Hi Everyone!

Hi. I am new to the boards and program. My father just had two mini strokes and was diagnosed with diabetes. I think I am genetically similar to my father so I must change my evil ways. I basically used to eat meat, taters, chocolate chip cookies along with 15-20 diet Dr. Peppers a day. Absolutely no fruit or water. My brother that was 3 years older than me died two years ago from a sudden heart attack at 47 years of age. I am a volunteer firefighter and have a tough time with my stamina due to my obesity. I feel very blessed to have stumbled onto myfitnesspal, as I believe it is a life changing program.

I have been brought to tears from some of the stories I have read on the message boards because I can truly appreciate how hard it is to lose weight and commit to a lifetime of healthy eating habits.

So the journey begins...Heidilou
