Still paying for WW

krissi1108 Posts: 6
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
So, I started the online WW program in April of 2010 and here I am still needing to lose weight. I haven't really lost, if anything I have gained!! WHY???! Why do I do this, why can't I stay on track? If I would have stayed on track I would have reached my goal by now and this is what I do EVERYTIME!! I am thinking about cancelling my WW, but I am afraid that if I do want to start back up with that I will have to pay the fee again. Apparently the having to pay thing didn't work, like I'd hoped. What should I do? Cancel it and do this or what?? I know you all are going to say go with MFP, because that is what we are here for and the site we are on, but please...Suggestions/Opinions??

Thanks :)


  • tamleon
    tamleon Posts: 1 Member
    I have been in that rut too, as many of us have. I have found that I am much more successful if I attend WW in person. The weekly meeting gives you a goal to work towards and actuall people to interact with. I found on line its very easy to stray..when your not on line.
    You should try a weight watchers meeting if you have one available near you to attend. I love the online support, the recipes and the advice, but the commitment to weighing in at a meeting can be very rewarding.
    I have found that facebook friends help too and can also be a great support system.
    Good Luck on your journey.
  • I think you should do what feels right for you. If you have been a member of WW since April 2010, and are disappointed with your success, you need to have a look at why, what is going on in your life that is keeping you from getting what you want. Until you can answer that question, and work on it, you will struggle with any plan/diet you try. I have been a member of WW for a few years, and had great success, but I followed it and logged EVERY bite I put in my mouth.
    In case you don't know it, you can succeed at weight loss, and you will when you decide that it is the most important thing for you and that you are going to do whatever it takes to get to your goal.
    Good luck....
  • emmascott
    emmascott Posts: 249
    I've joined things like ww and slimming world at least 30 times in my iife. I did lose weight, but until I joined MFP I didn't really feel in control.

    I'm now eating 1200 cals a day, I can keep track of my sodium, calcium, fat etc really easily with this site, I've made some amazing friends, I haven't paid a penny and I've lost 18lb without struggling.

    In addition to my 1200 cals, if I exercise and burn off 400 cals, I'll eat them!! I've never, ever, ever done that before & I think it's this that is making it easier.

    I've had some naughty days too, but the weight doesn't seem to go back on. Im sure that's because aside the calories burned at the time of exercising, apparently over time, It speeds up the metabolism anyway, so you burn off your food quicker afterwards to.

    It's all going to depend upon where you feel most in control.

    The groups i've been to, I didn't get to know anyone, so apart from listening to the leader for an hour a week, that was all the support I got. It may be completely different for you.

    I'm such an advocate for this site. The people I have 'met' on here keep me going. If you are feeling a little low and post it, you are soon lifted and feeling positive again. Then there are people putting funny things that have happened to them that day & that makes you chuckle and feeling positive again.

    You have done really well with your weight loss so far too. Over half a stone! That's something to be proud of.

    I can't wait to see what you decide.

    You can come and share my friends with me if you like!!!

    Take care.

  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    so i was just in the SAME situation. well, still kinda am. I was going to WW meeting and doing it online, while i was still on MFP. I thought i was SO ready to lose it this time! Well, here iam still no weight loss. i quit WW because i figred i needed to figure out what was wrong with me, why i wasnt staying commited because ill be SO ready to do it and then a little biit into it, i give up. So i quit it... im still trying to figre everything out, but its tough and why waste the money when ya cant? Friend me if youd like :)
  • caboeyes
    caboeyes Posts: 24
    Here's my $0.02 - I felt the same way and when I was directed to this website I was so pleased to find it had so many similar tools as WW and especially pleased to find it's free. I just re-joined WW (for the 4th or 5th time in Feb 2011) and at the same time joined Curves. Well, I quickly realized I can't afford both, and I NEED my gym! So, while I haven't canceled my WW membership yet (I only joined MFP two days ago) it is imminent in the VERY near future.

    I actually invited all of my real-world friends to join me here at MFP and have set up an event on my FB page for those local friends to have a weight loss support group once a month. My goal is to have all the online support I need on a daily basis here, with the journaling and cheer-leading and then have the real world support as well. Plus 4-5 days a week at Curves and I am feeling pretty optimistic! Of course, I always feel invincible in my first week....but I know I can do it this time!
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    I signed up online for the new WW pts. plus program on Jan. 1st. of this year. After 6 weeks I switched over to MFP. I lost the money cause my membership is still good til April 1st., and I don't use it. Their program was giving me too many calories and I wasn't losing. Since the switch, I am back in my old jeans and eating a more contstructive food plan. I am learning what works for me. The info I get just from the other members alone is awesome. I feel for the first time that I'll see this through to the end, if I get a little down, this site just picks me right back up and I'm on my way. MFP is working for me, I hope it will for you.
  • dawny78
    dawny78 Posts: 132 Member
    i was chatting to a friend about this the other day i told her to try MFP for a week or two and then do WW for a week or two and then see which ones best for her , i think WW is given her way to may cals aswell would be more intretsed in this ......will keep coming back here to see what others think . Good luck with what evers best for yourself .
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    I lost a loto f weight on WW a few years ago by going to meetings but got so bored of the meetings because all we did was talk about food and the same old stuff and it got to be pricey, and I felt I could lead the meeting myself. I think you could follow their points and still do this for your support and not pay for the meetings.
    I know they changed the point system but I liked the old way better- prob cause I am NOT a fruit/veggie person and this way seems more complicated.
    I am logging my food into MFP as of yesterday and pray that I don't get tired of it because I like the calorie counting better. With weight watchers, there were higher calorie, lower point foods that I am sure do need to be counted.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    I started WW last April as well. I had great success. I had gone from 143 in March to 119 in August. I started maintaining. Then WW started its PP program and I started gaining. I gained back to 129 and fell of the wagon. I was so depressed I just started eating. I continued to pay for WW. I got back to 138 and found this site. I've only been here a week, but I really like it. I found that using PP, I was eating too many calories. If I log what I'm eating here (at goal) on WW, I still have points left over, unless I counted fruit points. I had figured that out myself, but this was verification WW was too much food. Under the old plan I learned to eat all my WPs and APs. I now know that I cannot eat the WPs. Using MFP, I eat all the APs and DPs (WW lingo) each day. I feel in control and satisfied and have lots of energy. So, yes, I really like MFP.

    With all that being said. I think you have to do what is right for you 8 months ago, I would have strongly advocaged WW, it was working for me. Now that it isn't (I can't log my points and see the WPs without wanting to eat them), it just isn't right for me any more, I am no longer advocating it.
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    Beck- I know that with the new PP program, you can eat unlimited fruit I think??? I know most people won't eat 10 bananas but I also know that it equates to calories that while in a healthy form, are not being counted.
    I also believe that if I did re join weight watchers, I would use the older point system because if worked for me- so why mess with what worked? I think people are under the impression that they HAVE TO use the new system. I do admit that it would be weird going to a meeting where they are talking about the new system when you don't want to use it!
    I think WW got a lot of heat for people losing weight but still not eating "healthy" where basically someone could eat candy all day up to their points and it wasn't a healthy menu. However, coming from someone who has to hide veggies and fruits because I have texture issues, I actually liked the fact that I could have the option of choosing, and that is what worked for me...and no I never ate all candy, or all cake, or all pizza or all fast food in one day anyway! :)
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    I am also on WW. Although I have lost weight with the program, my wt loss has slowed down and I gained 1.2 lbs last week when I was 100% op.
    I'm going to only do MFP. It's the same thing as WW but instead of points, we say calories.
    Good luck to you. We can do this!
  • mara232
    mara232 Posts: 93 Member
    I like MFP better - fruits, veggies, olive oil have more calories than WW counts. Don't they say that 50 calories = 1 point on WW? I am not familiar with the new system but even on the old, if you were logging calories vs. points I bet you were eat 100-200 calories (at least) more than you thought.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    Yes, you can definitely eat too much fruit under the new WW plan. My issue with it is that if I don't eat any fruits or veggies and use all the points I was given for the day I get a little over 1200 calories. Then, I ate fruits and veggies giving me 1400 or more calories each day. Then, I would eat my activity points giving me 1600 or more calories each day before eating my weekly points, which would put me up to about 1900 calories per day (average, because I would save points for the weekend--thereby eating 1400-1500 per day during the week and sometimes over 3000 on the weekend. I wasn't getting that many calories on the old plan.

    With MFP, I'm getting only 1200 calories if I don't work out. 1500-1700 if I workout. There are no "weekly calories". So, I'm eating less in a week using MFP. However, I've found that eating my workout calories each day is better (for me) then saving them up like I was doing with WW. I just feel more satisfied each day. And without all those extra "weeklies", I'm eating fewer calories in total.

    I would go back to the old WW plan, but I was an online only member, so I don't have the calculator or food list. I like that they are trying to get people to eat more whole foods, but I think their calculations are off for smaller people. I know it works for some and I'm ready to move on and try something new. So, I'm trying MFP and like it so far.
  • sueceeq
    sueceeq Posts: 61 Member
    I canceled my ww online subscription last week, just a few days after joining mfp. I feel like this site gives me so much more. I am more comfortable counting calories, keeping track of protein and fat, than counting points. I like the community better also, in my opinion it feels smaller, more intimate. The phone ap speaks for itself. I love it! And the fact that it's free didn't hurt either!
    Good luck!
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    I canceled my ww online subscription last week, just a few days after joining mfp. I feel like this site gives me so much more. I am more comfortable counting calories, keeping track of protein and fat, than counting points. I like the community better also, in my opinion it feels smaller, more intimate. The phone ap speaks for itself. I love it! And the fact that it's free didn't hurt either!
    Good luck!

    I agree- I remember a few years ago going on the WW site community boards and some of the ppl were downright rude- Here my experience has been wonderful so far :)
  • keb1957
    keb1957 Posts: 4
    Funny, you should post this....just got finished cancelling my weight watchers subscription! I too have joined many times, but this time I couldn't get in touch with the new points plus program. I knew things were not going well when I didn't even upwrap the food scale for three weeks! I am coming back to something that I can do easily and don't have to be at a 6:30a.m. Saturday meeting. I feel freedom with this website that I can track calories and don't have to worry about how many points are in each food.
  • rdaraz
    rdaraz Posts: 103
    i used to go to WW, but i never followed it :( it just didnt do much for me. i think i just needed to do this on my own, and so far ive been successful!
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I signed up for WW online just 3 days before talking to my Dr. who recommended MFP to me. ("Fruits are NOT free!")
    I cancelled the WW membership asap.

    I love MFP and this is coming from someone who never thought they'd like counting calories.
    It's so user friendly and FREE.
    Anyone can use it no matter what plan they're following.
  • Rhonkaye
    Rhonkaye Posts: 3
    I just joined WW about 3 weeks ago, but just found out about this site 2 days ago. Bye Bye Weight Watchers. I like this site even better. It's about mental motivation. You have to WANT to lose the weight and basically forces yourself to get started. I was told if you do something for 11 to 14 days straight it will become a habit. Hopefully this helps. By the way, I am taking my own
  • Rhonkaye
    Rhonkaye Posts: 3
    I totally agree!! I don't have time for meetings and the time I spend traveling to hear a pep talk, I could have done some exercises. I love this site!!! I think I will do better with this too!
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