I need some guidance!!

Trying to figure out what I need to change to change my clothing sizes! I'm not as concerned with the number on the scale (although seeing it drop 22 lbs would be nice) as I am with the fact that my clothes are not fitting any better and they definately aren't going down in size! I've tried to vary my workout, I've added additional cardio to my workout and yet nothing. I've been keeping to my calories like I should... so I'm just lost!!


  • mreardon2996
    mreardon2996 Posts: 16 Member
    Are you lifting weights or doing ab routines- what exactly are you doing to lose the weight?
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    Hard to offer suggestions when we can't see your diary or exercise history. Can you make your diary public so we can see what a normal day looks like? Maybe then we can offer some feedback. :happy:
  • ratkaj
    ratkaj Posts: 166 Member
    What are you currently doing? Just cardio isn't enough to make that large of a difference, you should be doing some cross training too with 5-10-or 15 lb weights. Protein intake is important too! You need protein to build muscles when then take up less space than the fatty tissue that was there previously... thus losing inches.
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    So I started out with doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred 7 days a week and a 1200 calorie diet (plus all my exercise calories) in Oct 09... lost 60 lbs up too Apr 10. Slacked off into maintainance mode and maintained my weight up until Sept 10 when I had surgery... from Sept 10 to Feb 11 I had gained back just under 20 lbs.... So I kicked it into gear and did 2 weeks of Jillians 30 day shred... at week 3 I introduced her 6 Week 6 Pack abs and have been alternating the two workouts using a 3 lb weight along with 45-60 min of elliptical 4-5 times a week!