Ugh!! So discouraged!!!!!

mollie6986 Posts: 63 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been killing myself working out 6 days a week trying to burn 500/600+ calories at each workout, working out with a trainer 3 days a week mind you, eating and staying under my calories, but haven't lost ANY weight in the last week, what gives? I haven't hit a plateau because I haven't lost more than 8 lbs since I started my journey! I've been working so hard the last 45 days and I feel like haven't had any progress! I thought at This point I would have a least lost 15!! I'm really upset, my husband keeps saying he can tell a difference, that im beautiful and that I have to been losing weight but I'm not, blah blah blah! My nutrition isn't amazing but it's not horrible, I'm trying to eliminate the junk which I'm doing pretty good with!! I has to be my food right, feel free to take a look at my diary, kinda embarrassing but I'm being honest! I'm in this for the long haul and this is beginning to become discouraging!! Any suggestions or words of encouragement are greatly appreciated!! Thanks!!!


  • ur journal is not public. You could be gain muscle.
  • dspearsb
    dspearsb Posts: 186
    I've been through this before. I wasn't loosing any weight but I was loosing inches. Check your measurements before you get upset. Also, remember you're building muscle, which weights more than fat, so that could be one reason.

    Whatever you don't loose this week you will next week, be patient! Stay positive and don't give up!
  • rshunk
    rshunk Posts: 167 Member
    I agree, check your measurements, you are likely building muscle and burning fat so the scale may not be moving but you are still losing, just in inches instead of pounds! Don't be discouraged and don't give up!!!
  • I can totally relate. I had sort of the same problem... I was working out 5-6 days a week and was noticing a difference in my arms and waist but i was gaining weight. You probably gained muscle. I didn't look at your diary but i've noticed a huge difference when I watched my sodium, now i'm down 5 pounds altogether. Also your time of the month definitely makes a difference afterwards. Keep up the good work! It does pay off and you will probably lose more next weigh in.
  • denannedw
    denannedw Posts: 11 Member
    Hi dont be discouraged... your more than likely building up muscle and losing fat. Muscle weighs more than fat. Have a look at how your clothes are fitting that will be a good indication of the changes you are making. I had the same issue when I looked at my fat content had gone down but my weight hadnt. My clothes are fitting better and I feel much healthier even though my scales are stubborn and didnt budge for two weeks. The odd treat every now and again wont kill as I found resisting chocolate I would eat loads when I decided to treat myself...
  • katherinebauer85
    katherinebauer85 Posts: 1 Member
    I hate to say it, but have you given your body a rest?? Stay on your diet, but take a few days to either not workout or just walk. It happens to me all the time, all i do it take 3-4 days to rest my body and by the time go for my next weigh in, i am down a pound or two.
  • Rachy80
    Rachy80 Posts: 38
    I'm 5 days into my journey and I know I should have a least given it a full week to jump on the scales but couldn't help but do it as well. By the weigh in today it looks like I may have gained 300grams :( I'm the same as you and I watch what I eat and work out every day burning at the least 700 calories. I'm not sure if there is any truth to muscle weigh more then fat, as that is the only way I can justify it at the moment. As suggested I probably should have done measurements as there may be differences there as I have no measurements to check against. I'm going to stay strong and focus on going hard at it for another week and fingers crossed I will see some difference. Hope you will also stay strong as well and keep at it, I'm sure you will start seeing some change soon :)
  • I can so relate. This just happened to me when I weighed in on Friday. I was actually up a half of pound. I did do a lot of heavy weight training with my trainer and he raised the dumbbells up to 15 pounders. I got so frustrated that I blew my plan the last few days, so don't do what I did. I think it is mostly just either water retention or muscle gain. Keep going this has to pass and good luck :-)
  • msmithevv
    msmithevv Posts: 58 Member
    Don't get discouraged. I am in the same boat as you and as much as I hate to hear it (and say it) you are gaining muscle as I did. I have been at this 10 weeks and only lost 13 pounds. I am in the gym 7 days a week (and some times twice a day) I am looking at this as a life style change. I can never say I won't eat chocolate again so I do eat it in moderation. Eventually it has to start the weight has to start coming off. Hang in there girl you can do it!!
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    I agree with the above poster. I find that if I give my body a few days of rest from working out, I tend to lose better overall.
    If your goal is to lose weight and not become an athlete, then this could work for you too.
    Now if I were at my goal weight and what I wanted was to build muscles and train for a marathon or something, then no - I wouldn't take a rest. To each their own there, I suppose.

    I know for me, my body holds onto weight (fluid to protect muscles) when I work out a lot.
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    It is unlikely that you are putting on more muscle weight than fat loss if you ar creating a calorie deficit in your diet. It could be slowign down you weight loss though. Results over 1 week are not indicative of very much, its too short a time frame to judge from.
  • Christie23
    Christie23 Posts: 357 Member
    You got this, Mollie... just don't give up. Keep on keeping on... if you fall short on something one day, try to make it up the next. And for goodness sakes, don't be so hard on yourself! I've seen you become so incredibly accountable for your food and your exercise... with the attitude you have, you WILL get there. Take your frustration out at the gym or on me... you can punch me if you think it'll help. And remember, sometimes you lose a lot all at once, and sometimes it is slower to come off. You are worth every bit of the effort you're putting in. Remember that. :flowerforyou:
  • jdmacfam
    jdmacfam Posts: 26
    Just a quick clarification of the "muscle weighs more than fat" mantra.

    {{{ }}} this much fat = 1 pound

    { } this much muscle = 1 pound

    So, 1 pound is one pound but 1 pound of muscle LOOKS much better than 1 pound of fat! If you are working that hard you have to be burning up that fat and building muscle which would definitely explain the lack of movement on the scale. I'd be willing to bet your measurements have changed. Did you do a full measurement before you started your fitness routine? Can't wait to see your progress!
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