She said I was a whale!

Hello everyone out there! I have a good 13-15 pounds I want to throw to the curb.....for good! At my heaviest I weighed 184lbs. I joined Weight Watchers and reached "their" goal weight for me 148lbs. I was able to keep it off for a good while, but one day I woke up and I was at 179lbs. I went to see my doctor a year ago and she said, "You look good, I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO SEE YOU AT 150LBS, but you look good." Nice compliment sandwich, the only part I heard was the middle (You Look Like a Whale). Soooo, for a bout a year now ive been changed how much I eat. I also have become a HUGE fan of Beachbody. Im currenly on my 8th week of Turbo Fire and am down to 163lbs (with clothes on) 161lbs (in my birthday suit). Prior to TB I did Brazil Butt Lift, Turbo Jam and Chalean Extreme.


  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    Sounds like you know what you are doing, so the doc can stick her stethoscope! :smile: So glad to hear you love Beach Body; I'm about to sign up as a coach so I can get some huge discounts on the workouts. Congrats on your progress so far!
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    Hello everyone out there! I have a good 13-15 pounds I want to throw to the curb.....for good! At my heaviest I weighed 184lbs. I joined Weight Watchers and reached "their" goal weight for me 148lbs. I was able to keep it off for a good while, but one day I woke up and I was at 179lbs. I went to see my doctor a year ago and she said, "You look good, I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO SEE YOU AT 150LBS, but you look good." Nice compliment sandwich, the only part I heard was the middle (You Look Like a Whale). Soooo, for a bout a year now ive been changed how much I eat. I also have become a HUGE fan of Beachbody. Im currenly on my 8th week of Turbo Fire and am down to 163lbs (with clothes on) 161lbs (in my birthday suit). Prior to TB I did Brazil Butt Lift, Turbo Jam and Chalean Extreme.

    maybe you're failing to see that whales are beautiful creatures.
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    That's great- I am a huge fan of them too- Chalene, Turbo Jam/Kick/Fire
    Listen to the motivational CD and track 7 in the middle- she tells my story- but sadly I let a few sizes slip back so here I am !
    Did your doctor SAY you're a whale? REALLY?
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    She didn't say you were a whale. She said you looked good, but she'd like to see you at 150lbs. That's a very polite way of putting it; I'm sorry you took it badly.
  • deema79
    deema79 Posts: 108
    No! lol. She just wants me to get to a healty weight. I interpreted it that way. I basically felt like I let myself down and a big failure. I was at my goal weight and got comfortable. I eat pretty healthy, I just eat too much of it if I dont track it.
    Im going to get there again.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Funny, I didn't read anywhere that your doctor said you are a whale.

    Personally, I'd love it if a doctor had mentioned losing weight to me BEFORE I had so much to lose because when I was at the point of just needing to lose 30ish pounds I had no idea how unhealthy it was (and was too depressed to do much about it without someone giving me a huge wakeup call).

    It sounds like she was very polite to you... much more polite than you are being to those of us with more than "10 or 15 pounds to lose" by referring to yourself as a whale.
  • deema79
    deema79 Posts: 108
    I apologize if I offended anybody. It was NOT my intention at all. Ive struggled with my weight as an adult. I have been overweight, I go up and come back down. I want to finally get it down and keep it there. I know that there are many people that have alot more weight to lose than me. I joined this site to help me lose that last bit of my weight.
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    not offended- but self talk can really mess us up a lot. You are not a mind reader and I doubt the doctor felt you are or were a whale.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I apologize if I offended anybody. It was NOT my intention at all. Ive struggled with my weight as an adult. I have been overweight, I go up and come back down. I want to finally get it down and keep it there. I know that there are many people that have alot more weight to lose than me. I joined this site to help me lose that last bit of my weight.

    Not offended here... sorry that I am a little cranky today. :)

    I do know that there are many here who have been humiliated and called names much more than I have... and have a really hard time asking for weight loss support because of it. Just consider this my PSA to not talk about how gross, disgusting, "whale"ish, etc. you are whether you have 10, 25, 50, or 100+ pounds to lose. (and by you, I mean anyone not just the OP). Honestly (as my dh always points out to me when I do it at home)... all calling yourself names does is make you feel worse about yourself... and that doesn't help with motivation to turn things around either. I know it is tough when you don't like the way you look... I've been there for years now... but I am *trying* to change my mind along with all of the other changes. I am sorry that came out a little too bluntly to you too.
  • deema79
    deema79 Posts: 108
    @melodyg: I left the part out that me and my husband were talking about having another baby. When I spoke to my doctor she advised against it at that weight. I come from a long line of overweight women with related health problems. My mother takes countless medicines for high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, coronary artery disease and diabetes (insulin dependent). I also have two sisters with similar health problems.
    I took my doctors advise and changed my eating habits and started working out at least five days a week; im at six now.

    I understand how hard it is because I have fluctuated with my weigh, but I just work harder. My doctor just lit a fire under my butt and im happy for it. Above all I need to be a good example for my daughter.
  • antzlady01
    I understand completely! Sometimes 15 pounds can be life or death , especially with a bad family medical history. I have a cousin who is barely 140 lbs and he is now diabetic. We sometimes need a reality check. Losing weight is hard whether its 15 or 30 pounds. I love my husband and if I ask him am I fat he would look me straight in the eye and say " No baby , I love you !" which translates to ," Get off my lap youre too heavy!" I finally hit rock bottom and faced the fat it is no longer okay to be the Chubby Princess. I no longer wanted to be 36 with diabetes , high blood pressure, and a fatty liver. At that rate I would be exiting earlier than scheduled. Talking about loving yourself to death. Losing weight is a battle no matter how small or large. I look around and see so many young kids overweight and its scary. Lets break the chain and show them you can live healthy at any age. We are all in the same boat just different sizes. You might have a little dingy and I might have a ocean liner. LOL:happy: