weird weight gain??

I have been eating the right amount of calories. I didn't exercise two days ago and I've been exercising for 30 minutes or so everyday (got lazy last week). I've been over on sodium almost everyday.
I exercised yesterday for an hour.
So two days ago, I weight in and it said I gained 2 pounds.
I weighed in today and it said I lost 1 of those pounds.

What's going on? Is it water weight or too much sodium??


  • TiffanyW1014
    TiffanyW1014 Posts: 614 Member
    Well the water will follow the salt so if you cut back on your sodium it should help alot. I say drink a lot of water and really push the extra salt out. I'm a big salt eater and when I have weird weigh-ins like that it is 99.9% of the time my fault for consuming to much sodium.
  • loriefolk
    loriefolk Posts: 352
    Sodium causes water retention. ALWAYS try to keep your sodium level around 1500 mg unless you're really working up a sweat. Then, up it to 1750.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    You can be Plus or minus 5lbs on any given day. Weigh yourself infrequently(once a week) and when it is consistently lower, it's true weight loss.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Like TiffanyF stated, it's water weight from too much sodium. Extra water intake will flush out excess fluid retention and exercise will excrete sodium in the sweat as well. Weight fluctuates for various reasons, water weight being the most common.
  • TeriTee
    TeriTee Posts: 38
    It'll probably balance out over the next few days - it could be a million different things. Also, I love your Aqua Teens ticker (and I play Black Ops too haha).
  • stewchick
    stewchick Posts: 14
    Hi...I'm trying to post on the board (first time)...I'm under the Community tab and can see other posts, but don't see an option for me to post...can you help? Thx