Help! Curry night looming....

Hello, I am going out for a curry with friends on Friday night....I know it will be a starter, main course and wine affair.....but I don't have a clue which is the healthiest/lowest calorie option for starter or mains....does anyone have any tips? Thank you for your help!


  • barfleurjo
    Hiya, the healthiest options are those curries which are tomato based or dry. So Tandoori chicken or a Jalfrezi would be OK. For a starters go for Chicken Satay but miss out the peanut dip. Don't eat the Naan bread and definitely not Poppadums! If you can, get a copy of the menu before the night, check online for it, and choose before you go. That'll help you to stick to your choice and not be swayed when you get there. Have a great night.
  • juliacuba
    Thank you! I will try's interesting because I always thought popodoms were ok.....that probably says it all! Thanks again :0)
  • Sara_D
    Sara_D Posts: 1 Member
    I went out for a curry a few weeks ago. The restaurant did a healthy option that wasn't cooked in any oil etc. It was lovely, if your restaurant doesn't have one on the menu maybe they will make you one if you ask. For a starter I had Tikka prawns as they are grilled and not in a sauce. I did blow the diet slightly after by following the healthy curry with wine and cocktails!!
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    I always go for chicken tikka to start and chicken dupiaza (tomato and onion based curry) for main. The dupiaza is soooo good but I'd just have the chicken - eating all the sauce it comes in is where lots of the calories are! Personally I either skip the rice and naan or just have a little little bit, and order a green salad with it instead to cool my mouth down but it's up to you - depends on how many calories you have for the meal!
    Enjoy your dinner :smile:
  • Mark_99
    Mark_99 Posts: 39
    King Prawns are awesome and have virtually no fat, it is the sauces thaqat oyu need to stay away from and the naan bread and poppadums. For your main you could try something called a Chjicken Shashlick, it is skewered chunnks of chicken with peppers and tomoatoes all cooked in a big clay oven, no sauces or anything fat wise and it is normally pure chicken breast. just be sensible with the side dishes and dont order them if you are not sure but plain boiled or steamed rice is the best obviously. I have chicken shashlick and plain rice whenever i go out and i never struggle. Prawns are the way forward though if you can get them without a suace on them just plain Griddled.

    Good luck and enjoy it :drinker:
  • meinnit
    meinnit Posts: 3
    I love curry, and there is some good advice above, but don't forget the other side of the coin, why not tery and exercise a little more for the days before and after it. If I know I've got a big night I try and work a little harder before it that way I enjoy the night even more as I've 'earnt' it.
  • juliacuba
    Thank you to everyone! Some good advice, I am looking forward to the night now rather than dreading it :0)