Why am I gaining if I'm working so hard!?!

cbabe6377 Posts: 13
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I don't want to become a slave to the scale, but every Sunday I weigh myself. Last week I was down, but this week I'm up almost two pounds!?! How is this possible if I feel like I'm eating pretty clean, and have not missed a workout!
I feel like all this effort cutting everything out, and working out at the gym six days a week is for nothing :(


  • You are gaining muscle mommacita!! Be proud and sell tickets to the gun show!!
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    I feel the same way when I work out to hard.....
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    From your diary, it appears you're not eating enough. If you're really burning the exercise calories your diary says you are, you need to eat more. You can't get enough nutrients to fuel those workouts when you eat so little. Plus, you only have a little to lose, so it's even more important to eat enough. At your (relatively) low weight, you can't sustain large calorie deficits like heavier people can. Add some more veggies and fruits to your diet, and that should get your calorie level up. Good luck!
  • ricnrac
    ricnrac Posts: 95 Member
    When is your TOM? Could be retaining water :) Cheer up! You are working hard and it WILL pay off!
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    You are gaining muscle mommacita!! Be proud and sell tickets to the gun show!!

    false. women at best can gain 2lb/month
  • cbabe6377
    cbabe6377 Posts: 13
    Not until the end of the month.

    I litterally put in weights almost everyday, and a workout on the treadmill or elliptical everyday, and a kickboxing class Tuesdays and sometimes Thursday nights.

    I'm not hungry at all, and sit at about 1200 calories.
  • You are gaining muscle mommacita!! Be proud and sell tickets to the gun show!!

    false. women at best can gain 2lb/month

    true BUT if she is working her muscle everyday there is a very good chance that she is breaking down the fibers in the muscle and when this happens our bodies rush to that area to "repair" which would cause minor inflamation *water/swelling* which would cause a 3-5 pound gain.
  • ricnrac
    ricnrac Posts: 95 Member
    Not until the end of the month.

    I litterally put in weights almost everyday, and a workout on the treadmill or elliptical everyday, and a kickboxing class Tuesdays and sometimes Thursday nights.

    I'm not hungry at all, and sit at about 1200 calories.

    You are busting your butt and it will pay off. Try to remember that and stay positive. Hard to do when the scale is evil but YOU ARE DOING AWESOME! I wish I busted my butt as much as you are!

    PS- I want to see another post on here in a week or two when you are thrilled that the weight drops back down and starts coming down even more :)
  • cbabe6377
    cbabe6377 Posts: 13
    So after all that worrying and frustration....I spoke to my husband who said you have to weigh yourself the same time each week. My last weigh in was Monday morning...last night there was an almost two pound difference...so I reweighed myself this morning with a .7 loss :) made me feel so much better!!! I can't believe weight fluctuates that much in one day! My hubby also said if I want to feel even better about myself....take a dump and reweigh ;) so a good laugh in the morning too!!
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