Almond Milk vs Milk

kms1981 Posts: 207 Member
I am shocked at how much sugar is in nonfat milk (12g) so I wanted to replace it with a different option. Today I bought unsweetened Almond milk...are there other/better options for milk? I don't drink it by itself. I put either 1 cup in a protein mix or 1 cup in a bowl of cereal...


  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    Soy milk or coconut milk?
  • AslansMeadow
    I love Almond MIlk!
    If you want a sweet treat, add a little vanilla extract and some splenda....YUMMY
  • ffemtchris
    ffemtchris Posts: 19 Member
    My wife (I don't drink it) likes the vanilla in cereal, etc. She says the chocolate is good on its own. The coconut tastes like cocnut and also stands on its own.
  • womanvsfood77
    my kids are lactose intolerant so ive done soy, rice, coconut...almond is my favorite by far..I always keep it stocked
  • pinksneakers
    pinksneakers Posts: 23 Member
    I agree with everyone! Soy, almond, coconut are all good. But as you get into the flavored ones, the calories go up, as does the sugar. I tried the coconut milk just recently, after I read a post by Jillian (The Biggest Loser), about how she prefers to alternate them!
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    The sugar in regular milk is natural sugar (sort of like fruit)-- I wouldnt worry about that sugar so much! I dont drink regular milk because it makes me sick, but I Love Love Love almond milk!!
  • sarahazelnut99
    sarahazelnut99 Posts: 307 Member
    sugars important but remember your calcium is even more important. i have a small nonfat latte every morning with no syrup just for that reason, but as for taste, almond milk by silk is so good
  • annastasia76
    annastasia76 Posts: 123 Member
    almond milk drinkers here, There are several different brands with different amounts of sugar, check them all out, silk has one vanilla with zero grams sugar and I found an almond breeze at costco vanilla with zero grams sugar, I use those for baking and anything that I don't want to add sugar to, my son drinks the regular sweetened vanilla almond breeze as a milk replacement because he can't have milk.
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    I buy Almond milk for my hormones to make her grow toddler boobs. I think the almond milk is delicious.
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    I just recently started drinking Almond Milk due to dietary issues and I love it! Although, the sodium is a bit ridiculous.
  • kms1981
    kms1981 Posts: 207 Member
    Thanks for your info! I know sugar is not the enemy I just don't want to drink sugar filled protein drinks, defeats my purpose of a healthy breakfast! I probably should try all the milks (soy, almond and coconut) to see which I like better. Thanks again for taking the time to respond.

    And keep them coming if something is missing :)
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    Also to avoid the sodium could make your own almond milk. There are recipes all over the net. Mix almonds with water and you can sweeten it with honey.
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    Also to avoid the sodium could make your own almond milk. There are recipes all over the net. Mix almonds with water and you can sweeten it with honey.

    Thanks :)
  • meljean30
    meljean30 Posts: 22
    i reallllly believe that COW milk is for BABY COWS!!!!!! plain and simple. YUk!!! I like soy.. although there are studies comming up about processes soy products being not so great... ALMOND MILK is great.. drink on sista!! spread the word!
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    love almond milk! i like it on cheerios, with some bananas!
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    If you're not lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy, there is no reason to cut milk out of your diet. Milk is a source of 100% bioavailable protein, calcium, vitamin D, potassium and more. Sugar is not the enemy. Consuming too many calories is.
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    I switched to Almond milk a few weeks ago after seeing some good reviews on the message boards. I absolutely love it and don't add anything to it. I've tried the unsweetened versions, the vanilla versions, and the chocolate milk. I love the chocolate milk and am sticking with the original almond milk for now.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    yea but if your eating good then you should not have any other sugar in your diet, milk is 1 the best thing you can give your body i would never trade my milk for anything, especially no for almond milk I do use coconut milk it has 7-9gr of sugar depending flavor and its lactose free. the benefits of milk outweigh the sugar
  • mishu21399
    I always get the unsweetend almond milk then add a pack of splenda, way less calories than the sweetened kind.