Sugar intake

:flowerforyou: can someone tell me if i go over my sugar allowance every day but still remain within my 1200 calories, does this affect my weight loss?


  • AZiemba
    AZiemba Posts: 17
    I'm over on my sugar every day! I've lost 4 pounds over the last 2 weeks since I've joined and as far as I know, that's the exact rate you should be losing at so I think as long as you remain under calories, you should be good. I also make sure I'm always under on fat. Also, I go through my sugar and subtract the grams that come from fruit and vegetables since it's only refined sugars that are bad for you (although I'm usually still over on my sugar).

    I can't speak for the long term effects since I've only been at it for 2 weeks, but so far so good. I presume once I plateau, sugar would be one of the things I Need to look at adjusting first.
  • pdcarrell
    pdcarrell Posts: 101
    IDK I'd like to know as well! Seems like Sugar is going to be the death of me It's horrible to cause I'm not trying to eat sweets it's just a lot of things have sugar in them and I seem to go over every day!
  • newjmf
    newjmf Posts: 78
    It depends on WHY you are going over in your sugar allowance....if it's from natural sugars (from FRESH fruit or FRESH veggies, then don't sweat it. If it's from processed or refined sugar, then YES, it will affect your weight loss negatively. EXAMPLE: I gave up drinking coffee with Coffeemate Flavored creamer (English Toffee) and I lost 3 pounds the first week I stopped! Now, I use Splenda ONLY and Silk Soymilk for my creamer (and I no longer drink coffee everyday). Some may argue that Splenda is just as bad for you as regular sugar. Everyone's opinion varies on the topic.
  • Mo120
    Mo120 Posts: 20
    Same here! Try as I might, I always end up the day with a red number in the sugar column! I thought I was going to have a hard time with my sodium when I started because I love salty food, but no, it was sugar! Not by too much, maybe like 20 grams, but still, it's hard! And I noticed that ever since I added the sugar column in my food diary, my sugar consumption went down (I checked in the reports section), so it's still an improvement to keep track of your sugar even though you go over a little bit.
  • mandykasase
    mandykasase Posts: 110
    i was worried that i might be taking in too much sugar as i have not been losing a lot so i added it on yesterday. i'm already over my allowance before dinner. I noticed it in things like my non-fat milk, fruit, even my bran flakes, so now i have to try and find and replace the culprits. Not going to be easy.
  • ladybug2020
    ladybug2020 Posts: 83 Member
    I am still new to this... I think I've seen the part that your talking about before but now I can't find it. Where do you look to see sugar, etc for the day and what it should be? Thanks
  • ladybug2020
    ladybug2020 Posts: 83 Member
    Nevermind I found it again :tongue: