Flucuation of weight??

Jess0218 Posts: 138
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I want to understand so anyone, trainer or anyone, please respond if ya dont mind. My weight is not high but has changed 4lbs in a short few days. The past two weeks I have been working out doing alot more strength training. Is it possible to already have gained muscle that would change the scale? I keep hearing muscle weighs more? Also...Im drinking 9 plus cups of water each day. Is that making me "heavier"? I feel great w/ working out and excercising but as I continue I just wanna know a little more of what to expect...should I just pitch the scale I wonder?

Thanks for your advice in advance friends :flowerforyou:


  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I'm not a trainer but I know that weight training can cause water retention. Also, is it by chance around "that time" of the month? TMI >>> The week prior to and first few days of, I can gain anywhere from about about 1-3 pounds. Usually goes back to normal after the 3rd day.
  • It's not possibel to gain 4lbs of muscle in a few days..its probably water retention due to hormone fluctuation or too much sodium in your diet. I can flucuate about 3-4lbs throughout the month..especially around my cycle..also one salty meal can cause you to gain it overnight.
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    Their are a lot of factors that go into your daily weight. That is one reason why people suggest you don't weigh yourself every day. What you eat, how regular you are, your water consumption, time of day all influence your daily weight.
    If you feel good, your cloths aren't getting tight, you still have energy, then you are probably fine. Keep an eye on it, but my gut tells me that your fluctuations are probably just water.
  • Jess0218
    Jess0218 Posts: 138
    It's not possibel to gain 4lbs of muscle in a few days..its probably water retention due to hormone fluctuation or too much sodium in your diet. I can flucuate about 3-4lbs throughout the month..especially around my cycle..also one salty meal can cause you to gain it overnight.

    thanks so much. its end of TOM and I have had some more salt then normal..but thanks for sharing w/ me and helpin me get some clarity :)
  • Jess0218
    Jess0218 Posts: 138
    I'm not a trainer but I know that weight training can cause water retention. Also, is it by chance around "that time" of the month? TMI >>> The week prior to and first few days of, I can gain anywhere from about about 1-3 pounds. Usually goes back to normal after the 3rd day.

    It's the end of that "tom", and so I did wonder if that could be it? had no idea weight training caused water retention. Good to know. Thanks for your help.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hi I was a Curves fitness trainer for over a year and if you are working out everyday hard and not giving your muscles a day in between to rest and rebuild themselves, they will be swollen and it will cause you to weigh more. This is normal. Also you will weigh less before you work out then when after you work out. I would see a difference of as much as 2-3 lbs difference when the ladies would weigh before and then after a workout. You can try this, do cardio one day, strength training the next day and so on and this will allow your muscles rest time. You can still do light strength training on your cardio day but just take it easier. It sounds like you are doing the work so you are sure to see the results!! Just allow those muscles some rest:) Good luck to you~
  • Jess0218
    Jess0218 Posts: 138
    Their are a lot of factors that go into your daily weight. That is one reason why people suggest you don't weigh yourself every day. What you eat, how regular you are, your water consumption, time of day all influence your daily weight.
    If you feel good, your cloths aren't getting tight, you still have energy, then you are probably fine. Keep an eye on it, but my gut tells me that your fluctuations are probably just water.

    Thank you. I do feel good and wonder...if it's water, am I drinking too much water?? is that even possible??
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    The good news is that that 4lbs will probably be gone in a few days! It's practically, (I try not to speak in absolutes) impossible to gain muscle weight in a calorie deficit. Muscle takes up less space than fat, but that number on the scale wouldn't go up. It's probably water. So, keep flushing it out and really watch your sodium. Also, if the weight training is a new thing or you have recently changed up your workout, your muscles can actually hold onto some extra water for a few days. Just keep doing your thing girl, and try not to stress to hard. It'll come off and you'll have a nice big loss.
  • Jess0218
    Jess0218 Posts: 138
    Hi I was a Curves fitness trainer for over a year and if you are working out everyday hard and not giving your muscles a day in between to rest and rebuild themselves, they will be swollen and it will cause you to weigh more. This is normal. Also you will weigh less before you work out then when after you work out. I would see a difference of as much as 2-3 lbs difference when the ladies would weigh before and then after a workout. You can try this, do cardio one day, strength training the next day and so on and this will allow your muscles rest time. You can still do light strength training on your cardio day but just take it easier. It sounds like you are doing the work so you are sure to see the results!! Just allow those muscles some rest:) Good luck to you~

    THANK YOU soooooo much! It's been two week and im learning to swtich it up each day like you said...so thank you for your help. Very much appreciated :)
  • snowsquall
    snowsquall Posts: 54 Member
    Just to let you know i've fluctuated as much as 9 lbs in two days ,no lie and my wife can attest to this, as for me fluid retention is the big thing. I always weight heavier than before workout and can drop 4lb in a hard cardio workout.
  • Jess0218
    Jess0218 Posts: 138
    The good news is that that 4lbs will probably be gone in a few days! It's practically, (I try not to speak in absolutes) impossible to gain muscle weight in a calorie deficit. Muscle takes up less space than fat, but that number on the scale wouldn't go up. It's probably water. So, keep flushing it out and really watch your sodium. Also, if the weight training is a new thing or you have recently changed up your workout, your muscles can actually hold onto some extra water for a few days. Just keep doing your thing girl, and try not to stress to hard. It'll come off and you'll have a nice big loss.

    Thanks chica! So was hopin you responded. hehe The new gym opened so for the past two weeks I've been at it everyday and just yesterday and today have rested. Been training w/ someone and doing alot more weights and strength training along w/the cardio . I did buy that Morton salt substitute, 0 sodium and Im hopin im ok w/ that. Def been watchin my sodium in food as well. you can check my diary if you want but Im pretty sure im stayin less than what im even allowed? Im enjoyin this so much and it's become addicting to me..so I hope to reap the changes soon enough :)
  • alazarus
    alazarus Posts: 80 Member
    You're not alone! My weight can fluctuate as much as 4 lbs in a day, too. Which is really frustrating for me because I'm trying to premanantly lose 10 "vanity" lbs. that I gained this past year, and I can NOT tell if I've made any REAL progress or not because my weight is up and down so much, so it seems like the hard work I've been putting in has made no difference at all... Frustrating!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    The good news is that that 4lbs will probably be gone in a few days! It's practically, (I try not to speak in absolutes) impossible to gain muscle weight in a calorie deficit. Muscle takes up less space than fat, but that number on the scale wouldn't go up. It's probably water. So, keep flushing it out and really watch your sodium. Also, if the weight training is a new thing or you have recently changed up your workout, your muscles can actually hold onto some extra water for a few days. Just keep doing your thing girl, and try not to stress to hard. It'll come off and you'll have a nice big loss.

    Thanks chica! So was hopin you responded. hehe The new gym opened so for the past two weeks I've been at it everyday and just yesterday and today have rested. Been training w/ someone and doing alot more weights and strength training along w/the cardio . I did buy that Morton salt substitute, 0 sodium and Im hopin im ok w/ that. Def been watchin my sodium in food as well. you can check my diary if you want but Im pretty sure im stayin less than what im even allowed? Im enjoyin this so much and it's become addicting to me..so I hope to reap the changes soon enough :)

    Oh, yea, if you are resting this weekend I bet you'll see a drop soon. I threw in the sodium advice because it's sort of always given. I know you've been on top of it :wink: Maybe even going for a nice walk today will hep those muscles let go of that water. Just keep drinking your water and remember, this weight fluctuation is a sign that you are ALREADY reaping the rewards. It's happening girl!
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    Also take your measurements if those aren't changing or you aren''t seeing any physical changes then your good. Weight is just a number to me :)
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    Boy am I glad I visited this thread! I've been having the same problem - from 3 to 6 lbs of water apparently, and I have stepped up quite a bit with the strength training. I never knew about the muscle water retention thing, but thanks for the info. I feel better now. It's that TOM for me now and I've been working out extra hard just to see if I can see a change in this six lb gain. So far it seems to be working but I can't wait to weigh in after TOM goes away!!!:drinker:
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