question re: P90X

My husband just bought me P90X!!!! I began getting serious about losing weight & being in shape a few months ago, and now it seems he wants in! :) I'm very excited to have an exercise partner!

One question: will P90X make me lose weight or gain? I have about 25 lbs approx to go until my goal weight (I'm 5'10), so I could use the muscle as I know it helps burn calories quicker and will make me stronger and more toned. But i also know muscle weighs more.

My concern is because I joined a "Biggest loser" challenge with the final weigh in in June. I can start P90X now and look toned and lose the competition, or just lose the weight and work on muscle toning later.

How much muscle mass can I realistically expect to gain?


  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    Even a couple of pounds of muscle aren't going to stop you from "winning" a challenge like what you're doing because you're going to burn SO much fat it will even itself out. Plus if you "lose" because you didn't lose enough in pounds you'll look so great it won't matter.

    160lbs toned looks better than 150lbs flabby! Good luck!

    I'm in my second week of P90X and loving it! (I'm doing the Lean option).
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I wouldn't worry about that at all. You will tone up so much and burn the fat and feel amazing! This is for life, not just for a competition, right? If your husband is truly on board and you're going to do it together, then I say go for it! I wish my husband was with me on this, but he's just not ready and he has 100 pounds to lose... I'm within 20 of my goal! Can't wait to be "ripped" and I think P90X is a great tool to get you there.. I don't have it but know lots who have used it and lost amazing weight with it!
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    Go online (unless it's in the literature that came with the DVD's) & Google the different plans. There's a lean one that does more of a focus on cardio. We have P90X as well. It's all in the mix of the DVD's & how you do them. It's great! We (husband & I) have worked out together to them. Great workouts! Feel free to message me or friend me if you'd like. I'm happy to help by sharing what I have learned. :happy:
  • sbono15
    sbono15 Posts: 5
    P90X is not great for quick weight loss . . . . but stick with it! If you can persist through it, you will be happy with the changes you see in your body. It is great for muscle definitiion . . . . eating within your goal ranges is key.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    My husband just bought me P90X!!!! I began getting serious about losing weight & being in shape a few months ago, and now it seems he wants in! :) I'm very excited to have an exercise partner!

    One question: will P90X make me lose weight or gain? I have about 25 lbs approx to go until my goal weight (I'm 5'10), so I could use the muscle as I know it helps burn calories quicker and will make me stronger and more toned. But i also know muscle weighs more.

    My concern is because I joined a "Biggest loser" challenge with the final weigh in in June. I can start P90X now and look toned and lose the competition, or just lose the weight and work on muscle toning later.

    How much muscle mass can I realistically expect to gain?

    OK let's clear a few things up. Muscle does not weigh more then fat. 5lbs. of fat weighs the same as 5 lbs. of muscle. Fat just takes up more room then muscle, so while you might be smaller you will weigh the same. With that said you could definitely lose 25 lbs. by June, not only will you love the way you look, but you will love the way you feel.

    Also you will not bulk up, you don't have enough testosterone to bulk up.
  • JAG1224
    JAG1224 Posts: 191 Member
    p90x is great.. i don't think you'll have a problem losing weight. the workouts are awesome, you'll definitely sweat.. best wishes!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I am going into my recovery week of P90X Lean (fourth week) and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! Try to follow the nutrition plan if you have excess fat to lose. The Fat Shredder portion of the plan is basically 50% Protein, 30% Carbs, and 20% Fat. I do not follow the plan to the letter, but I did change my MFP goals to reflect the Fat Shredder plan and try to follow those as well as I can.

    Find a good pre and post recovery drink plan. I found that I BRING IT! a lot more when I drink something 30-45 minutes before and right after my workouts.

    I will ditto earlier comments...don't worry about a weight loss challenge...those things are finite and you are doing this for life. I am not quite done with the first phase and I already see noticeable results in my strength, stamina, weight, and measurements.

    I am very envious that you have someone to do it with. I have a partner on MFP that is on the same day and we prop each other up, but there is nothing like having someone to share it with in the same room.

    Good luck and BRING IT!
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    I've just finished my 10th week of P90X Lean routine and will be starting my 11th week on Monday. P90x is the perfect program to help you get to your goal specially if you follow the nutrition guide. You'll also get stronger and your body will look great! trust me! There 's such a myth about bulking up it would take years and a lot of work for a woman to get bulky.
  • wanderingpilgrim
    wanderingpilgrim Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks everyone for your thought,...and for the clarifications. :wink:

    NEW question: How do I estimate calories burned for each workout??????
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    You NEED a heart rate Monitor (HRM). There's so many different things you do during P90X that no "estimator" will be close. It's well worth the investment for the program.
  • wanderingpilgrim
    wanderingpilgrim Posts: 109 Member
    You NEED a heart rate Monitor (HRM). There's so many different things you do during P90X that no "estimator" will be close. It's well worth the investment for the program.

    I live in a small town. Are they pretty easy to find? How much in price roughly do they go for? And lastly, if they're all a little different, are there certain features I should be sure to look for???
    Thanks in advance....
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    If you look around the site here there will be lots of threads about HRM. Polar is the most loved brand, and can be pricey but well worth it. You'll most likely order it online and have it shipped to you :D
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    You NEED a heart rate Monitor (HRM). There's so many different things you do during P90X that no "estimator" will be close. It's well worth the investment for the program.

    I live in a small town. Are they pretty easy to find? How much in price roughly do they go for? And lastly, if they're all a little different, are there certain features I should be sure to look for???
    Thanks in advance....

    I'm on day 73 of P90X and I love it. I defiantly would recommend getting a HRM. I got one at Wal-Mart for about $30 but I think the Polar would be a much better investment. Hopefully I can get a new one soon.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I didn't lose any weight doing P90X - I lost one more size in my clothes and lots of inches. Bases upon the Body Comp Scale - I lost about 2% body fat.