For those who have a job... heres a question.

I graduated college back in 2007, got a job after college doing VERY EASY shipping stuff until i found a better job,, but got laid off..

I am have severe anxiety about working again. Everytime I get a job offer I turn it down because I am so scared of "adult" "grown up" FT work. I'm scared that I'll go in and not understand how to do something, or not do it right, or screw up completely. Everyone will get mad and I'll get fired.

For example, one job was marketing and web design. I'm scared my graphics wont be good enough , my reports/analysis will be wrong, ill make a major mistake in ordering and cost the company thousands.... what if i dont catch on to the computer programs they are using? that what If I get sick and need to take a week off and they fire me...

Did anyone else feel that way before starting a job or am I crazy?


  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    They will train you. They will supervise you until they have confidence that you can do the job. They will understand when you make mistakes because you are human.

    Don't be intimidated. You'll be fine.
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    I could have written that post after I graduated from college, and then again after I was laid off years later. I have screwed up upon occasion, but I have learned a ton and have made many contributions to the companies I worked for, and those contributions far outweighed my screw-ups.

    What you are feeling is normal. You will do fine. Get a job! ;-)
  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    The only way to learn is to do:) Go for it!
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    Just like everything it can be scary, they are there to help you succeed... Just gotta jump in.. you will be surprised!
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    what's worse? screwing up and getting fired or never trying at all? starting a new job is scary, but no employer in their right mind is going to expect you to be an expert (unless you lied on your resume). give it a shot!!!
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    If they offered the job, they think you are smart enough and are qualified enough. Hiring bars are high for jobs like marketing and web design. So you wouldn't have received a job offer unless you could do the job. And how will you know if you can do it or not unless you try? What's the big deal of making a mistake? Worse thing is you lose your job. Then you find another.
  • JJs25th
    JJs25th Posts: 204 Member
    Relax. Everyone has some anxiety when starting _any_ new job. You have to focus on only one day at a time. And one thing at a time. Remember, your employer wants you to succeed. They picked you from a pool of people -- yes YOU! Not someone else. Once tehy employ you, they invest time, training, and money in you -- so they really do want you to succeed. And so do your fellow employees -- if for no other reason than they don't want to have to do your work too. So relax! Will you make mistakes? Yes, we all do. Acknowlege it, learn from it, and move on. But most importantly -- learn from it! Ask questions when you don't know or don't understand something. When you are new, no one expects you to know things.

    And stop worrying so much about getting fired. Usually it is only gross negligence that will get you fired -- using company time for personal issues, texting or gaming during work hours, stealing from the company, violating company drug policies... Being laid off is different, I know I have had it done to me (twice), and as an employer I have had to do it. It is not easy no matter which end of the conversation you are on. I lost sleep for two months when I had to do it; but reducing payroll was the only way the company might survive. So realize that being laid off is not about you,even though it may seem personal at the time, it is all about the company.

    Good luck! You can do this.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Oh my land, I know exactly how you feel! There were so many times with the job I have now that I just knew I was going to be fired after I first started but almost 11 years later, I'm still here. If the employers didn't think you were qualified to do the job they offered you they wouldn't have offered it to you in the first place. It's perfectly normal to be nervous and you will difinitely make mistakes but it's all a learning experience. Any employer will train you so the next time you're offered a job that you want, go for it! You'll do just fine. :flowerforyou:
  • LazyMogg
    LazyMogg Posts: 162
    I know how you feel because some years ago I retrained. The job I do now can make quite a difference in peoples' lives and so I have to weigh up all the facts, before making a decision.

    The thing is to realise that your education has given you the basis to build your working life from. It will not make you an expert and you will still have to keep learning in order to progress. Be prepared to keep doing that and ask questions. If your supervision is good then no-one will mind.

    You're conscientious and that's good. There's nothing worse than someone who enters the workplace with a superior, know it all attitude unwilling to listen to experience.

    I'm sure you'll do just fine.

    Good luck. Xx
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    A little honestly friendly advice from a (getting to be) old passes by and will pass you by quickly and relentlessly.
    Don`t find yourself at my age looking back wondering "what if" at every turn.
    Seize every opportunity life gives to you, :flowerforyou:
  • estorve
    estorve Posts: 13 Member
    Everyone starts out as the new guy, don't worry about it. You'll learn as you go along.