Don't you wanna do it the easy way????!!!!!!

Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
WTW!! I am furious right now people! I have my MFP updates for calories burned in exercise and pounds lost show up on my Facebook status. A lady on Facebook that I speak to once and a while contacted me a few minutes ago about some program that she did that made her lose a lot of weight really fast. it's called Vi-Shape by Visalus Sciences and basically you drink shakes and supplements to lose the weight.

Any way she contacts me via email and she asks how my weight loss is going and that she knows I must be doing well but she wanted to introduce this program to me. Like what I'm doing isn't good enough or fast enough.

I was steaming inside but I said to her as nicely as I could that I didn't want a quick fix and that I knew once I stopped the "diet" and I ate some real food that I would gain the weight right back because I wouldn't be learning how and what to eat for long term maintenance.

Guys who the heck does she think she is trying ti imply that my way "the right way" is not good enough or that it won't work that I need some help from some weird liquid diet to lose my weight??!!

Ok, rant over!


  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    I know how you feel. It fires me up, these box gyms promoting things like the HCG diet. Are you kidding me. So basically-our trainers or just coming here working out isn't going to help you. You better do this diet. It pisses me off really. I am with you 100%. Rant away!!
  • bmj1985
    bmj1985 Posts: 32
    That's SOOO annoying!! Great for you to know that you're doing everything the right way to have long-term success!! Keep it up!
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    Check in a, wait. Check in 6 months and see if she still has the weight off. Bet she gains it back.
  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    Thats one reason I won't share on FB. But just think when she starts putting the weight back on you can tell her about here :wink:
  • lzuendoki
    lzuendoki Posts: 3 Member
    i know right. funny. the market is bad and she obviously needs the funds by any means necessary. :)
  • heh i actually had to block a friend on facebook, because she started selling body by vi , and pretty much that is all she began using her face book for. including the chat , every time we were on at the same time she would be in my chat about it, i swear it was bordering on harrasment . so i blocked her
  • jessimacar
    jessimacar Posts: 291
    I have someone I met on vacation on facebook, and I haven't actually talked to them since. Once I posted that I was losing weight successfully, he was right there telling me about how he's selling this product that's working wonders for him.. Thanks, but no thanks.
  • pjfmaui73
    pjfmaui73 Posts: 408
    some people are just money greedy!!!! I like the way you explained it to her...good for you...way to take the high road!!!
  • JMJohnson1005
    JMJohnson1005 Posts: 209 Member
    I know someone who is doing that and I don't think they have really lost much due to the fact that they can't stick to it 100% of the time. When they are drinking those shakes they are losing but as soon as they stop and go back to eating regular food they stop losing! I have also seen what it cost to do that program and it is ridiculously expensive! Keep doing what you are doing!
  • etroupe
    etroupe Posts: 54
    You have to realize that this is the age of the microwave generation...I want fast and now!! we have drive through everything and that includes weight loss...which is one reason why the diet industry is going strong but we have so many ppl on yo yo diets trying to loose weight!! this is the LONG hard way but it is the way that works LONG term. for those that want it now there will alway be a new diet or program but for us that want to see results for years to come this is the road we choose. so don't be upset with your associate...she is with the microwave set...beeep! fries ready : )
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    That's the same stuff I was talking about. That same company!! uuugh!
    heh i actually had to block a friend on facebook, because she started selling body by vi , and pretty much that is all she began using her face book for. including the chat , every time we were on at the same time she would be in my chat about it, i swear it was bordering on harrasment . so i blocked her
  • bethtoscan
    bethtoscan Posts: 6 Member
    Ya, see where she is in a couple months...
    I'm lucky that my weight loss pushers on facebook are all about pushing Beachbody WORKOUTS on me.
    LOL, that's right, they push working out and not starving myself.
    Quick fix people need not apply!
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    "Ding" LOL I love it!!

    You have to realize that this is the age of the microwave generation...I want fast and now!! we have drive through everything and that includes weight loss...which is one reason why the diet industry is going strong but we have so many ppl on yo yo diets trying to loose weight!! this is the LONG hard way but it is the way that works LONG term. for those that want it now there will alway be a new diet or program but for us that want to see results for years to come this is the road we choose. so don't be upset with your associate...she is with the microwave set...beeep! fries ready : )
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    I think it's silly to have to pay a lot to lose weight, when you can lose it for almost nothing. I avoid quick fixes like the plague.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Good job standing up for yourself and continuing to go at this the healthy way (slow and steady). I think we all want the quick fix, but know that for most of us it isn't going to work. I did a low carb diet a few years ago and lost 7 lbs in one week...but as soon as I even started eating healthy carbs like brown rice, I gained all the weight back. On the other hand, my best friend lost a large amount of weight doing a medically supervised, liquid diet for a few weeks and then about a year on a medically supervised very low carb diet...she lost over 120 lbs and has kept the weight off as well as lost more on her own by working out and eating healthy...but she was under the care of a doctor during her "jumpstart". I would definitely NOT recommend it.
  • I am glad you went off on her!!! I am proud to know that you are doing so well & that helps me know I can & Will get this weight off. Don't let anyone deter your GOALS! Way to go!! Thank You so for being REAL. Quick fixes never work.:wink:
  • mother in law who is a personal trainer is always trying to push some new weight loss thing on me. Every other week she is trying something new. When I told her I was doing MFP she just stuck her nose up in the air, she said by counting calories it will take you forever to lose weight.

    I simply told her, it might take more time then some of your gimmicks, but at least I'll lose it the healthy way AND I can learn how to eat better!
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    Thankfully everyone Iknow is supportive of me, and other than one instance, nobody's pushed their way on me.

    That one instance is a friend who started the atkins diet shortly before I started MFP. . she's dropped a lot of weight and kept pushing me to it, told me the carbs and sugar I was eating was going to kill me, blah blah blah. . I tried explaining to her that eating any diet that denies me ANYTHING I like(bread for example) is a diet I would fail miserably, I was not going to start a diet that told me I couldn't eat something. .. that i prefer a diet of moderation, she just didn't seem to get it

    Then suddenly, after another friend dropped me an email on facebook fuming over the 1st person's posts, it's stopped LOL I wonder if she wrote her and took her to task.

    Almsot 20 lbs since the beginning of the year. . .I am tickled with it, yeah, counting calories suck, have to be very aware of what I'm eating, but it's working :)
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    A friend of mine (danielle) started doing that a couple weeks ago and she's friends on facebook with the person (cheri) that signed her up. I don't know if she was friends with her before, but I doubt it. Anyway, danielle posted that she started on shakes. I made a funny comment, and then cheri posted. I told danielle what I was doing and that I was teaching a spin class and cheri starts trying to sell me on it. She tried to tell me that "it wasn't a diet" and I would be interested in it because it has all these nutrients and it's backed by athletes and doctors. I laid into cheri, but before cheri got a chance to respond, danielle deleted the thread so that cheri couldn't say anything "nasty" back.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Good for you OP!!!

    There really is no 'easy' way to loose weight - it's about changing you eating habits and exercise levels for good. There is no quick fix. no magic pill and knowing that is half the battle!

    I kind of feel sorry for people that think they can 'cheat' - statistics do not lie and statistically people that crash diet and lose quickly gain back all that they lose plus more!

    Stick to you guns everybody - the way we are doing things is healthy, balanced and long-term!
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