
:smile: Hi everyone. I am new to my fitness pal. Just logged in weight a week ago today, have lost 3 lbs.! I love this site. I write down my calorie info. every morning after my breakfast, since i take my lunch to work and my snacks for my 2 breaks, i jot down the cal. info. for the day. When i get home, i log that in and i can see how many calories i will have for my supper and any snacks! It's great. I exercise, I love jillian michaels six week abs dvd, and i have a treadmill that i use her chip in to walk, she is awesome! I have been reading lots of your posts and it helps me to keep motivated. Good luck to each and everyone of you!:bigsmile:


  • megchua
    megchua Posts: 1
    Welcome to MFP!
  • hensonsc87
    welcome, i am also new I started on the 8th and It helps to keep track and know other people can see what you have done kind helps keep you accountable. good luck
  • pinksneakers
    pinksneakers Posts: 23 Member
    Welcome! I'm fairly new also, and agree with you that this site is awesome!!
  • vwfrog
    vwfrog Posts: 57 Member
    Welcome !
  • marybullock
    marybullock Posts: 2 Member
    I think the key is writing down everything you eat as well! Even when I over eat, I like the saying at the bottom that tells you how much you will weigh in five weeks if you continue to eat that way. That scares me straight for some reason! Good luck to you. I plan to finally get to the weight on my drivers license!
  • aghall
    aghall Posts: 25
    Thanks everyone and good luck to you all!