for the biggest loser 300 pound peeps-not pretty stuff

have any of you had any instant side effects after doing a particularly good burn? I ate well before walk and swimming and made sure i left it three hours before going so i didnt make my self ill.....

i often see biggest loser contenstants wanting to throw up but im having the opposite end ...:blushing: if you know what i mean.

anyone else know if this is normal or am i allergic to excersise :laugh:

ill read this later....erm i gotta go.......................................................................................................................


  • mazomama
    mazomama Posts: 138 Member
    Oh man, sorry for ya! I highly doubt your allergic to working out however.

    Have you ever been checked for IBS?

    Anxiety & stress can both trigger the symptoms.
  • biddysaurus
    biddysaurus Posts: 160 Member
    When I was running long distances (training for marathon) that happened to me a lot after long runs....and it appears to be common for distance runners. I'm not sure what causes it though...I always thought it was all the jarring of running aggravating my belly.
  • 40notFatty
    I think this is fairly normal. It sounds like your digestive system is just doing its job, it should take about 4 hours for food to 'pass through' so it sounds about right. If it doesn't settle down though and is worrying you, you should visit your doctor just to get checked out.
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    are you drinking more water than you are used to. it could be it wasnt the exercise, but maybe what you ate or drank..
  • mexiana
    mexiana Posts: 77 Member
    OH MY! Exercise in general gets your bowels moving, I don't usually have to run to the bathroom DURING a workout but I definitely go more often. Think about it, did you add a lot of fruit and veggies to your day? More fiber = more 'movement' there :wink: PLUS moving your body more makes the bowels move more. Where do you think all those pounds are going anyways???

    The first month or so your body will adjust. When I first started I was running to go pee every 20 minutes because of all the water I was drinking. After about a month however I no longer had to get up to go several times a night (which I did pre-lifechange because of the SODA I was drinking) and now I actually sleep through the night from 9ish to 6ish without having to go pee! It's wonderful :happy:
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    Sounds like exercise induced diarreah. You can read about it here: .
  • nixxy74
    nixxy74 Posts: 106
    ok i havent drank as much water as i should.but still right out of changing after swimming i was trying to find the ladies!! :laugh: :sick:

    I cant put it down to just swimming because the eliptical trainer does this to me also. i will happily open up my diary if you add me.but apart from lack of water i cant see why. I am not so bad an eater and have never had a problem there.just excersise so now im going i have to wonder wtf is going on. I used to suffer with ibs but that was years ago and got a handle on it. Im not stressed in fact im happier for changing my life.

    i guess if jillian micheals was my trainer she would say ..yeh good you're being sick...and smile and smirk.But its actually annoying. Although the weigh in is gonna be good :bigsmile: