
Just downloaded the app and thought I'd joIn the community! Ready to lose some serious weight for myself and my kiddo. Plus the husband is finally jumping on the bandwagon, only took him 6 years of nagging to finally give in :) Our daughter is naturally a healthy eater so now that the husband is on board I'm hoping this diet thing will be easier. Excited!


  • flttumee
    flttumee Posts: 16
    You can add me as friend! Stay excited!! and best of luck!!!:drinker:
  • marianeo
    marianeo Posts: 161 Member
    Welocme!!! All the best for the journey ahead!
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    Hi , gd luck
  • beckielou8
    beckielou8 Posts: 10 Member
    Good luck :o) keep that positive energy and you'll do great! People on here are really supportive when you're having a bad day and that keeps you going too! Add me if you like.
  • cabbie461
    cabbie461 Posts: 23
    Well done. This site has helped me immensely. It is so easy to keep a sight of what you consume and what you use during the day. Keep at it and log in everyday. Share your achievements no matter how small and also your disappointments because there will be a few. That's life!!!
  • knikkiola
    knikkiola Posts: 47 Member

    Stay excited! it'll keep you motivated for your journey , aswell as all the lovely people in the community! feel free to add me. xx
  • lv1105
    lv1105 Posts: 3
    Thanks all for the warm welcome! Still trying to get the hang of the site but I'm attempting to add u all :)