing. I know it's hard to eat right at times but remember to drink lots and lots of water, it really helps.
  • mcs1987
    mcs1987 Posts: 4
    I am 23 with a 4 year old and I feel the same way that you do. I am 5'7 and weigh just a little over what they say my normal weight should be but I feel like if I lost 25 lbs or so and started toning it would be much nicer to look at, especially in a bikini. I was actually challenged by a Pharmacist I work with to not eat fried foods or drink pop. So I did that for a couple days and then found this website and changed it up a bit. I eat whatever I want but more on the healthier side and put it in my diary and make sure that I stay under my calories. I have cut down on the eating out at work which is what I would do everyday with another girl I work with. I have told myself that I CAN DO THIS. I am going to start doing little bits of exercises everyday even if it is for only 20 minutes. I think of it like this, it is more than what I was doing. I am just going to start out really slow and work my way up. I dont want to over work myself and then feel tired.
  • absolament
    absolament Posts: 278 Member
    If you're an emotional eater, it's time to face that weakness. I've heard that yoga helps because it teaches people to be more mindful. Then when stress hits, you're less likely to go to food to calm yourself.

    Work at losing 0.5 to 1.0 pounds per week since you don't have a lot to lose. It will help keep you from feeling deprived of food.

    Find exercises you enjoy. Don't go overboard. Exercise should be just challenging enough that you want to keep doing it. You will notice over time that as you get stronger and leaner you are able to do more. But still your body will only feel like it is working at a just challenging enough level.

    Lastly, avoid processed food like the plague. LOL. Treat it as a sometime food, just like fast food and treats are sometime foods. The bulk of your nutrition should come from fresh fruit, veggies, dairy, real meat (not hot dogs), etc.

    You can do it if you make it your passion.
  • kbloodworth
    kbloodworth Posts: 107 Member
    One thing about exercise is that I LOVE Zumba! It's a Latin-American Dance workout, it's so fun that you don't even know you are doing. I know it's hard to eat right at times but remember to drink lots and lots of water, it really helps.

    I second that! Zumba can have a really high calorie burn and is WAY fun.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    I have never been an emotional eater, so i cant say anything on that.

    but i think probably anyone who tries to live a healthier lifestyle feels discouraged at times..the thing is to change the lifestyle, not diet. i am blessed to have incredible will power, people hate me for it. i am a highly motivated type person. When i get discouraged in something, i just work harder. when i dont feel like going to the gym, i force myself, even if its to just go through the motions. There are times when I give myself the ok to take a break, and not hit the gym and eat a cookie. those are important to do, not too often mind you, but you cant deprive yourself all the time, it just sets you up to fail. losing weight doesnt take forever, it just takes time.

    after a while, for myself, going to the gym has become a habit not a chore. i enjoy it and look forward to it. its like a hobby now. you can also try to find a friend to keep you going. its easier to be healthy with someone else pushing you. what motivates me, are my patients. its sad, but i dont want to end up like a lot of them. 50 years old, so obese they cant get out of bed, or smoke so much they are already on oxygen. etc. i am 33 and people think i am 20 something. i see people my age, and they look twice my age. I want to be 90 yrs old and able to take care of myself.
  • Lexie71
    Lexie71 Posts: 144 Member
    Combat emotional eating with mindful eating. Check out Am I Hungry for more information but basically.....

    Lets say you feel sad and you want to eat. Is eating going to make you feel better? Only for as long as it takes for the food to be gone. When you feel sad (or any other emotion that makes you want to eat) you have three choices, with three consequences.

    1. Eat. You will feel better while you eat. You will still feel sad after you eat and you will probably feel discouraged for eating. If you eat when you are not hungry your body has NO CHOICE but to store those calories for later.

    2. Discover why you are sad and do something to make it better. If you can discover the reason and take care of the actual problem, eventually THAT will become your new habit and it won't be hard to resist eating. You will meet your true need.

    3. Distract. Sometimes it just isn't a good time to be reflective or you can't do anything to fix the situation. If that is the case think of something pleasant to do instead of eat. For example, Take a walk. But don't JUST walk. While walking notice your surroundings and be totally in the moment. Think about what you see and smell while walking. Notice what is around you and every time the emotional thoughts come back gently turn your mind back to the moment. If you JUST walk it probably won't help.

    This is a journey, not a race. If you are only in this to lose X amount of weight and you don't change your habits you will gain it back and then some. Again, I highly recommend Am I Hungry. though my profile only shows 17 pounds lost I've lost 67 without dieting, without restricting, and only doing exercise I like by learning to change my habits.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Find a picture of your self when you were at your ideal weight - make some copies of it an post it places where you will see it every day (on the fridge, bathroom mirror, closet door). Every time you look at that photo it will remind you why it's worth counting the calories or getting to the gym to exercise. You want to look that good again - or close to it.

    This one thing has helped me keep my focus.
  • NanoReefDiver
    I tend emotional eat.
    To stay on track I go through this routine now...
    First I ask myself, "do I really want it?" Then I go check the calories, "Do I still really want it?" If yes, then I turn on the Wii and zumba till I earn it! Whenever I mentally deprive myself then I know I'm just asking for a binge session. Now I think I can have whatever I want as long as I earn it through exercise. And I always try to give myself a treat (such as a half a cup of ice cream) as part of my daily calories. As long as I don't feel like I'm being jipped (the emotional part) then I let time take care of my natural eating and exercise habits.
    Good luck!