Any runners?

suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Ive recently signed up for a half marathon in october and have just started training. Never done a proper race before.

Any other runners got any tips, or want to add me as a friend?
I tried looking up some threads but dont want to drag old ones up from the dead

abbie x


  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    here, done 5k last yr this yr doing 10k race for life, thats what keeps me motivated
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    also gd for the weight loss, put on about a stone after xmas and all gone now thx 2 the running which was b4 i signed up on here, i try 2 vary exercise not just running, go walking cycling as well
  • philiphirons
    philiphirons Posts: 34 Member
    I have just signed up for the great south run, and sent you a friend request
  • Dragonfly1996
    Dragonfly1996 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi i did the Great North Run last Sept & really enjoyed it!! Hoping to do another later this year to beat my time. Just trying to concentrate on getting some weight off & the running helps!!!! Have sent u friend request :0)
  • loxleys
    loxleys Posts: 230 Member
    I've been running since school but only for fun until a few years ago and then got the race bug after doing the race for life. I'm doing a half marathon in may, i've recently joined a running club and its great fun. If i didn't run i'd be massive as I like to eat a lot!

    Hope you're training goes well, if you need advice or a training plan, then you can check out the runners world website as they have training plans to follow.

    I've sent a friend request
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    There are lots of good, free training plans out there from sites like and I used the program for my 1st half-marathon.

    I think you're going to have a blast!
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    Hey I did a half-marathon last year. If I did it again, here's what I would do differently:
    1. Make sure you have the right shoes!!
    2. A proper stretching routine, before AND after working out is necessary -- not optional!
    3. Increase mileage and speed as slowly as you possible can
    4. Make sure to rest, especially if you're sore
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    Thanks for the tips.
    Warming up and stretching is probably something i need to start doing properly.
    what sort of stretches should i be doing?
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    I follow Hal Higdons running plans. They are free online. I dont know your basline. But I would start out with a 5K. Find one in your area in the next 6-8 weeks and train for that . Then move up to a 10K . I would give yourself about 12 weeks from the 1/2 to train for the 1/2 so what you do up to then is great mileage base.
    To be honest there is nothing gained with strecthing. Proper shoes. not running to fast and to far so soon out in training, and amt you run per week keeps most issues at bay. You can invest in a cheap foam roller that you can roll out IT muscle and back with

    Stay hydrated!. Dont worry about all those running gels (I never use them on anything over a 1/2 marthon distance)
    If its hot you may need to invest in some Body Glide. Its a vaseline substance you can use in areas that are prone to chafing. Bra lines, under arms, things, and butt..My friend uses liquid bandaid (New Skin) on her feet to prevent blisters..I dont blister unless its a rainy humid day. But my DH chafes bad..Thats all I can think of for now
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    I used to get aches and pains when running, got myself injured, continued pushing through the pain, and got myself REALLY injured. I ended up with a pulled hamstring and wasn't able to resume my normal routine for two months! BAD MISTAKE.

    I started stretching and now my knees don't hurt when I run. Abbie, here's an awesome article. Seriously, even if you only stretch for 5 minutes before and after a work out - it is so worth it!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    I did a 5.6k run yesterday, although i had to take a few walking breaks of around 30 seconds every now and again.
    I was thinking of when i can do that run and run the whole way, then to up the distance.
    Gonna do it again today when i can finally bring myself to get out of my pyjamas, cos i dont think im going to get another chance for an outdoor run till thursday.

    ive got some new trainers. Kswiss tubes. They seem really good so far. More cushioning than my old mizunos, which is good cos i sometimes get a sore ball of the foot
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    I'm up for a 10K charity run... need to send off the forms actually - Keep me posted as to how your doing.

    I do 5K at the gym quite often and often do the same effort on the X-trainer after so I'm reasonably confident....
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    I used to get aches and pains when running, got myself injured, continued pushing through the pain, and got myself REALLY injured. I ended up with a pulled hamstring and wasn't able to resume my normal routine for two months! BAD MISTAKE.

    I started stretching and now my knees don't hurt when I run. Abbie, here's an awesome article. Seriously, even if you only stretch for 5 minutes before and after a work out - it is so worth it!

    Stretching prior to running actually sets you up for worse pulls and tears.

    I have severe Rhematoid arthritis. The only thing recommended by trainers, chiroprators, orthopedics is the foam roller and stick and incorporating core training and yoga weekly...stretching before a run on cold muscles tears ligaments and joints and after a run when muslces are already to warmed up can be overstretched and cause even worse IT issues from them rubbing.(my main problem)
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    I follow Hal Higdons running plans. They are free online. I dont know your basline. But I would start out with a 5K. Find one in your area in the next 6-8 weeks and train for that . Then move up to a 10K . I would give yourself about 12 weeks from the 1/2 to train for the 1/2 so what you do up to then is great mileage base.
    To be honest there is nothing gained with strecthing. Proper shoes. not running to fast and to far so soon out in training, and amt you run per week keeps most issues at bay. You can invest in a cheap foam roller that you can roll out IT muscle and back with

    Stay hydrated!. Dont worry about all those running gels (I never use them on anything over a 1/2 marthon distance)
    If its hot you may need to invest in some Body Glide. Its a vaseline substance you can use in areas that are prone to chafing. Bra lines, under arms, things, and butt..My friend uses liquid bandaid (New Skin) on her feet to prevent blisters..I dont blister unless its a rainy humid day. But my DH chafes bad..Thats all I can think of for now

    Great advice. I follow hal's training regimens too. They're great! I'm running my first official half marathon next sunday! I can't wait. I have 11 miles to go today. Hope all goes well
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 674 Member
    I ran my first half marathon 3 weeks ago, and realized just how important a training program really is!! I will be signing up for the rock n roll in san antonio which takes place in November, I'm going for the full this time. Good luck to ya, feel free to add me as a friend
  • Aczjohnson
    Aczjohnson Posts: 22 Member
    hey abbie x - did my first 5k last Oct in 35:01 - had trained for years with several injuries but finally got thru it all - followed the C25k then followed Hal Higdon's at the very end. went back to work right after that in Oct and have done ZERO since then. started back 2 days ago - walk/running - want to do another 5k (or 2) and would love to train for a 10 k but we'll see. need to get this office weight off that i've put on!!

    feel free to PM me or add me as a friend!! =)
  • nakami
    nakami Posts: 34 Member
    Two 5Ks and Half-Marathon last April, training for another half on April 3rd. Training strictly outdoors 2-3 times a week. Great to cross train (cycling, aerobics). Trying to download new music on my I-pad often to stay motivated while running. Nice comfy shoes are important!!! Stretching before and after strongly suggested to prevent injury (learn on my own mistake after last year).
    Body system helps as well :)
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I would also like to meet some newbie runners/joggers. Even when I was younger and weighed a lot less, I just walked fast, never liked running. I just started doing my own variation on the Couch25K running plan with a friend. The first week I had terrible shin pain and was ready to give it up, until I found some good stretching exercises. I don't stretch before I run (ok right now it's much more like slow jogging lol), but I usually run at night right after I've walked my dog a few laps around the courtyard so my muscles are a little bit warmed up. Once I started stretching well right after I was done, and running for shorter intervals, I was able to really get myself going. I am only up to running for 2 minutes at a time on the treadmill (after about 3-4 weeks of being back to working out) but I figure it's better than standing still. And I just experienced my first "runner's high" this past was pretty amazing.
  • I also started running recently. I am up to about 3 miles now and just love it. For me it is very theraputic. clears my head when i'm out there. Would love to do a 5k soon and possibly more. Will look into Hal Higdons running plans. Could use the help
  • aschultz9
    aschultz9 Posts: 89
    I follow Hal Higdons running plans. They are free online. I dont know your basline. But I would start out with a 5K. Find one in your area in the next 6-8 weeks and train for that . Then move up to a 10K . I would give yourself about 12 weeks from the 1/2 to train for the 1/2 so what you do up to then is great mileage base.
    To be honest there is nothing gained with strecthing. Proper shoes. not running to fast and to far so soon out in training, and amt you run per week keeps most issues at bay. You can invest in a cheap foam roller that you can roll out IT muscle and back with

    Stay hydrated!. Dont worry about all those running gels (I never use them on anything over a 1/2 marthon distance)
    If its hot you may need to invest in some Body Glide. Its a vaseline substance you can use in areas that are prone to chafing. Bra lines, under arms, things, and butt..My friend uses liquid bandaid (New Skin) on her feet to prevent blisters..I dont blister unless its a rainy humid day. But my DH chafes bad..Thats all I can think of for now

    I agree with not necessarily needing to stretch prior...but find it very helpful to do static stretching after running.
    Body Glide is great, also just experimenting and finding the right clothes that are most comfortable for you.
    I never used gels or needed water during a run until now. I am training for full and am finding the gels and water necessary to get through 16 to 20 mile training runs.
    Good shoes are key, I can tell right away when I need new ones. I do right now.
    Experiment with stuff to find out what works for you. Everyone is different, have fun :)
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