Homemade Protein Bars

smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
You have been asking - so here it is. It's not my original recipe. I found it on here....
They didn't turn out all that bad. Always room for tweeking. Maybe a little more liquid to hold them together a little more. An extra egg white? A little more syrup? Here is the recipe. Raisins might be good in them if you're ok with the extra sugar.

1/2 c Natural Peanut Butter
1 c dry oatmeal
6 scoops of protein powder (I used 4 of my vanilla and two of my chocolate)
5T light corn Syrup
2 uncooked egg whites

mix oats and protein powder.
In another bowl, nuke peanut butter and corn syrum for 45 sec.
pour the peanut butter mixture in with the oats mixture. Add egg whites and mix together. Get dirty and get your hands in there and kneed the dough. It's pretty tough to mix with a spoon.
Press into casserole dish I use an 8 x 8, cover and freeze for about an hour.
Cut into 6 pieces.
Keep in the freezer until ready to eat.

You can look at my food diary if you want the breakdown of the protein/carbs/fat/cal but it's going to vary depending on what you put in yours.

Hope you like them.
