My life, well it sucks.

I am so unbelievably sad all the time lately, and I do think it has a direct correlation to my new 'lifestyle'.

I am really hard on myself about losing weight, and I literally tear myself apart for every stupid little mistake I make. I feel like I have the habits of a healthy person, but I still have the mind of the little anorexic girl I used to be :l

I need some guidance :(


  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    I'm so sorry about your tough time! None of us on here should offer advice to you, other then to seek professional help. Please talk to someone who specializes in eating disorders (if your not already) and they can truly help guide you. Best of luck to you :)
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Unfortunately, your diary is closed.. so if you're lacking something, or taking the starving route I have no clue. I would suggest if you are going extreme... stop. Eat what you're supposed to.
    If you're not, *kitten* the kinds of foods you're eating. Are you working out alone? Do you have support for you to be losing?

    Also.. you have your whole life a head of you. Don't beat yourself up for every little mistake. We're proud of you no matter how many you make, or how non-proud you are of yourself. I was almost anorexic myself. I snapped out pretty quick, but I'd also say find other things to do and focus on! Life isn't centered around your food.

  • jacolyncoker123
    Unfortunately, your diary is closed.. so if you're lacking something, or taking the starving route I have no clue. I would suggest if you are going extreme... stop. Eat what you're supposed to.
    If you're not, *kitten* the kinds of foods you're eating. Are you working out alone? Do you have support for you to be losing?

    Also.. you have your whole life a head of you. Don't beat yourself up for every little mistake. We're proud of you no matter how many you make, or how non-proud you are of yourself. I was almost anorexic myself. I snapped out pretty quick, but I'd also say find other things to do and focus on! Life isn't centered around your food.


    No no no, I'm not starving myself. I eat over 1200 calories a day, that's why I said I have healthy habits but an unhealthy mind. I keep my diary private because I get embarassed about it easily.
  • spoiledwifenikki
    I'm so sorry about your tough time! None of us on here should offer advice to you, other then to seek professional help. Please talk to someone who specializes in eating disorders (if your not already) and they can truly help guide you. Best of luck to you :)
    I totally agree good luck
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    well u lost 4 lbs! be proud of that - you're on the right track.

    everyone slips up - its gonna happen.

    try not to be too hard on yourself - and it doesn't hurt to talk to a professional either - if you are having troubles.
  • paulamonroe
    i'm not sure what sort of bone structure you have (petite, medium, or large. literal bones, not figure of speech bones), but in my opinion you're at a healthy weight right now, if not underweight a little. you're doing an amazing job at overcoming your disorder! my personal opinion is you're beautiful right at the weight you are. besides, it's not the number on the scale that counts. i'm 5'4" according to the BMI i'm SUPPOSED to weigh 125 - 130 BUT IF i weighed that much i would look like i'm starving myself, with bones sticking out of me everywhere. in high school (when i was exercising every other day, super active) i weighed 145 and looked DAMN GOOD! then again i have super thick bones inside my little body.
    as far as the mistakes go, i wouldn't worry about them at all. for starters you're 18, your body is going to burn off those mistakes like there's no tomorrow :) secondly, it doesn't sound like you make very many of them to begin with.
    whether or not my opinion helps you or i misinterpreted information, you are doing wonderfully at reaching your goal. keep up the great work!
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    When dieting, consistency has more value than perfection. Don't be so hard on yourself.

    I've taken the last week and a half off, and I gained 20 lbs. Yet, I'm not concerned or worried at all because it isn't a big deal in the long run.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    If you think it may be depression, go see your doctor. Tell him what is going on and have him check your blood for any issues and maybe get a suggestion for a good counselor.