New..feeling discouraged..need motivation!!!

jaded42 Posts: 14 Member
So I started "dieting" a little over a week ago..I was 236 when I started and I got to 225 in a week..I weighed this morning and had gained Im up to 226.2..Ive been riding the stationary bike daily for 15 minutes at a time..I try to ride it twice a day...I also do Wii Dance 2 when I can..about twice a week..For over a year now Ive been pretty much completely sedentary..sitting on the couch watching movies or browsing the internet...Nothing physically active at all....I WANT to be able to work out..I truly do! I just dont do it..and I dont know why!! I notice that even after losing 10 pounds..Ive lost no inches at all...I KNOW that is because Im not working out the way I need to..Im not sure what exercises are good for me to help really lose inches as well as pounds...All of my weight is in my butt and thighs and now in my stomach as well...Id love to meet some people on here that can maybe give me advice on the best ways to lose..or challenge me to do things to help me lose!! Anyways..I was just feeling a bit discouraged today as I know Ive been trying to keep my calories within range and trying to be more active than usual...I know that losing the weight I need to lose is not going to be easy and will take me some time..but Id like to know the quickest way to lose it..and keep it off for good!!


  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    To be honest with you, a good portion of that 10 lbs you lost was probably water weight...not actual fat. Your biggest enemy in this whole process is going to be yourself. If you want to workout, then just get up and do it. It's okay to start slow and then work your way up. It's good to start with 15 minutes, but when you've mastered 15, add another 15. Also...don't do just cardio. If you REALLY want to see some inches gone, try weight training. It will build muscle and muscle is what really burns the fat. I highly recommend The Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout DVD. It has cardio and weight training and will kick your butt! But it's do-able. If you don't want to do that, try doing cardio 3 days/week and weight training 3 days/week on alternating days, and rest 1 day. Also, try finding someone to workout with. I find that if I feel like someone else is counting on me to be somewhere, I'm more likely to go. The important thing is that you just keep moving. You can do it!!
  • fat_beyonce
    fat_beyonce Posts: 133 Member
    you need to make the decision that is definitely what you want first of all because it's a long road and you're gonna need all the fuel you've got.
    Next sometimes when we step up our exercise routine our body can hold onto water to help repair our new muscles forming. Secondly log everything no matter how bad your day is okay. Thirdly going to the gym helps and Fourthly when we start a diet we lose alotta weight quick and easily and that's mainly because it's water weight the rest of the weight it can be really hard to lose. You need to keep doing what you're doing and I promise you will see a difference.:happy:
  • rks6902
    rks6902 Posts: 29 Member
    I don't have any suggestions for you, as I usually eat fairly good, except for a few days here and there and I work out like crazy, hiking and biking and the gym and it still doesn't help, I gained 3 pounds this week. I have friends on here that but they are critical of me and it drives me nuts.
  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    First I want to say... keep and open mind. Don't try and lose weight fast, try and change your eating habits so your weight lost is sustainable.
    Good luck on your journey!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Another thing that's SUPER important is water and sleep...make sure you're drinking at least 8 glasses/day and getting enough sleep. If you don't hydrate and get some rest, you won't lose weight.
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    Hang in there, You gotta want it really bad!!!! Just focus on all the greats things that you are doing for yourself and it will happen!!!!
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    First of all, great job on the weight you have lost already! Don't obsess over half a pound - we women have some lovely hormones affecting the scale, too, not just what we eat. It could have been anything. My doc says we can fluctuate about 4 pounds on any given day depending on water intake, sodium, etc.

    Regarding exercise, I find that I do much better if I have an exercise buddy or if I go to a class. I'm trying to exercise at least five days a week and even though I have Wii fit, I generally don't do it unless I am super motivated. When I go to a class, I get energized from the people around me. If joining a gym isn't your thing, or not in your budget, can you find someone to walk with you?

    For me, I almost have to go to a gym because the weather is so horrible that I can't get outside to walk or play.

    Best of luck to you! The people on this site are great, so keep sharing your stuff!
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    Don't be discouraged. Like you said, it will take time. It takes time to put it on, and it takes just as much time and lots more effort to take it off. Don't forget about the weight you have already shed. Celebrate the little victories to get you through the rough patches. I have been working for 6 months to lose my 30lbs. It is not easy and takes lots of dedication. Just keep your head in it and remember that you are doing this for you!!
  • AMBrody
    AMBrody Posts: 25
    Welcome to MFP! Try not to be discouraged, you are just beginning your lifestyle journey to a new you. The first week you will lose a lot of weight, which is water weight. After that you may gain a little or lose a little, you will not see a big weight loss like the first week. Keep up the great job on the exercise!! Try drinking more water, because the more you drink the more you will flush the toxins out of your body. If you need help with you food diary you can always switch it to public or friends only so we can help. We are here to support you in this journey :happy: Good Luck!
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    I don't have any suggestions for you, as I usually eat fairly good, except for a few days here and there and I work out like crazy, hiking and biking and the gym and it still doesn't help, I gained 3 pounds this week. I have friends on here that but they are critical of me and it drives me nuts.

    Don't listen to critical people!!!!!
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    I hate working out but that is the only thing that will change my body. I've started running and while i can't say i like it yet i can tell you what keeps me going.
    I have a mantra that i keep saying in my head, especially when it gets hard. What do I tell myself? " hott dress and healthy baby" I want to lose as much weight as I can before my husband and I start our family and if i'm sticking to my work outs I can do them while pregnant. The healthier I am the better the odds are for my future child. And the dress is for me. I have one that my husband has never seen me in that is breath taking. I want to fit in it again. simple but effective especially when it gets hard.
    Find something to inspire you and bribe you to get through your work outs. I am getting back into muscle toning too because i can be skinny but not look great or i can be tone and carry a little more weight. there is no way around that but the rewards will be worth it
  • coralbeauty
    I just started last week too. I've lost 6 lbs so far (about a pound a day) and am very encouraged. My sister, mom and dad and I are in our own little "biggest loser" contest and it's great to encourage eachother daily on here. I haven't measured inches. I'm afraid that if I do I will become discouraged with my lack of results as I know that those numbers will change slower than the ones on the scale. What I've been doing to lose weight (besides eating better and tracking EVERYTHING) is trying to outdo my previous day's exercise routines. For example, I started out one day doing 100 crunches. The next day I did 125, then 150, etc... Today I did 200. I also added an extra minute to my shake weight routine. My brother used to be a trainer at a gym. He told me that the quickest way to lose weight was to strength train with weights. I've heard that building muscle burns fat fast. Try using free weights. If you don't own any, I've found that adding water to my empty liquid laundry detergent bottles worked great! Whatever you do just try to add a little bit (small steps) to your previous day's routine. Like you are in competition with yourself. Don't get discouraged you can do it! Good luck!!!
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    I had a great january and then february was terrible. I made a promise to myself to log in every day to MFP even if I missed logging my food perfect. After a few days I got better at logging things. Now I'm doing better than I did in january. I also promised myself I'd get 100 miles of cardio in during March. I know it's huge goal but I needed to do something to shock my system back into things. I love checking with others on MFP b/c there are a lot of people who experience the same thing. Try to make a plan that works for your schedule and commit yourself for 14 days. No matter what push through the feelings and try it for 14 days. I work out at 430am each day. I hate mornings but after a week or so now I look forward to it. I actually woke up without an alarm over the weekend by 7am. I know that's no 430am but on the weekend thats great for me. Welcome to MFP don't give up you just need to find something that works for you and go for it. You can do it!!
  • jrt9999
    jrt9999 Posts: 114
    The quickest way for me is slow and steady.

    Question for you. How many days after the new year rolled over did you continue to write 2010? Didn't it seem like 2010 just got here and all of a sudden it was 2011? Yep....Take a year to lose the weight, get in incredible shape, and when 2012 gets here it will seem like only yesterday.

    Good luck!
  • daniellicious
    just walk for 30 min a day and completely cut sodas.
    start making new and better habits every week.
    plus any weight thats lost that much in a week is all probably water weight.
    stationary bike for 15 min and wii dance isnt enough.simply walking for thirty min a day can make a huge difference.

    good luck!!!!!:)))
  • chumpherys
    You have lost 10 lbs!!! that is amazing! It takes a while for your body to adjust to the new weight, so hang in there! You WILL see the results! Just keep doing what you're doing, challenge yourself a little more each week - a little longer, a little faster - and you'll continue to lose. You may have plateau weeks where you only lose 1 lb, or "female" weeks where you gain a lb, but the next week you'll be down again, so don't let it discourage you.
  • jaded42
    jaded42 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks to ALL of you for your advice and comments!! I stopped drinking sodas about a month ago...The only thing i drink now is water(about 8-9 bottles a day) and one coffee in the morning and 1-2 green teas a day..and often..not even the green tea at all..I'm going to definitely start with weight training this least 3 days per week. I cant go to a gym right i'll have to make what I have at home work for me! I do have free weights here and a pilates fitness kit that Ive had for almost a YEAR and have yet to even open the box! will be opened in the morning..finally!! I know its going to be a long road to getting where I need to be..but Im ready for it!! As a matter of fact I worked out even harder today because I was feeling discouraged!! best wishes to you all..and again..thanks for all of the advice!!!
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    Like you I didn't do anything that was considered exercise for years..I would say 3 or so years now. 2 months ago I decided that was going to change!! I ordered Turbo Jams from beachbody and I just did it. To be honest I work out 6 days a week now. On the days I don't want to work out I MAKE myself get up and do it. If I don't feel like turbo jams I will find a new workout on netflix or the exercise on demand channel on direct tv. If you don't like to "work out" try a dance workout they tend to be very fun and burn quite a few calories. All I can say is MAKE YOURSELF GET UP AND DO IT. I have decided nobody can make me fat but me and I am not going to let myself stay this way! You CAN do this but I won't lie and say it's easy everyday because it's not. Imagine yourself the way you WANT to look/feel and get up off the sofa and workout!