anyone have any advice??

:smile: I have been excercising everyday (no excuses) from 30mins-an hour.i lost about 4lbs the first week then nothing the next two weeks....I know that your weight can plateau at points but already?? I eat healthy so I guess I'm just looking for someones insight on my situation...thanks!


  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    You're probably building muscles... muscle weighs more than fat. Have you taken measurements, sometimes you see results there when the scale doesn't move. Are your clothes fitting differently? Finally, how's your sodium. Too much will cause you to retain fluids. Good luck!
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    Usually the second week is the toughest because your body is in shock from the changes you made and little to no weight could be lost. For me I lost a bunch the first week and then the next two weeks I barely lost half of what I did in the first week. I wouldn't worry about it. You could have been retaining water if you ate something with a lot of sodium. I would continue on your track and pay attention to what's in the foods you eat. Stay away from processed foods they are high in sodium.
  • ermontoy
    ermontoy Posts: 10 Member
    Try changing up your routine. I've heard different reasons for this but mainly because you're not shocking your muscles with the same routine. Try working different muscle groups or improvise and work on negatives - allowing your body to work extra hard on those stabilizer muscles. Hope this helps. Good luck and keep working at it. :)
  • Kai85
    Kai85 Posts: 440 Member
    I'm not sure I can really help. I was going through a month or so where I didn't lose any weight and was still being very rigid with exercise and eating (i.e., sticking to 1200cal). I relaxed a bit and increased my cal to 1430 and in the last week alone I have lost 2 kg (4.5 pounds) taking me to a toal of 10kg. I was also going through for me a pretty super stressful time (still am really).... but definitely relaxing my attitude towards food and exercise has helped. Good luck : )
  • Timetask
    Timetask Posts: 1
    It sould be you are gaining muscle mass and it weighs more than fat. If you have increased your exercise over what yo were doing, then my best guess is you are adding muscle mass. Give it some time.
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    :smile: I have been excercising everyday (no excuses) from 30mins-an hour.i lost about 4lbs the first week then nothing the next two weeks....I know that your weight can plateau at points but already?? I eat healthy so I guess I'm just looking for someones insight on my situation...thanks!

    If you are exercising every day, 7 days a week then you might need to give your body a rest. Let your muscles repair, if you aren't allowing them to do this they may be retaining water.

    Make sure you are getting at least eight glasses of water a day and watch your sodium levels.. If you are eating a lot of packaged foods that may be causing it.
  • annav2401
    That's a really great idea! Ironically enough I "feel" smaller but as far as the scale goes I'm not lol.So maybe if i start with measurments that could be an added incentive..For the record diet soda has a bunch of sodium right?:)Thanks soo much!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Check out this post from the Newbie info. It sounds like you've hit phase 2. Whenever I get frustrated I go back and read this and it usually is right on target.
  • annav2401
    that was very helpful!! It was great to see it broken down like that,Thanks so much!
  • CWRose
    CWRose Posts: 62
    Try also changing to a completely new workout routine usually that can kickstart your body again.