Ready To Re-Commit

Sherry1979 Posts: 457 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
So I've been a "bench-warmer" for the last few months. . .logging in but not doing much else. I have kind of let myself get into that oh-so-dangerous mindset of "is it really worth it?" even though I know it IS worth it and I am worth it! So with that said and an embarrasing number of pounds gained back, I am starting anew! I LOVE MFP and all the people here but I've found myself comparing my habits to others, which can be a good thing if used the right way but also a detrimental thing when used the way I have been doing. So this time I'm leaving my food diary private and I'm doing this the way that I know I will be able to stick with, even if that means some processed foods now & then and a diet soda a day. I am proud of anyone who can eat perfect and only eat natural, whole foods but I have found out the hard way that is not what works for me long-term and I believe we each must do this the way that is best for our individual lifestyle.


  • nellajane24
    nellajane24 Posts: 108 Member
    Amen, girl. You've got to give yourself some wiggle room! Good luck to you! I just recently got back ON the MFP wagon. The trick for me is setting mini-goals for myself, otherwise I'll just give up. Anyways, good luck again!
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    I am proud of anyone who can eat perfect and only eat natural, whole foods but I have found out the hard way that is not what works for me long-term and I believe we each must do this the way that is best for our individual lifestyle.

    VERY WELL SAID!! I agree whole-heartedly!
  • that's very true! I've found that so many people don't understand that we're all individuals and that what works for them might not work for you or me. I have a friend who is a larger woman, too, and every time we talk about weight or motivation for anything, really, she tries to sell me on her way of doing things, no matter how many times I tell her that her methods don't work for me. anyway, it's all about figuring yourself out and creating a balanced diet for yourself that doesn't eventually make to run full speed into the nearest buffet or oncoming traffic..
  • I agree with you 100%! I couldn't not have a diet soda every day, and I'm ok with that. :)
  • Iampierre
    Iampierre Posts: 15
    I'm where your at I am logging in everyday and eating somethings healthful. But boy I don't know whats wrong with me and one side of me knows fully well that I and only I am sabotaging me (myself and I) right now. but I can't seem to straighten up. I completely want out of this fat suit I'm wearing but what is wrong with me i can't seem to get ahold of myself. I think I'm tired of the excessive work and the boredom involved in keeping up what I was thinking I have to do to lose weight.
    I just watched that movie Fat Head - not saying im going to go eat a diet of fast food but stop being so strict on the healthy food stuff which is blah and boring maybee I need to find a middle ground that doesn't make me feel like I'm wearing a noose. Just keep an eye on the calories and fast carbs but not make my foods so blah. I am still trying to figure this out so haven't recommitted myself yet.
    I give you respect and honor that you are getting yourself back on track and recommitting yourself, be proud of yourself and yes figure how to make this road your own, not that that comes from others. :smooched: :huh:
  • rdy2begin
    rdy2begin Posts: 170
    Very well said ,agree 100 % we got this ! :)
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    oh my word were we seperated at birth? i've been doing exactly the same but have finally decided to get my butt in gear and get motivated but you know what? i like junk food, and i'm going to eat junk food, not a lot and not often but if i cut it out i want it more and i really go to town when i do have it, so a little bit every now and then is going to be my mantra, and if i want a chinese take away i'm going to have it, but i'm going to get my butt off the sofa and burn some of those calories, as exercise has been seriously lacking in my life recently.

    keep up the good work!
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