First timer on MFP

Looking for some MFP buddies to keep track with as I work towards my goals! Some background of myself, 28/M/5'4" @ 181.5 pounds, my journey started at 245 pounds back in July 2009. Been working out vigorously and dieting since then to where I am today, I have an event coming soon Gran Fondo San Diego Century Event I cannot wait for that!

Wish I knew of MFP it would have made my life easier on tracking my intakes haha, glad to be on board now as I work towards the final stretch to 150!!!


Note: My 2 pictures in my profile is Day 0 and 1 year mark.


  • Bigesfox
    Bigesfox Posts: 2 Member
    This is my first time also! Wishing you all the best!:wink:
  • marianeo
    marianeo Posts: 161 Member
    Welcome to both of you! All th ebest in your weight loss journey!
  • shan2bthin
    shan2bthin Posts: 68 Member
    Great job and keep up the hard work! Have a great time at your event. :smile: