Working out early

jeaniedev Posts: 117 Member
I have to say that although I am not too happy when the alarm goes off at 4:30am....I am loving my 5:30 am workouts with my trainer. I workout with him mondays and Fridays and it really starts my weekend and my week off great......I feel like I make such better food choices knowing that I have worked out early.
Does anyone else work out at this time and find it similar??????



  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    I used to work out early am and I loved it!! I had so much more energy for the day. I kind of got out of the habit and hope I can force myself back into it, because that might be the best time now on my new job to workout......hard to get into though haha
  • miss_melissa_
    I agree! I attend a fitness boot-camp Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6am. I hate waking up at 5 but I love the feeling I have when boot-camp is over. I love driving home and seeing the run rise, knowing I love having my day to myself. I couldn't imagine working out in the afternoon.