On Birth Control and Having A Difficult Time

Are there any other women out there on Birth Control [namely Depo] that are having a difficult time losing weight? If so, what have you done to make your weightloss successful?


  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    I'm on birth control,
    But I only had trouble at the beginning,When i started having trouble, I started to take multivitamins and eat alot more protein.
    but now i dont seem to be having any trouble.
  • sodavis
    sodavis Posts: 1
    What birth control are you currently taking? I am on mirana and i still have been successful in losing weight. Diet and exercise are really the only way to lose weight and keep it off. You should see your diet as a lifestyle change not so much as a way to lose weight... Not sure of yoru current size; however, if you try to keep around 1200 calories a day you should lose between 1.5-2lbs a week.
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    Taking birth control doesn't make you gain weight-- weight gain is strictly calories in vs calories expended. As long as you are following your allotment of calories and have a deficit though exercise, you should be losing weight regardless of taking BC.
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    I've been on Depo for years and don't see any effect in my weight loss, although my GYN asks me every time I see her if I'm noticing any weight gain. Sounds like it must impact some people and cause problems with weight loss/gain!
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    I was on Depo and gained a ton of weight with it and had a very difficult time getting it off. I switched to the pill and saw more immediate results. Recently switched to a low estrogen version and lost another five.

    It can be done, don't give up!! It is just takes longer. Hang in there. Track your calories and move your body!
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    Taking birth control doesn't make you gain weight-- weight gain is strictly calories in vs calories expended. As long as you are following your allotment of calories and have a deficit though exercise, you should be losing weight regardless of taking BC.

    I'm so sorry to disagree with you, but one of the first things my doctor told me when going on birth control was I may gain weight,especially at first. Since I was warned, I made sure to watch what I was eating, but it does affect your body greatly depending on what type of birth control your on and the dosage you get.

    As for my advice, make sure you're getting plenty of Vitamin D and eat more protien. It keeps you fuller longer, and if you feel as though you're hungry between meals, eat 4-5 small meals through out the day. Just stay as close to 1200 calories as you can and make sure to exercise 4-5 times a week!
  • tapwaters
    tapwaters Posts: 428 Member
    I'm on depo, and i haven't had a problem. It can't actually MAKE you gain weight, it just increases your appetite and makes you eat more.
  • VialOfDreams
    Are there any other women out there on Birth Control [namely Depo] that are having a difficult time losing weight? If so, what have you done to make your weightloss successful?

    I gained 60 lbs just because of depo. It IS a fact that some people CAN gain weight due to this birth control shot. It is in fact the most prominent side effect of it, and the doctor should have warned you about it.

    The doc did tell me I could expect weight gain, I just didn't know how much. (I gained the extra 60 lbs without any change in lifestyle - except eating more due to increased appetite.) I tried losing weight by exercising regularly and changing my eating habits, but my weight loss wasn't significant enough. Once I stopped using it, I dropped the weight and an additional 40 lbs on top of the 60. (Obviously the weight didn't magically go away, and I had to eat a healthy diet and exercise on a regular basis.) In addition, there are other aspects to consider of depo shot, but I prefer not to talk those aspects of my body on a public forum. :)

    Everybody reacts differently to it, so I would say try other options if depo doesn't work for you.

    You may want to read this: http://www.monheit.com/depo-provera/side_effects.asp
  • humpalc
    humpalc Posts: 140
    birth control affects hormones, hormones affect weight loss... the way I understand it, birth control won't add fat cells, but the hormones may cause you to hang onto more water weight, so focus on cutting sodium and drinking plenty of water and see if that helps :) I would consider switching to a lower-dose pill form, too (pain in the butt, but should have less impact on your weight)
  • Jasmine_Moonstone
    Jasmine_Moonstone Posts: 80 Member
    I am using the Implanon birth control implant right now. I have not had any trouble loosing weight while using it.

    *Just a side note. Be very careful with the Depo. I was on it for 3 years. I loved it. However my primary care Dr as well as my GYN said that it can cause bone loss after several years of use. :( So watch it with it. It can also cause problems getting pregnant after coming off of it. I did not get a period untill I was off of it for 8 months & then I was not even regular.
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    I also heard it's harder to build muscle mass bc of increased estrogen
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    As said above, no BC does not directly make you gain weight. It is the side effects of taking it, ie increased appetite and therefore eating more because you feel hungry that is the cause of weight gain. Don't be so cruel, it was an honest question and it deserved a supportive answer, thats why most people are here, for support. With that said, being concious of said side effects can help you. Try going for a banana when you feel hungry as they are filling and will help curb that appetite. Increase water intake, make sure you are eating most of your calories not wasting them on drinks (ie soda, sweet tea, Juice). Try drinking a glass of water before a meal and during the meal as well. These simple tricks will go a long way if you let them. Good luck on your journey.
  • Tyva
    Tyva Posts: 34
    Thanks! Ive started taking my multivitamins again today. Hopefully this will help. :wink:
    Thanks to all that answered positively. I am on the Depo. I thought I was the only one that STARTED OFF SLOWLY on their weightloss journey. Birth Control side effects can effect everyone differently. My question again was

    "Did anyone have any trouble LOSING weight while on BC's and IF SO, how did they deal with it. NOT to argue if BC's CAUSE weight gain." But thank you for your comments anyway.

    Good luck on your weightloss journeys and thanks again!
  • Tyva
    Tyva Posts: 34
    I'm on birth control,
    But I only had trouble at the beginning,When i started having trouble, I started to take multivitamins and eat alot more protein.
    but now i dont seem to be having any trouble.

    Thanks! Ive started taking my multi's again today. Wish me luck!
  • Tyva
    Tyva Posts: 34
    I've been on Depo for years and don't see any effect in my weight loss, although my GYN asks me every time I see her if I'm noticing any weight gain. Sounds like it must impact some people and cause problems with weight loss/gain!

    I was thinking the same thing. I remember when I first started Depo and gained 15lbs. But I was only 110 at the time and I loved the extra lbs lol. Thank you for your comment!
  • Tyva
    Tyva Posts: 34
    I was on Depo and gained a ton of weight with it and had a very difficult time getting it off. I switched to the pill and saw more immediate results. Recently switched to a low estrogen version and lost another five.

    It can be done, don't give up!! It is just takes longer. Hang in there. Track your calories and move your body!

    Ive considered going to the pill method but Im horrible at remembering to take them LMBO! One of my friends said she did better weight wise with the PILL. If I dont budge, I may have to consider it. Thanks again!
  • Tyva
    Tyva Posts: 34
    Are there any other women out there on Birth Control [namely Depo] that are having a difficult time losing weight? If so, what have you done to make your weightloss successful?

    I gained 60 lbs just because of depo. It IS a fact that some people CAN gain weight due to this birth control shot. It is in fact the most prominent side effect of it, and the doctor should have warned you about it.

    The doc did tell me I could expect weight gain, I just didn't know how much. (I gained the extra 60 lbs without any change in lifestyle - except eating more due to increased appetite.) I tried losing weight by exercising regularly and changing my eating habits, but my weight loss wasn't significant enough. Once I stopped using it, I dropped the weight and an additional 40 lbs on top of the 60. (Obviously the weight didn't magically go away, and I had to eat a healthy diet and exercise on a regular basis.) In addition, there are other aspects to consider of depo shot, but I prefer not to talk those aspects of my body on a public forum. :)

    Everybody reacts differently to it, so I would say try other options if depo doesn't work for you.

    You may want to read this: http://www.monheit.com/depo-provera/side_effects.asp

    Thank you SOOO much! Your information was very helpful and Im so glad Im not the only one personally experiencing this problem. The SAME EXACT THING happened to me when I stopped taking my Depo. It waS much easier for me to drop the weight and I ended up losing about 40 lbs in 4 months.

    Im a new mom and Im not trying to have any kids right now so obviously coming off the Depo again to loose the weight is NOT an option! [chuckles]
  • Tyva
    Tyva Posts: 34
    birth control affects hormones, hormones affect weight loss... the way I understand it, birth control won't add fat cells, but the hormones may cause you to hang onto more water weight, so focus on cutting sodium and drinking plenty of water and see if that helps :) I would consider switching to a lower-dose pill form, too (pain in the butt, but should have less impact on your weight)

    GREAT POINT!!!! I was thinking that some of this weight gain was WATER WEIGHT. Ive only gained 4 lbs since taking it (3 months now) but weightloss is sooooo slowwww . I dont know if me hav ing a child recently would effect my hormones as well. I didnt add that factor in lol
  • Tyva
    Tyva Posts: 34
    Greetings! This is an update to my post. It took 6 months for the depot to get out my system. I switched to Seasonique and I was able to drop weight simply by watching my calorie intake and drinking water. It was crazy how I dropped so suddenly when
  • Tyva
    Tyva Posts: 34
    Greetings! This is an update to my post. It took 6 months for the depot to get out my system. I switched to Seasonique and I was able to drop weight simply by watching my calorie intake and drinking water. It was crazy how I dropped so suddenly when the depo finally got out my system!

    It was frustrating bcuz I nearly "killed" myself with no results. Switching to the pill method was a huge benefactor! Now that I've been remotivated, I shoot for 400 to 500 calories burned a day and I've been consistently going DOWN.

    So conclusion? In my case it was tougher to loose on depo and when trying to lose weight, consistent exercise and proper food intake is vital to my weight lost succes.

    13lbs down and still GOING!!!