What are your personal goals?!?!

GettingThin08 Posts: 370
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
What are your personal goals?!?!

Mine are....
~ Stop biting my nails
~ Stop thinking neg. all the time
~ Lose atleast 70 Lbs
~ Drink nothing but water

Thats all I have for right now...I wanna get this done by October 6, 2009....So whats yalls?!?!


  • What are your personal goals?!?!

    Mine are....
    ~ Stop biting my nails
    ~ Stop thinking neg. all the time
    ~ Lose atleast 70 Lbs
    ~ Drink nothing but water

    Thats all I have for right now...I wanna get this done by October 6, 2009....So whats yalls?!?!
  • I now know that I need to lighten up and not be too serious all the time.:frown:

  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    - to lose a total of 82 lbs (29 gone, 53 to go!) and be healthy
    - to be more confident
    - to live in the now, and not be so stressed all the time
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Hmmm, now lets see what I've already accomplished over the years:
    I used to bite my nails, stopped that 14 years ago :happy:
    I used to smoke, wn home - done that Feb'07 :happy:
    I wanted 2 dogs and watch them grow and train them from puppies, done that :happy:

    Now, my aspirations for the next year or so:
    Learn to drive, always wanted to, since I was 17, I'm now 35, but hey, I finally got my provisional license:laugh:
    Lose this excess weight, I've been yo-yoing for years, since I was 18, now, it's time for the slim me from within to come out and shout 'I WILL BE SEEN' and lose it all once and for all! I have 93 pounds to go and I CAN do it :bigsmile:

    Win the lottery and declare world peace (well, we can all dream can't we?) :bigsmile:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    -- 50 pounds off by June 5, 2009
    -- 60 loss total.
    -- Total victory over this nemesis forever.
  • Well, lets see...
    I want/need to:

    ~Have a healthy and positive routine for my two lil girls

    ~Loose 30lbs by my birthday(december 18th)

    ~Make ME Time for being creative, and going out with husband and friends, and more.

    ~Read up more on how to raise children

    ~Start spending more time on my physical self

    ~Start spending more time on cleaning and decorating to clear some stresses and have nicer things to look at!

    ~Stop biting my nails

    ~Start focusing on the future and a possible career.

    ~Start being more PROACTIVE and POSITIVE

    Yep that's a LOT! But lil things here and there:)
  • MFS27
    MFS27 Posts: 549 Member
    - Climb Half Dome (tried this spring - got snowed out - darn it!)
    - Swim Alcatraz Shark Fest next summer
    - Hike Death Valley next spring
    - Start training for a full marathon in Jan 09, and compete in the Honolulu Marthon either 2009 or 2010 (I'm NOT a runner, so this would be a feat of mass porportions for me.)
    - Learn how to cook Thai food
  • innocent75
    innocent75 Posts: 57 Member
    I have completed some life goals and still have a bunch (probably like everyone else)

    My future goals are:
    -See the Grand Canyon
    -Get my MBA
    -Find a career I have a job, but I want a career that I love doing :happy:
    -Tell my wife I love her every day (IMHO you can never tell the ones you love enough.... there will come a time you can't tell them that face to face)
    -Start a family
    - To live each day to its fullest

    These are just my big goals. There are many others, but we can never complete enerything in life we want to.
  • christelpistol
    christelpistol Posts: 246 Member
    i've found that when i make a list like this, it helps to say it like i already own it.

    i weigh X.
    i am a non-smoker.
    i am creative.
    i have a clean house.
    i enjoy the adventure of life.

    you'd be surprised the way things just start to fall into place.
  • dadoftwins
    dadoftwins Posts: 16 Member
    Off the top of my head:

    - keep exercising to keep my mood up
    - finally drop the weight - 30 lbs by my birthday (march 26)
    - teach the kids to be healthy too
    - get the d--m garage cleaned out
    - find a way to cram 10 hrs of activities into 6 hrs
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