feeling ill and heldback??

i started making my diet more healthy last week and been trying to be really good, yesteday started to feel run down : ( and today boy did i get hit by a train! i have no energy and flu like symptoms, and no desire to eat anything other then comfort food (not good) and am disapointed to say we had a pizza as the family needed to eat. i had 2 slices 1 slice of garlic bread and fist size prtion of chips, but have no desire to work those bad boy calories off!
does anybody else feel guilty when they have a muck up day and what would you suggest in future if i have a bad day again? x


  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    Just pick yourself up and start again. Its a long road and one day won't make it all for nothing. Drink more water, eat healthy and it'll become a habit. The old choices and temptations will not be the same after a while. You CAN do it!
  • kbloodworth
    kbloodworth Posts: 107 Member
    Yeah, I've been sick all week with this nasty cold I caught from my husband, and I got a sinus infection. I have been eating much more poorly than usual, but I have forced myself to exercise every day to help clear out the sinuses. I've heard mixed opinions on whether you should workout when you are sick. I know it always seems to help me feel better- but again, I think it depends on how severe your illness is. Usually if I work out the day I first feel like I am coming down with something, it seems like I get better faster. Luckily, this is the first time I have been sick since I started my gluten/dairy free diet in May of 2010.

    My only advice is- sleep/rest a lot. Then at least you will start feeling better and won't be eating. :-)
  • satine82
    satine82 Posts: 13
    extra work outs for me this week then lol, im suppose to be starting zumba tuesday so going to dose myself up and rest tomorrow for tuesday night x
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    When I was sick, I bumped my calories up to maintenance by adding 250 exercise calories (labelled as 'maintenance'). If you're more hungry when you're sick, it's because your body needs the nutrients to fight the illness.
  • satine82
    satine82 Posts: 13
    do you feel different cutting out wheat? i tend to find i bloat and hold a lot of water when eating carb based foods did you exclude these from your diet for medical or weight reasons? im intrigued to know as i am such a sucka for fresh bread, pasta and so on x
  • satine82
    satine82 Posts: 13
    ok dont feel as bad now lol my excuse is i need a few more calories x
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    It is so hard to stay on track when you are not well. My 7 year old was off school I'll all last week and I've been dreading catching her virus. This morning I woke up with a sore throat, and thought oh no. Ordinarily I would have just succumbed at that point, but I've committed to doing the 30 day shred so dragged myself out of bed and did it. It was a massive struggle and I've felt pretty s#!t all day. I'm hopeful I'll feel better in the morning but you do need to listen to your body and take it easy sometimes.

    I think I'm rambling now... Completely forgotten what my point was... Hope you feel better soon!
  • austepants
    austepants Posts: 356 Member
    Well I think that it was awesome that u only ate 2 slices, 1 breadstick and a handful of chips!! That takes control!! So way to go on that and rest up and start fresh and make sure to workout on Tuesday :)
  • satine82
    satine82 Posts: 13
    thank you hun you too, i caught it off my kids too i taught them to share but they didnt have to share this..... whats the 30 day shred like heard everyone raving about it x
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    dont worry about it tommorrows a new day:smile: