Brides on a Mission: Week 11

Hello brides!
Once again there are so many new brides to our group! Welcome to all! :happy:

I think we all got the swing of how our board works, so I will make this short and sweet! (If you are new, please look back on the support and motivation boards from previous weeks if you would like.)

How to upload a photo: Go to, it’s a free service, and upload your photos. Copy and paste the IMG code (there is a list of codes, easy to find on the site) onto your message post. Change the capital IMG code at the beginning and end of the code to lower case img. Your photo will appear when you make the actual “post.” (I will post this each week.)

Week 11 challenge: For this week, I want us all to work on negative and positive thinking. Often we pick out our flaws, weather in ourselves or in other people, and we don’t concentrate on the positives in life. Being a negative person can really affect our bodies and the types of food we are putting into them. This week let’s all work on positive thinking. Each time you have a negative thought try to turn it into a positive thought and notice the changes in yourself and your environment. Check out this website for tips on how to stop negative thinking:

Getting to know each other (Please only fill this out if you are new to the group; copy and paste this section into your post. I will post this each week for new comers.)
1. Name:
2. Age:
3. City:
4. Occupation:
5. Wedding date:
6. Fiancés name:
7. How long you and your fiancé have been together:
8. Heaviest weight:
9. Goal weight and date:
10. Favorite type of exercise:
11. Favorite healthy food:

Brides on a Mission: week 8 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
1. Weight loss/inches lost this week:
2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened):
3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with):
4. Give a re-cap of your wedding (style/theme, location, amount of people, what you are most looking forward to):
5. Any wedding news updates:
6. State a negative thought, and then change it into a positive thought:
7. What is your plan to stop change the negative into positive:
8. How did you do with the week 10 challenge (if you didn’t post a fav recipe post one now!):
9. Weekly wrap up:


  • kalebsmama07
    Brides on a Mission: week 11
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: weigh in day is wensday ill be back to update...

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): my hubby is fine he ended up witha torn ligament...=) ....found out that my MOH wants to throw me a bachelorette party...=) ....

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): little stresses of everyday things...especailly bills...rite now at our worst we have been in awhile with bills....had a fall out with my MOH....everything fine now but still in stress with it...aqward...have a few odds n ends to get before the wedding ...but waiting for the money to come about...

    4. Give a re-cap of your wedding (style/theme, location, amount of people, what you are most looking forward to): style/theme: elpoement theme...location: on lake mountains behind us...(have a pic with me n a friend in my photos)...amount of people: was to be none but us....but now offically 25 showing...with a BEST MAN n MOH....what im am most lookin forward to is: seeing his eyes on me in my dress (which he has no idea what it looks like)...n how beautiful i will look ....the cake ceremony...mostly how sexy my husband will look all dressed up =) ...i never get to see ever except my prom years ago... =)

    5. Any wedding news updates: just waitin to get last minute stuff my sons pants for wedding, cake n frosting to deco,(my MOH's sister is makin my cake as i am no longer making cuz she offered)...order my wedding boquet,...stuff ill be wearin such as old new n borrowed blue ect (my aunt who is lending me some of the such stuff).. not much i need....everything is ready to go...otherwise these few things....

    6. State a negative thought, and then change it into a positive thought: i let my emotional thoughts get the way of my eatting habits....????....i will do my best not to eat becasuse im unhappy at that moment...

    7. What is your plan to stop change the negative into positive: mind over matter...=)

    8. How did you do with the week 10 challenge (if you didn’t post a fav recipe post one now!): never posted anything...dont really have one....

    9. Weekly wrap up: blah bad week but still excited for my wedding day to come...
  • vanrunninggirl
    Brides on a Mission: week 11

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: same, maybe even gained a half pound or so, arg!!! i did insanity with the bf a couple times this week but that's really all i did.

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): putting the deposit down on the ceremony site, so it's DONE, DECIDED, no more fretting or searching (just owing a very large sum on my credit card for quite some time). And making some pretty darn beautiful invitations yesterday for an excellent price. I love being crafty (so much more than being exercise-y).

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Maybe it's just fresh in my mind, but I just went to mail some invitations. There were only 20 going out in the first round, and the post office guy was so STUPID, he initially charged me over $5 a piece for overseas invites, and of course i paid it (what else are you going to do?) and then he weighed one again and realized he had done it wrong and they were really only $1.75 each. LONG process and had to pay extra postage for almost all of the invites because they contain save-the-date magnets (super cute!).

    4. Give a re-cap of your wedding (style/theme, location, amount of people, what you are most looking forward to): Maui wedding, Four Seasons, Intimate (approximately 40 guests) I'm thinking white and light and beachy and tropical with green orchids everywhere.

    5. Any wedding news updates: Deposit on wedding venue made on Friday. Invitations made yesterday and sent today. Now I can hopefully focus on the fun stuff (Well after hibernating due to poverty for a month or two).

    6. State a negative thought, and then change it into a positive thought: "The wedding is 11 months away, why bother trying too hard now?" to "I want to be a healthy beautiful wife as well as a healthy beautiful bride so I'd better make this a habit, and quick!"

    7. What is your plan to stop change the negative into positive: Remind myself how blessed I am, and how much my family and friends love me for me, of course I'm worth it!!!

    8. How did you do with the week 10 challenge (if you didn’t post a fav recipe post one now!): Can't remember week 10 challenge, so likely did not do it.

    9. Weekly wrap up: It still hasn't sunk in that we're GETTING MARRIED!!! I'm hoping that my fiance hurries up and gets me my ring by the time I visit my family for Easter, but NO RUSH so he can buy the biggest one he can find;) hehe! jj

    Have a great week ladies! You can do it!!!!!

    wannaburn: you're going to post your update too right?

    kalebsmama07: you sound SUPER busy, i'm new to this so maybe i missed this, but how did an elopement turn into 25 guests. we haven't decided on if we're having a wedding "party" or not yet, at max we would have 2 people each standing up for us, but we're waiting to see who can come first. i have only one sister and she is really the only person i would want/need up there with me but my hubby-to-be has 2 brothers, so we can't exclude one....still working on that. it adds a lot more work though - i dread the bridesmaid dress ordeal, and i feel as though i would HAVE TO pay for the bridesmaid dresses because i really can't stand when "friends" of mine make me buy $200+ colorful chiffon and tell me "you'll wear it ALL the time" - Bull****, there are three of them in my closet i've never worn, haha!
  • EaglesFan521
    EaglesFan521 Posts: 74 Member
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: none...

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I got up and worked out even though I was tired and almost convinced myself not to.

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): I am struggling with getting up in the morning, I just want to sleep in since I am at work for 9 hours, but I know that I should work out...

    4. Give a re-cap of your wedding (style/theme, location, amount of people, what you are most looking forward to): I don't know anything for sure yet, I am still waiting to book the venue and go from there.

    5. Any wedding news updates: no not really

    6. State a negative thought, and then change it into a positive thought: "you'll never lose all the weight" ---->"You've already lost 19 pounds"

    7. What is your plan to stop change the negative into positive: Think about what I am thinking and how far I have come.

    8. How did you do with the week 10 challenge (if you didn’t post a fav recipe post one now!): I didn't get a chance to post one, and I don't really have one off the top of my head...

    9. Weekly wrap up: I don't know its been a rough week and I know its affecting my eating. I am second guessing everything that I am doing and not with working out with my whole life so I am trying to stop and think but I just don't know where to begin.
  • NicolioRussell
    Brides on a Mission: week 11

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Not sure. Not weighing in yet. Having some trouble with consistency of different scales.

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Finding a caterer and cake baker!! So exciting. This weekend was awesome. Our caterer will be an older couple, both classically trained chefs in the US and Italy. They made dinner for us last night and it was AMAZING. Best homemade meat manicotti ever. And she can do our reception within our budget which always works!!

    I also brought my wedding dress back with me to Columbus after staying at my parent's this weekend. I have to start getting fittings in the next month or so. It was the first time that I've seen my dress since October. It's a great feeling to see your dress again!! I feel like everything is getting so real!!!

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Found the photographer of our dreams, but I'm pretty sure that she's about $500 over our budget. She takes AMAZING pictures. So great.

    4. Give a re-cap of your wedding (style/theme, location, amount of people, what you are most looking forward to): Fall theme, ceremony at the Hayes Presidential Center in the rose gardens, reception at Misty Meadows (my parents and aunt/uncle had their receptions there), 125 guests.....and I am most looking forward to hearing Chris' vows. We decided to write our own, separate vows and surprise each other at the ceremony. I can't wait to hear what he has written.

    5. Any wedding news updates: Again, found caterer and cake baker. Our cake is going to be three round tiers, each tier a different flavor. Red velvet, white with strawberry filling, and lemon with lemon filling. Delish!! Also, my MOH reserved tables at the Big Bang for my bachelorette! Yay!!

    6. State a negative thought, and then change it into a positive thought: I really hate all the extra body fat that I have, but I'm toning up nicely, and I'm making changes that will show benefits in the long term, even though I don't really see all the great progress yet.

    7. What is your plan to stop change the negative into positive: Talk to Chris. He's such a great supporter and helps me put things in perspective.

    8. How did you do with the week 10 challenge (if you didn’t post a fav recipe post one now!): I don't know that I have a favorite recipe. I tried to find one, but eh. I like food haha

    9. Weekly wrap up: Week was good. Looking forward to this one. Will post more later in the week after weigh in. This is the last week of winter quarter for me and I have a 15 page paper due Friday by 5pm, so I'll probably be MIA all week.

    Have a good week ladies!!
  • vanrunninggirl
    greenpianokeys: i checked out the photographer you love, trust me she's worth the extra $500!!!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Question for the thread: I bought jewelry and purses for the gals in my bridal party and ties for the guys. Do you think I need anything additional for the guys? The best man got a barometer, since he likes that kind of thing. The dads said no to bother, but I thought I’d give them a wedding album of their own afterwards. My concern is the usher Geoff. My fiancé said he didn’t get anything at his sister and Geoff’s wedding….. So does that let us off the hook for him? Is the tie enough? I thought maybe giving him a copy of the wedding album too might be appreciated, like we’re doing with the Dads, since he and his sister live out of state and we don’t get see them very often.

    FEEL BETTER! It sounded like at least 25% of us has been sick the past week. Let’s hope everyone feels better and gets back on their feet soon.

    Elkmel – You sound just like me with the “control freak” comment. I’ve been orchestrating pretty much everything to do with the wedding. No decision can be made without my input! However, I do take people’s ideas to heart. I just want everything to be perfect! I’m doing my best to keep my nose out of the bridal shower…. But my mom and MOH keep asking for my opinion on things.:-P At least the shower planned on Dan’s side of the family will end up being a surprise.

    Dezil – I know what you mean about shelling out money before the wedding for stuff that breaks. Our dishwasher took a dump on us and it just isn’t getting the dishes clean. It’s only a few years old too!! We didn’t want to buy a new one, what with the wedding and paying for our honeymoon cruise coming due, but we didn’t have much of a choice. GR! When it rains it pours!

    vanrunninggirl - Eh, don’t feel too guilty about spending time with your invitations. When we did ours two weeks ago, it took us several days to get all of the components put together and printed. It was a real ***** because the printer wouldn’t pick the paper up properly. I hope you made out better. If I had to do it again, I would pay a professional to do it. We wasted so much of our materials it just wasn’t worth it! You’ll get back into the workout routine as soon as your done.

    Greenpianokeys – Your excited post about vendors made me think about how excited I was when we hired our photographer and cake baker. Our photographer was up and coming and a former classmate of my fiancé in high school, Jim Heine. He’s only charging us $800 for all-day! Since then, he’s trained in California with celebrity photographers. His website now lists $2000 as his starting service. We’re totally excited to have him. Also, our cake baker, Donita Keister, was really willing to work with our budget and design. She figured out what we could do for the money we could pay and was really willing to work with us. Of course, our vendors are from Central PA, so that might not help anyone else on here. But it’s really great when the vendors are supportive of you!

  • NicolioRussell
    greenpianokeys: i checked out the photographer you love, trust me she's worth the extra $500!!!

    Oh my gosh, I know. She puts together albums herself and they're so amazing. I don't know that I could explain it with words well enough...something you'd have to see. And I can't believe that she has NO formal training. She has such an amazing eye. I think that we'll probably end up using her (my fiance's dad and step-mom are paying for photog, and they said "Well, I guess we just need to raise the budget")......but oh man. When we met with her yesterday, I wanted to cry. Her pictures are SO beautiful. I want that!!!

    Maybe in all reality I shouldn't flinch at only $1500 for such BEAUTIFUL pictures.

    Everyone should check out her website and heave a "sigh". Gorgeous, gorgeous.
  • NicolioRussell
    Question for the thread: I bought jewelry and purses for the gals in my bridal party and ties for the guys. Do you think I need anything additional for the guys? The best man got a barometer, since he likes that kind of thing. The dads said no to bother, but I thought I’d give them a wedding album of their own afterwards. My concern is the usher Geoff. My fiancé said he didn’t get anything at his sister and Geoff’s wedding….. So does that let us off the hook for him? Is the tie enough? I thought maybe giving him a copy of the wedding album too might be appreciated, like we’re doing with the Dads, since he and his sister live out of state and we don’t get see them very often.

    I kind of feel like only parents and bride/groom should have wedding albums. Maybe sentimental, but I'm not sure that people who aren't parents or you can really appreciate it as much. Personal opinion. They can get pretty pricey, and would you want to buy it for someone who would never cherish it like you do?

    I think ties are okay. I bought jewelry for my girls, but Chris hasn't decided what to get for his guys yet. I know a girl that got married a few years ago and they got the groomsmen pocket watches.

    I'm curious to see what other people have to say!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 10 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: In the last month, I've lost: 1.5 inches Hips, .25 Biceps, .25 Calves, 1.5 Thigh, and
    1.25 Chest. I didn't weigh in, since I've been sick and am just getting back to the gym. I promise next week!

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Got back to the gym and had some great workouts! It really felt good. I'm hoping we have some nice weather this week for some outdoor walks.

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Got into an argument with my parents about going back for my English MA degree. I was really disappointed that they didn't support me more.:-( At least Dan, my fiance wants me to follow my career goals and dreams.

    4. What types/colors of flowers will you be having: Boxwood and grass springs, with Ivory Roses, Pink Magnolias (brown colored near the centers), purple roses with lavendar springs. Mine are fake that I bought off of Ebay:


    5. Any wedding news updates: Dad and fiance went to get measured for their tuxedos. The rest of the wedding party is working on getting theirs.

    6. When you eat out, do you have any “dos” and “don’ts”: Always try to start off with a broth base soup or salad with dressing on the side. Choose a favorite, but don't splurge on more than one item. Try to get to the gym at least three times a week, more than that you should give yourself a reward.

    7. Do you use weights in your workout routine: Yes, I do a 50% cardio, 50% weight routine every day. Sometimes I do 30 minutes of one and then the other, sometimes I do intervals to mix it up. Every other week, I design a new weight routine.

    8. How did you do with the week 9 challenge (100 push-ups, sit-ups, squats): Didn't participate! Sorry! I was sick.

    9. Weekly wrap up: Not a bad week, since I've finally gotten back to the gym from being ill. Kind of sore though... but at least I worked it!

  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member

    Have you been to Harry Potter world? I went there last summer. It was awesome! I did think it was a little small though. But you burn a ton of cal getting there because it is at the very back of the park!

    No I haven't been! I want to go soooo bad! I am a Harry Potter junkie! I lllooovvee the books and (most of) the movies! I heard from a co-worker the same thing - that it felt a bit small. I can't wait to go but it probably won't be for another year at least... can't complain though... the reason would be we have no PTO remaining but that's because we'll be in Hawaii for 10 days following our wedding :-)

    I love Harry Potter! Harry Potter world is officially on my "to-do" list after our wedding.
    @gainskb- That's great about being in Hawaii following your wedding. Which island will you be visiting.
    For my wedding, we will be getting married on Oahu and our honeymoon will be on Kauai! I can't wait!

    We're going to Oahu! I get mixed reactions from people when I tell them that because traditionally people think of honeymoon's as all romance and beaches (and so we keep hearing you should have picked Maui). My fiance and I are not that kind of people though and I'm all about doing the tourist stuff and Oahu has Pearl Harbor, Diamond Head and the North Shore. And it really just isn't in our budget to do multiple islands. Plus we didn't want to have to spend a full day traveling between islands. I hate traveling.

    That's awesome that you're getting married there!! It will be absolutely beautiful! Have you ever been before? This will be my first time!
  • kalebsmama07
    kalebsmama07: you sound SUPER busy, i'm new to this so maybe i missed this, but how did an elopement turn into 25 guests. we haven't decided on if we're having a wedding "party" or not yet, at max we would have 2 people each standing up for us, but we're waiting to see who can come first. i have only one sister and she is really the only person i would want/need up there with me but my hubby-to-be has 2 brothers, so we can't exclude one....still working on that. it adds a lot more work though - i dread the bridesmaid dress ordeal, and i feel as though i would HAVE TO pay for the bridesmaid dresses because i really can't stand when "friends" of mine make me buy $200+ colorful chiffon and tell me "you'll wear it ALL the time" - Bull****, there are three of them in my closet i've never worn, haha!

    vanrunninggirl - well...our familys or should i say his very difficult to get along with sometimes....we wernt going to tell no one we were getting married...due to damned if we do and damned if we dont....if i invite certain ppl and if i dont with others there would be arguement with his family and the last thing we need is just tension with family....they support our marrige 100% after all next yr marks 10 yrs...but these ppl r just difficault over all...n ill say tomato they will say tomatoe...just to be diff....but i found out it was more anxiety for us to keep it in than to just tell now our intentions was on having like mabe 5 ppl and now we have a moh and best man n like 25 on top just showing up for the wedding when its like a 10 min ceremony...n not truelly what we want but we have just big tight nit families...who were very close with.....these 25 being the us.....i think as far as ur bridesmade situation ...they should pay for thier own dresses n be responsible for that,....if they choose to be apart of ur wedding...if u would perfer i would suggest to them if u want instead of payin for thier dress....offer to pay for thier shoes instead and mabe the jewlery to go with it,,,,less stress on u n ur wallet.....thats a suggestion.... i wish u luck.....
  • NurseNatalie2011

    Brides on a Mission: week 8 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)

    hahaha I just saw that I haven't changed the week in this session for a few weeks! Sorry. it is week 11!!!
  • NurseNatalie2011
    Brides on a Mission: week 8 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: weight in on Wed...ill be back!

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): On Saturday I did not eat seconds at my grandpa's bday party. It was such an accomplishment for me because I always over eat at things like that. And I only ate 1 cracker with cheese before dinner....there was so much food out before hand and I always would fill up on that before but not Saturday! And I got a B on my first community nursing exam! It was my first, last exam of nursing schoo!!!!

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Life got in the way on Saturday. I wanted to work out in the morning but between school, family, and the fiance it just didn't happen.

    4. Give a re-cap of your wedding (style/theme, location, amount of people, what you are most looking forward to): ballroom with 250-300 people. A semi-fall theme but no orange/yellow/red colors. Using "natural" looks mixed with moderness idea. I can't wait to walk down the aisle and see Greg's face!!!!!!

    5. Any wedding news updates: on hold with finishing school

    6. State a negative thought, and then change it into a positive thought: "I am not a size 6 and I want to be now" "I am now a size 10 when I used to be a size 16"

    7. What is your plan to stop change the negative into positive: Just thinking before I say stuff. And when someone else says something negative I will counter it with a postive!

    8. How did you do with the week 10 challenge (if you didn’t post a fav recipe post one now!): I posted! :)

    9. Weekly wrap up: super stressed with school and finding time to work out. I know I have been doing too much working out and need to put some of that time towards school. Every practice NCLEX question counts! I need to do them!!
  • elkmel
    elkmel Posts: 24

    We're going to Oahu! I get mixed reactions from people when I tell them that because traditionally people think of honeymoon's as all romance and beaches (and so we keep hearing you should have picked Maui). My fiance and I are not that kind of people though and I'm all about doing the tourist stuff and Oahu has Pearl Harbor, Diamond Head and the North Shore. And it really just isn't in our budget to do multiple islands. Plus we didn't want to have to spend a full day traveling between islands. I hate traveling.

    That's awesome that you're getting married there!! It will be absolutely beautiful! Have you ever been before? This will be my first time!

    One of my BM's lives in Oahu (her husband's in the army) and I got to visit her out there last May. There is so much to do! All of the things you mentioned are must-sees, and if you like pineapple, definitely visit the Dole Pineapple Plantation! They have a beautiful Hibiscus garden, and delicious pineapple ice cream!! If you like shrimp, be sure to eat from one of the shrimp trucks at some point (you'll see them on the side of the road, haha!) And the hawaiian take on "shave ice" is interesting - I wasn't a huge fan, but you might be! Oh! I don't know if you were/are a "Lost" fan, but they did a lot of the shooting on Oahu. You can hike up to the waterfall that was used in almost all of the waterfall scenes on the show (pretty easy hike, with lots of beautiful scenery on the way!) You can even swim when you reach the waterfall! I'll try to find out the name of it, because I can't remember right now. Before you even start the hike, there is a grassy area with peacocks grazing around, and you can get up pretty close to take photos. Sorry to ramble, I just got caught up in reminiscing, haha!
  • elkmel
    elkmel Posts: 24
    Question for the thread: I bought jewelry and purses for the gals in my bridal party and ties for the guys. Do you think I need anything additional for the guys? The best man got a barometer, since he likes that kind of thing. The dads said no to bother, but I thought I’d give them a wedding album of their own afterwards. My concern is the usher Geoff. My fiancé said he didn’t get anything at his sister and Geoff’s wedding….. So does that let us off the hook for him? Is the tie enough? I thought maybe giving him a copy of the wedding album too might be appreciated, like we’re doing with the Dads, since he and his sister live out of state and we don’t get see them very often.

    FEEL BETTER! It sounded like at least 25% of us has been sick the past week. Let’s hope everyone feels better and gets back on their feet soon.

    Elkmel – You sound just like me with the “control freak” comment. I’ve been orchestrating pretty much everything to do with the wedding. No decision can be made without my input! However, I do take people’s ideas to heart. I just want everything to be perfect! I’m doing my best to keep my nose out of the bridal shower…. But my mom and MOH keep asking for my opinion on things.:-P At least the shower planned on Dan’s side of the family will end up being a surprise.

    I'm letting FH decide what to get his groom's men. Does your guy have any ideas?

    I agree, I just want everything to be perfect! I have always been this way, though, not just for the wedding. It's always been hard for me to delegate tasks, because that means trusting someone else to do it, and I know if I just do it myself, then it will get done the way I want it to! haha. I have definitely been trying to consider any ideas that come up, though, because I know they are all coming from a good place, even if I don't agree with them. My FMIL has already made it clear that I am not going to know anything about the shower! haha, but I know they will make it great :smile:
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 11

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: about 2 lbs! Which is completely unexpected!!!

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Went shopping with my Mom and sister and bought a new pair of jeans, a awesome dress from Buckle and a new swimsuit!!! Was really happy to get the swimsuit that actually look good on me. No muffin top! haha!

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Binged hard core on friday night. My fiance was gone and I was bad. I felt SO sick afterwards and of course felt so guilty. Everything is fine now, talked to my best friend and we now have an understanding that we will call each other when we feel like we may binge.

    4. Give a re-cap of your wedding (style/theme, location, amount of people, what you are most looking forward to): My wedding is going to be at a large Manor with about 200-250 guests. I am getting married in the fall but have no interest in a fall theme wedding. (please no offense). Our ceremony will be outdoors at a gazebo and then inside for the party. We are having blue, white, light yellow, and purple flowers. We both know that the reason we are there is for the wedding ceremony, but really we are just focusing on throwing an amazing party to celebrate our union!

    5. Any wedding news updates: Haven't heard back from the florist yet... :( Not sure when to call?

    6. State a negative thought, and then change it into a positive thought: You are fat, compared to last are skinny. haha! I know not a very good one, but it was the best I could come up with at the time. :)

    7. What is your plan to stop change the negative into positive: Definitely just talking to my fiance or my best friend. They are both so good at taking my mind off it and twisting my negative mood around.

    8. How did you do with the week 10 challenge (if you didn’t post a fav recipe post one now!): You know I have been trying to think of one all week. And then it hit me that though I eat mostly healthy, I am not really one to have specific really healthy recipes, I really just control portion size.

    9. Weekly wrap up: It was a mostly good week. I realized that I need to get my butt in gear and finish planning this monstrous reception!
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    @vanrunninggirl and @gainskb: We are also going to Hawaii! Haven't set up anything yet, but I know we are going to island hop. We know we for sure we want to visit Oahu, Maui, and the Big Island. Of course we haven't really looked at prices yet...yike! I think my fiance and I are on the same page in that we want to have no regrets for our honeymoon, but we will see how things work themselves out!

    @elkmel Thanks for some ideas of what we should do!!!
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 8 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: I lost .4 ounces and that is really shocking after this weekend...I need to get on it harder and stronger so I can see more!!! im sure it will happen if I can just get it all under control!!! wish me luck!!!

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): last week we met wtih two photographers and they both were nice and amazing!! eeeekkkkk...started Turbo Fire everyday and LoVE IT!!!! AND I spent this last weekend scrapbooking with a few of my faves!! and started my engagement book of our story and some of the planning aspects of the wedding that we have accomplished so far!! :))

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): UGH someone has my SSN and was taking money from me AND now trying to open up accounts in my name!!! UGH...I have also kinda been i a rut and I find myself bing more negative than usual so IDK what to do wtih my negativety and my insecurity...soo any tips would greatly be appreciated!!!

    4. Give a re-cap of your wedding (style/theme, location, amount of people, what you are most looking forward to): umm theme: its kinda a modern elegant romantic theme I guess....the wedding will be in May and outdoors and then inside for a ballroom reception of about 250-300 people (I am hoping maybe less but who knows??) I am doing tall flowers on 1/2 the tables and tall wine candelebra's on the other half...i have a few corny sayings that I love and I want to place them throughout the reception....soo no real theme just navy and fuschia everywhere.....i cant wait to see his face when he sees me for the first time!!! :)) AND when we say our vows and kiss and I become Mrs. Casey Turley!!!

    5. Any wedding news updates: NOT really...we are meeting wtih photographers last week and two more this week...soo we shall soon have a decision on the photographer thing!!! :)) my MOH and his sister is in town for a day or two so we are going to look at the sites and kinda have a brainstorming meeting to get our ideas out there and see if it will fit or work in the space!!!

    6. State a negative thought, and then change it into a positive thought: OH gosh I def need help in this area!!! UGH....i cant do this...i can do this!!! i know its simple but i rarely say that..

    7. What is your plan to stop change the negative into positive:IDK that is what I need to figure out how to not be so negative OR insecure all the time...any tips on that???

    8. How did you do with the week 10 challenge (if you didn’t post a fav recipe post one now!): I did post it!! and last week on my breaks at work I did 30 crunches and pushups ( i know its not 100 but I am going to start doing more on my breaks at work!!!)

    9. Weekly wrap up: overall busy stressful week and it looks like ihs week will be much the same :0(
  • heels24
    heels24 Posts: 37 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 11 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 1.1 pounds
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Date night on Friday night with FH and lots of hanging out with friends over the weekend.
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Having a breakdown on while out on Tuesday night with FH where I felt fat and disgusting (definitely need to work on the turning negative thinking into positive). So thankful for you all and your words of encouragement after that night.
    4. Give a re-cap of your wedding (style/theme, location, amount of people, what you are most looking forward to): Ceremony on a deck that overlooks the water on the coast of NC. Cocktail hour outside on the deck and reception inside (but still can see the water through the windows) Southern beach chic is what I’m going for. Not too formal, guys will be wearing khaki suits. Expecting about 150 people. Looking forward to having family and friends all down at the beach together and the big party that the reception will be. Most looking forward to seeing him when I walk down the aisle.
    5. Any wedding news updates: FH is planning the honeymoon and is making it a surprise for me (ie I won't know where we're going until we get to the airport). He said this past week he’s very close to having something booked.
    6. State a negative thought, and then change it into a positive thought: Thinking “I feel disgusting, I should just give up” and instead think “You having been working so hard, and look so much better already. You can do this”
    7. What is your plan to stop change the negative into positive: Be more conscious of when I have a negative thought and turn it into positive immediately. Just allow myself to be more positive in general.
    8. How did you do with the week 10 challenge (if you didn’t post a fav recipe post one now!): Posted Guilt Free Faux Fries recipe :)
    9. Weekly wrap up: It’s going to be a super busy week at work, FH is going away with his friends for St Pats on Thursday so hoping to get lots of working out and other errands done while he’s gone.
  • NicolioRussell
    I'm having honeymoon airfare blues!! Why is it going to cost $600 to fly roundtrip to Disney? :-(